Job Profile
Position: Head of Learning
Hours: Initially 4 days / week with an aspiration to make the post full time.
Grade: PO2/35 - £33583 pro rata
Reports to: The Director
Responsible for: The management and development of Learning through the Settlement’s established programmes and as a cross-settlement theme.
Learning is a key component of the work of Blackfriars Settlement as enabling increased educational achievement underpins our desire to create opportunities for local people. This new post is an opportunity for a creative innovator to expand our service into new curriculum areas, to develop learning as a feature of each of our services, of our staff’s own development and to contribute to building the long term sustainability of the Settlement. Therefore, the Purpose of the Job is:
· To lead and take overall responsibility for the Learning Service; both day to day and in strategic development, ensuring that the courses we deliver are of the highest possible standard and identifying and developing new areas of work
· To lead on fundraising and income generation for the Service
· To contribute as Head of Service, to the strategic management of the Settlement to ensure a linked and innovative approach to all services.
· To ensure that the Learning Service contributes to the Settlement’s role as a Community Anchor, supporting social integration and cohesion.
· To ensure excellent quality of provision and continuous quality improvement.
· To ensure an outstanding experience for our very diverse student body.
Background to the Appointment of a
Head of Learning
at Blackfriar’s Settlement
Blackfriars Settlement was founded, as The University Women’s Settlement, in 1887 by a group of young women who had recently completed their studies at Oxford, Cambridge and London Universities. They were of a privileged social background and education and in common with many others they decided to spend some time after their studies giving something back to the deprived communities of London through the Settlement Movement.
Education has always been a significant part of these Settlements and our own intrepid founders said this of their aims: "We will promote the welfare of the poorer districts of London, more especially of the women and children, by devising and advancing schemes which tend to elevate them, and by giving them additional opportunities in education and recreation". Which, with the exception of some of the archaic language, is pretty much how we describe what we do today!
The appointment of a new Head of Learning is a once in a generation opportunity to develop our existing Learning and Development Service in response to our new Strategic Plan (Attached) We want all those who come in to contact with the Settlement to benefit from Learning as an embedded feature in the whole organisation; continuing to enable people with limited English to break through the language barrier or those with little success in the job market to acquire the skills and qualification they doubted would ever be theirs and this become economically active . We want to bring creativity to the Settlement through non-vocational courses in the Arts, music and literature, and to resource our new staff development programme in innovative and challenging ways which will enable all people o respond to the opportunities we create.
This is Learning for all
Are you the person to lead us on this journey? There are limits to our funding and so we can only offer 4 days/ week but the successful candidate will so enliven our Learning Together that soon we expect to offer a full time post. Will you take the risk? It’s a risk taker we are looking for!
For an informal chat about the opportunity, please contact Dr Mark Beach, the Settlement’s Director on 0207 960 4601 or 07957 584856.
Main Duties and Responsibilities
1) In common with all Settlement staff
Blackfriars Settlement expresses its historic roots and contemporary service through its Five Aims and Objectives which are underpinned by our Code of Conduct. Members, Volunteers and Staff are expected to adhere to these foundational documents in order that all may have the best possible experience of the Settlement.
Our teams, of both staff and volunteers, will share their knowledge, act together for the good of the team, and support each other’s weaknesses while celebrating their strengths
Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion comes not from the statute book but out of a deep conviction that all are created equally and have a right to be treated as such.
2) Particular to this post
a) Service Leadership
i) To organise, set up and oversee the delivery of quality, flexible and positive programmes for learners, which use appropriate teaching methods and materials and which enable learners to develop skills, knowledge and confidence to achieve their learning goals
ii) To take responsibility for the initiation of the Self-Assessment Report and initiating and implementing the overarching quality development plan.
iii) To identify research and deliver new courses, building on the strengths of the Service to increase diversity of provision.
b) Staff
i) To take responsibility for the management and development of staff within the Learning Service
ii) To line manage the Learning Service team and carry out effective support and supervision and to use the Settlement Staff Development process to agree personal objectives and organisational targets
iii) To hold regular curriculum team meetings and service reviews
iv) To take part in all aspects of staff and volunteer recruitment
v) To be responsible for the induction, probation, appraisal and professional development of staff within the team.
c) Teaching
i) Overall responsibility for all aspects of teaching provided by the service. From recruitment and enrolment through to celebrating successful outcomes.
ii) Central to this is efficient record keeping using both the Settlements own Impact Recording Database and external funders requirements
d) Resources
i) To set and manage annual budgets, monitoring income & expenditure against the agreed annual budget on a quarterly basis to contribute to end quarter reports to the Settlement’s Finance Sub-Group
ii) Overall responsibility for monitoring tutor paperwork and records, maintaining auditable documentation in line with funding body requirements and for providing monitoring information and written reports to the funding bodies for audit purposes and as required
iii) To liaise with awarding bodies and take responsibility for all correspondence and work related to centre approval, exams and examination requirements for Learning and Development accreditation programmes
e) Income Generation and Fundraising
i) To secure income through grants and contracts to deliver the work of the service.
ii) To have responsibility for preparation of Project outlines for developments included in the service Business & Growth Plans.
iii) To work with others in the Settlement to develop a convincing case for support by individuals and businesses with a particular focus on the establishment of a student bursary fund.
iv) To promote fundraising initiatives led by students and others
f) Marketing & Promotion of Service
i) Overall responsibility for the promotion of the Learning Service within the Settlement and externally, including outreach, social media and publicity
3) Settlement Management
a) To participate with management colleagues in the planning and management of Settlement as appropriate, particularly though a commitment to the Settlement Management Team in its regularly meetings and other events as may be planned from time to time.
b) To contribute to the implementation of a co-production model of delivery and ensure that the learning aspects of cross-settlement activities and partnerships are embedded in these activities.
c) To develop and maintain good management practices by taking up training opportunities and participating in management team reviews.
d) To attend and participate in all Settlement staff meetings and events and relevant external events
4) Personal Development
a) To attend regular One to One meetings with the Director and take part in the annual staff development programme and to engage in personal development as may be agreed.
b) To be consulted by other line managers on personal training goals for staff members.
Head of Learning
Person Specification
In order to undertake this role, the post holder will be able to demonstrate relevant skills, knowledge and abilities to meet the following person specification.
1) Qualifications
· Possession of a degree and/or a recognised teaching qualification
2) Knowledge, experience and abilities
· At least 3 years’ experience of delivering education and training to adults, including individuals with special needs.
· A minimum of 3 years’ experience of educational management whether publically funded, through grant making trusts or by individuals
· Knowledge of the issues faced by groups traditionally marginalised in society and facing barriers to employment or actively engaging in community activities
· Proven experience of working with funding body monitoring systems
· A track record of successful materials development and curriculum innovation on programmes for Adult Learners
· Experience of providing advice, guidance and support to Adult Learners
· Experience of liaising with awarding bodies and working with different schemes of accreditation
· Extensive administrative, organisational and resource management skills to ensure the smooth running of the service and to meet the information requirements of the Settlement and its funding bodies
· Proven ability to lead, motivate and develop staff within a context of rapid change
· A track record of successful innovation and development.
· A high level of interpersonal skills and the ability to flourish through working with teams.
· A sound knowledge of information and learning technologies
· Experience of liaising with a variety of statutory, voluntary and community organisations
· A commitment to the Settlement’s equal opportunities policies and the ability to translate this into practice, e.g. in relation to quality, equality and partnership.