North Wiltshire Conservative Association Ballot
12th-29th January 2006
Dear Fellow Conservative,
Many of you will have received a letter signed by three people claiming to speak on behalf of sectors of the North Wiltshire Conservative Association. Incidentally, this has been sent in blatant violation of Party rules. The letter’s allegations are pretty insubstantial, but we do want to set the record straight on one or two of them, to avoid any unfair manipulation of your vote:

  1. “That a ‘No’ vote in the ballot would mean James Gray being considered alongside other candidates.” This is simply not true and grossly misleading. If James were to lose the ballot, he would be required to stand down at the next Election. We would then be faced with selecting and supporting another candidate, possibly new to the area and new to politics, with all the expense and turmoil that would follow.
  2. “That the Executive Council failed to reselect him”. They did fail to do so: by a margin of one. The result was therefore the view of only sixteen people, rather than the 850 voting members of the Association who are being consulted in the ballot, or the 26000 constituents who elected James as their MP in 2005.
  3. “That an independent candidate may stand against James at the election.” There is no evidence for that whatsoever, but even if it were to be true, it is hard to believe that it would have any significant effect on the outcome.
  4. "That James lacks political judgement.” Surely the fact that Michael Howard, the Chief Whip and Lord King have all endorsed him this week, added to the fact that the Prime Minister has recently appointed him to The Council of Europe, belies this claim.
  5. It is a disgraceful lie to suggest that he used Sarah’s illness to “curry favour” during the last election. He mentioned it once – when he and all the candidates were asked, during a Chippenham Church meeting on the day Sarah was diagnosed, what was the one thing they would ask the congregation to pray for. He asked for prayers for Sarah, yet he is now vilified for it. We believe that was the right thing to do. Of all of the unfair accusations against James, we most resent this disgraceful suggestion that he made Party political advantage out of Sarah’s illness. That is simply not true.
  6. “That he issues Press releases without consulting local councillors.” That is quite correct. But it is vital that the MP should have the right to comment independently, and immediately, when appropriate. We have found him always ready to listen carefully to local councillors, and to work hand in glove with us.

It may be worth noting that the three signatories to this maverick letter fail to make any substantive attack on James’ record as an MP locally or nationally. Instead they focus on petty local and personal gripes of one kind or another.
We ask that you ignore their letter in deciding how you will cast your vote in the ballot, perhaps preferring to base your judgement on a letter which one of the signatories, Jane Cox sent to James only last April, and which may be more typical of general opinion across the constituency. She said:

“James….. Thank you so much for your letter and actions. We’ll keep you in touch and much appreciate your help… Thank you for your constructive approach, which is much appreciated.”

Yours sincerely,
John Manners-Bell, Former Vice-Chairman NWCA, Chairman Brinkworth Branch
Steve Bucknell, Former Chairman NWCA, Chairman Wootton Bassett Branch
Gerard Churchhouse, Former Branch Chairman, Colerne
Chris Wannell, District and Town Councillor
Arnie Fry, Honorary Vice President NWCA
Ernie Taylor, Town Councillor
Peter Roberts, Town and District Councillor
Professor Roger Scruton, Brinkworth resident
Sophie Scruton, District Councillor
Mollie Groom, County Councillor