It’s great that you’re considering inviting your MP to your Big Brekkie event. Inviting your MP to your event will let them know you care about Christian Aid’s work with refugees and encourage your MP to speak up for refugees in parliament. We will also be hosting an event in Parliament for MPs on 26 April, where we will be letting them know about Big Brekkie events taking place in their constituency. If you are inviting your MP to your event, it would be great if you can email to let us know the details.

You can use the text below to email your MP, or feel free to draft your own – make sure to include all the details of your event, and explain why it is important for them to attend.

If you are not sure who the MP for your local area is, you can look it up here.

Draft text to invite your MP to a Big Brekkie event

Dear (your MP name),

I am writing to invite you to attend the (name of your organisation)’s Big Brekkie event, as part of Christian Aid Week 2017. The event is taking place on (date), at (start time) until (end time),at (location). We will be (describe the event).

We are holding this Big Brekkie event in support of Christian Aid Week, which is taking place from 14 – 20 May 2017. We will be raising money to support Christian Aid’s work with refugees such as Nejebar, who fled Afghanistan after her husband was threatened with torture and death for working as a teacher employed by the government. They and their five children are now living in a camp in Greece. Christian Aid is helping refugees in Greece by providing hot meals, water and washing facilities, and cash to refugee communities living in freezing conditions. Christian Aid partners are also providing legal protection services to unaccompanied children and families on the Greek mainland. Our Big Brekkie event will be raising money to support this important work.

It would be great to see you at our event. Please RSVP to (yourcontact details).

There will also be a Big Brekkie event taking place in Portcullis House, Room M, on 26 April. You are invited to drop in for breakfast between 8:30am and 12:30pm to meet Christian Aid staff and find out more about Christian Aid’s work with refugees. If you would like more information, please contact .

I hope to see you on (your event date).