Meeting Minute for IEEE 802.15.5 WPAN Mesh

Monterey Interim Meeting

10:30AM: January 17 Tuesday, 2005

a.  Chair John Boot called the meeting to order.

b.  Myung Lee volunteered the secretary.

c.  The meeting agenda approved (15-04-0698).

d.  The Group approved unanimously the last meeting minute (San Antonio, 15-04-0660).

e.  Discussion ensued on the call for proposals. First issue was to draft the selection criteria document.

f.  Guido Hiertz commented that high rate and low rate may be separated due to their distinct applications. Van Haasty also opinioned that widely varying technical requirements of low-rate and high rate technologies deserve decoupling of high and low rate criteria.

g.  John asked the group which one of the two we should work on considering limited resources of our group? Guido suggested to first send the CFP out and see how many and which area responses to decide which one to work on first.

h.  Then, John went over TG4a do0232-07-004a selection criteria and explained the extra provision made in 802.4a group “Poison pill” to prevent potential dead-lock during the selection process. He asked whether we consider the similar in TG5? Group in general felt it not necessary. Dan shared his observation that in network level standard activity he hasn’t seen any grid-lock.

i.  Guido moved to adopt 4a selection criteria except “poison pill” clause. Van Haasty seconded. The motion was carried unanimously.

j.  The Group confirmed that these important deadline dates for call for intent and call for proposal.

Call for Intent: Friday 11, March 2005

Call for proposal: Friday 13, May 2005.

k.  Guido motioned and Van seconded not to schedule TG5 meeting overlapping with 11s, considering substantial percentage of group members also participated in 802.11s task group meetings. The Chair will discuss with 11s Chair Donald Eastlake.

l.  Recess until 1:30PM

8:00 PM: January 20 Thursday, 2005

a.  Chair John Boot called the meeting to order

b.  Myung Lee volunteered Secretary.

c.  Chair discussed Down Selection document (15-05-0072-01). One editorial correction is made in flow diagram the proposal presentation time from 60 to 120 minutes. Darryn Lowe motioned to adopt the proposal (15-05-0072-01), Myung Lee seconded. The motion was carried unanimously.

d.  Call for proposal document (15-05-0071-01) is discussed. Chunhui Zhu motioned to adopt it as presented and Darryn Lowe seconded. The motion was carried unanimously.

e.  Meeting adjourned at 8:30AM.