President’s Webquest Questions

Answer the following questions with red font. To find the information, utilize the President’s Webquest linked on the President’s Unit link on my website.


A. Which three President’s didn’t have any pets?




B. What types of pets were Rebecca and Horace:______, Enoch:______, and Nip, Tuck, and Snowflake:______, all pets of President Calvin Coolidge?

C. Which President had parakeets named Bluebell and Marybelle?

II. Skip-Link is broken


  1. FDR was the only president elected to four terms of office and was the first President to ride in a/an ______.
  2. His hobbies included swimming and sailing. FDR was the 1st President to be seen on ______.
  3. When the King and Queen of England were guests at the White House, President Roosevelt served this to his royal guests:______
  4. While president, what activity did FDR discontinue at the White House?


  1. President George Washington was the only president to not live in the White House. The building where the President’s reside was designed by ______.
  2. In 1814, the ______set the White House on fire during the War of ______.
  3. Who was President when electricity was installed in the White House?


A. President Lincoln was the first president to wear a beard. Other such bear wearing Presidents were Rutherford Hayes, James Garfield, and Benjamin Harrison. Which four Presidents wore mustaches?


  1. In 1854, Hail to the Chief, was selected as the official music played to announce the President of the United States. Written by an English composer named ______, it has been used since 1861 with the inauguration of ______. Before this song is played, what is the music played to announce the president is about the enter a room?

B. Which two instruments are used for this tune?



  1. The term lady was given by the press to Martha Washington. Pat Nixon, wife of President Richard M. Nixon, was the first lady to wear pants in public. Which first lady was the only first lady to get elected to public office and run for President of the United States?
  1. Which first lady’s husband died only a month after his inauguration?
  1. Which first lady spoke fluent Chinese?


  1. Since President Hayes, every president except for Presidents Johnson, Nixon, and Ford, has used the Resolute desk, in the Oval Office. The desk was made from wood from the English ship, the ______.
  2. It was a gift from ______to President Hayes in 1880.
  3. Although presidents change the decorations, the ______from the original 1909 oval office always remains in the room.
  4. What is found on the ceiling?


  1. Of all the vice presidents to hold the office, nine succeeded to the Presidency with the death of the president. Which vice president became president with the assassination of John F. Kennedy?
  2. Who became president with the resignation of Richard Nixon?
  3. Of the 14 vice presidents to become President, only five were actually elected in a presidential election. Name the five:




