Is the Earth round or flat?
Assalaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakhatahu Ya Students,
Today you will discuss the question they plague many people for years and years, but alhamdulillah like everything in existance Allah certainly had already revealed the truth. Allahu Akbar.
Insha Allah please use the following explanation as well
Is the Earth round or flat?
Question: The following letter reached the program (broadcast program) from Kenya, sent by our brother, the student, Ibraheem Muhammad Al-Awwal. The brother says, "I heard the program Nurun 'alad-Darb (A Light upon the Path) and I benefited greatly from it. Therefore, I wanted to send these questions to you all because their topics are very perplexing to me. The first is: Is the earth round or flat?"
Response: According to the people knowledge (scholars of Islaam) the earth is round, for indeed Ibn Hazm and a group of other scholars mentioned that there is a consensus (unanimous agreement, Ijmaa') among the people of knowledge that it is round. This means that all of it is connected together thus making the form of the entire planet like a ball. However, Allaah has spread out surface for us and He has placed firm mountains upon it and placed the animals and the seas upon it as a mercy for us. For this reason, Allaah said:
{And (do they not look) at the Earth, how it was made FLAT (Sutihat)}, [Soorah al-Ghaashiyyah, Aayah 20]
Therefore, it (the Earth) has been made flat for us in regards to its surface, so that people can live on it and so that people can be comfortable upon it. The fact that it is round does not prevent that its surface has been made flat. This is because something that is round and very large, if it is made flat (its surface), then its surface will become very vast or broad (i.e. having a flat appearance). Yes."
Shaykh Ibn Baaz
Translated by: Abu Sumayyah Aqeel Walker
Spelling Words for this lesson inshaAllah... (You may use the globes link above to help you recognize how to use some of these terms.)
- globe: spherical model of Earth.
- hemisphere: one-half of the globe; Northern/Southern; Eastern/Western.
- latitude: location north or south of the Equator, measured by imaginary lines numbered in degrees north or south.
- longitude: location east or west of the Prime Meridian, measured by imaginary lines numbered in degrees east or west.
- grid system: network of imaginary lines on the earth's surface, formed by the crisscrossing patterns of the lines of latitude and longitude.
- absolute location: exact position of a place on the earth's surface.
- great circle route: ship or airplane route following a great circle; shortest distance between 2 points on the earth.
- projection: in mapmaking, a way of drawing the round Earth on a flat surface.
- geographic information systems (GIS): special software that helps geographers gather and use information about a place.
- map key: code that explains the lines, symbols, and colors used on a map.
- cardinal directions: basic directions on the earth: north, south, east, west.
- compass rose: device drawn on maps to show the directions.
- intermediate directions: any direction between the cardinal directions, such as southeast or northwest.
- scale bar: on a map, a divided line showing the map scale, usually in miles or kilometers.
- scale: relationship between distance on a map and actual distance on the earth.
- relief: differences in height in a landscape; how flat or rugged the surface is.
- elevation: height above sea level.
- contour line: line connecting all points at the same elevation on a contour map.
- axis: imaginary line that runs through the earth's center between the North and South pole.
- bar graph: graph in which vertical or horizontal bars represent quantities.
- line graph: graph in which one or more lines represent changing quantities over time.
- circle graph: round or pie-shaped graph showing how a whole is divided.
- pictograph: graph in which small symbols represent quantities.
- climograph: combination bar and line graph giving information about temperature and precipitation.
- chart: graphic way of presenting information clearly.
- diagram: drawing that shows steps in a process or parts of an object.
- elevation profile: cutaway diagram showing changes in elevation of land.