Flash Food PowerPoint
Symbols cards (made using Symbols Grid)
P1i Encounter experiences. Show reflex response.
P1ii Show some awareness of what is on the screen. Focus attention briefly.
P2i React to new experiences and shows some interest, e.g. tracking moving objects. Accept and engage in co-active exploration.
P2ii Performs actions, often by trial and improvement, and remembers learnt responses over short periods of time. Cooperates with supported participation.
P3i Participates in shared activities with less support. Sustains concentration for short periods. Observes the results of own actions with interest.
P3ii Remembers learned responses and may anticipate known events.
P4 Knows that certain actions produce predictable results and that ICT can be used to control events.
P5 With support match objects or pictures.
P7 Joins in with rote counting to 10.
P8 Begin to count up to 10 objects.
The PowerPoint can be run on a class computer, projected onto a screen or used with an Interactive Whiteboard. It can be operated using the mouse or a switch can be attached once the PowerPoint has been set up.
On every slide, each time the mouse or switch is pressed a food symbol flashes onto the screen accompanied by a note from a scale. This occurs 8 times and each time the food appears in a different position on the screen. The pupil may respond to the image or the sound and should be encouraged to focus on each symbol that flashes onto the screen. The pupil could be encouraged to activate the switch themselves, developing understanding of cause and effect.
The symbols that appear on the screen can all be found in the Word document ‘Symbols Grid’. If they are printed and laminated they could be used for a matching activity. Pupils could also work on counting to 8 by counting as each new symbol flashes.


‘PictureBuilding’ PowerPoint
P1i Encounter experiences. Show reflex response.
P1ii Show some awareness of what is on the screen. Focus attention briefly.
P2i React to new experiences and shows some interest. Accept and engage in co-active exploration.
P2ii Performs actions, often by trial and improvement, and remembers learnt responses over short periods of time. Cooperates with supported participation.
P3i Participates in shared activities with less support. Sustains concentration for short periods. Observes the results of own actions with interest.
P3ii Remembers learned responses and may anticipate known events.
This PowerPoint is a simple switch activity that develops understanding of cause and effect. Each time the switch is pressed an item of food is added to the plate/bowl and builds up a picture. There are 3 slides in the activity.
Switch It! Maker 2 Shopping Basket Activity
Word document ‘Shopping Basket photos grid’
P1i Encounter experiences. Show reflex response.
P1ii Show some awareness of what is on the screen. Focus attention briefly.
P2i React to new experiences and shows some interest. Accept and engage in co-active exploration.
P2ii Performs actions, often by trial and improvement, and remembers learnt responses over short periods of time. Cooperates with supported participation.
P3i Participates in shared activities with less support. Sustains concentration for short periods. Observes the results of own actions with interest.
P3ii Remembers learned responses and may anticipate known events.
P4 Anticipate, follow and join in familiar mathematical activities. Shows an interest in number activities.
P5 With support match objects or pictures. Respond to and join in with familiar number rhymes, stories, songs and games. Operates simple programs.
The activity involves a shopping basket building up as a new food item is added each page and a simple song is sung. The mouse or switch activates each new page. The activity can be used to develop switch control and understanding of cause and effect. If the accompanying photos are printed out pupils could be encouraged to find the photo of the food that is added on each new page. They could be encouraged to remember the sequence of foods and to order the photos correctly. Pupils could also be encouraged to join in with the simple number song that accompanies the activity.
Odd One Out PowerPoint
Word documents ‘Odd One Out Photo Grid’
P5 To operate simple programs
P6 Pupils sort objects and materials according to criteria. They begin to identify when an object is different and does not belong to a given categories.
P7 Pupils identify when an object is different and does not belong to a given familiar category.
The PowerPoint can be used on a class computer or whiteboard. The pupil could control the mouse or point to the correct answer while a helper controls the mouse. If the PowerPoint is used with an Interactive Whiteboard the pupil can touch the correct picture rather than using a mouse.
The pupil is asked to identify the odd one out from 3 food photos. Clicking on the correct photo takes you to a page confirming that the correct photo has been chosen and moves on to the next odd one out. Choosing the wrong photo takes you to a ‘Try Again’ page and an action button to return to the original slide. The sound activates automatically the first time a slide is visited, however if a slide is returned to the sound must be activated by clicking on the sound icon.
The activity can be recreated using photographs from the photo grids that accompany these activities.
Sequencing Symbols PowerPoint
Word document ‘Symbols Grid’
P5 To operate simple programs
P6 Copies simple patterns and sequences
P8 Pupils recognise, describe and recreate simple repeating patterns and sequences.
The PowerPoint can be used on a class computer or whiteboard. The pupil could control the mouse or point to the correct answer while a helper controls the mouse. If the PowerPoint is used with an Interactive Whiteboard the pupil can touch the correct picture rather than using a mouse.
The pupil is asked to click on or touch the symbol that comes next in the sequence from a choice of two. Choosing the correct symbol takes you to a page confirming that the correct answer was given and moves on to the next sequence. Choosing the wrong answer takes you to a ‘Try Again’ page and an action button to return to the original slide. The sound activates automatically the first time a slide is visited, however if a slide is returned to the sound must be activated by clicking on the sound icon.
The activity can be recreated using photographs or symbols from the Word document grids that accompany these activities.
‘Counting’ PowerPoint
P5 To operate simple programs
P6 Understanding 1:1 correspondence. Rote count to 5. Use numbers to 5 in familiar activities.
P7 Count to at least 5 objects reliably. Begin to recognise numerals from 1 to 5.
The PowerPoint can be used on a class computer or whiteboard. It can be controlled by a mouse or a switch (once the PowerPoint has been set up) or by touching the screen of an interactive whiteboard.
The PowerPoint contains 5 slides that encourage counting objects to 5. The mouse/switch click causes a food symbol to appear on the plate on the screen. The first slide has one object, the second has two etc. Once all the symbols for the slide have appeared the next slide brings up the question ‘How many?’. At this point pause from clicking the mouse/switch to count the objects on the screen. The next click brings up the correct answer.
Word documents – ‘Symbols Grids’, ‘Word Grids’
P5 Match objects to pictures and symbols
P6 Match short words


P5 With support pupils match objects or pictures
The symbol and word grids can be printed out and laminated. If some of the grids are then cut to make individual cards they can be used to play lotto games. The pupils can match symbol to symbol, or word to word or a more difficult activity would be to match symbol to word.
The symbol/word cards can also be used to play the matching game pairs. Two of every card are placed face down on the table and pupils take turns to turn over two cards trying to find a pair.
Switch It! Maker 2 programme ‘Switch It! Food’
Word Documents ‘Photo Grid’ and ‘Word Grid’
Selection of real food to match to food in the activity
P1i Encounter activities and experiences.
P1ii Show emerging awareness of activities.
P2i Begins to show interest in events. Accepts and engages in coactive exploration.
P2ii Begin to be proactive in interactions. Perform actions, often by trial and improvement and remember learned responses.
P3i Participate in shared activites with less support. Observe the results of their own actions with interest.
P3ii Remembers learned responses over increasing periods of time and may anticipate known events.
P4 Pupil knows that certain actions produce predictable results.
P5 Select a few words or symbols with which they are particularly familiar and derive some meaning from text, symbols or signs presented in a way familiar to them. Pupils operate simple computer programs.
P6 Select and recognize or read a small number of words or symbols linked to familiar vocabulary.
This is a simple switch programme. Each time the switch is pressed a new page appears with a photograph of a item of food and the name of the food is spoken. It can be used for a matching activity using real food and the food can be explored, focusing on smell, touch and taste. Another activity would be to match photo cards to the photos in the programme if photo cards are made using the Word document ‘Photo Grid’, or matching word cards to the words on the pages, using the Word Document ‘Word Grid’ to make word cards.
PowerPoint ‘Initial Letters’.
P5 Pupils operate simple computer programmes
P7 Recognise some letters of the alphabet.
P8 Recognise the letters of the alphabet by shape, name and sound. Begin to associate sounds with patterns in rhymes, with syllables and with words, signs, symbols and letters.
The pupil is shown a picture of a food item and the name of the food is spoken. Three different letters of the alphabet appear on the screen and the pupil has to click on the letter that they think is the initial letter of the name of the food. If they choose the wrong letter they are taken to a slide that tells them they are not right and to try again. An action button returns them to the first slide. When the correct letter is chosen the pupil is taken to a slide that confirms they have chosen correctly and shows the name of the food written below the picture. The pupil is then taken automatically to the next initial letter choice.
Switch It! Maker 2 file ‘Hungry Helen’
P1-3 Encounter the activity. Show some awareness. React to the activity. Concentrate for short periods. Actively explore events for more extended lengths of time.
P4 Listen and respond to familiar rhymes and stories
P5 Derive some meaning from text presented in a familiar way. Answer basic two-key word questions about a story.
P6 Select and recognize or read a small number of words or symbols linked to a familiar vocabulary.
P7 Show an interest in the activity of reading. Predict words,signs and symbols in narrative.
P8 Recognise and read a growing repertoire of familiar words or symbols.

Helping to Produce own Talking Book

P6 Differentiate between letters and symbols, for example producing a drawing to accompany writing.
P8 In writing and recording, use pictures, symbols, familiar words and letters in sequence to communicate meaning, showing awareness of different purposes, for example letters, lists, stories or instructions.
Pupils use ICT to communicate and present their ideas.
This is a simple 7-page switch operated story. It involves counting, colour and fruit. It is easy for the children to make their own version of this story using their own name and own choices of food. The pictures were created in ‘Paint’ and then imported into Switch It! Maker 2 where the text and sound were added.
ACTIVITY: Songs and rhymes
Songs and rhymes PowerPoint
P1i Encounter activities. Show reflex responses
P1ii Show emerging awareness of the rhyme. Give intermittent reactions. Focus briefly on the song/rhyme
P2i Show an interest in the song/rhyme.
P2ii Start to recognise familiar parts of the song/rhyme. Cooperate with shared exploration and supported participation
P3i Sustain concentration for short periods. Remembers learnt responses for example remembers the sequence of the song.
P3ii Initiate interactions and activities. Remembers learnt responses. Anticipate familiar parts of the song/rhyme.
The PowerPoint can be run on a class computer, projected onto or used with an Interactive Whiteboard. It can be operated using the mouse or a switch can be attached once the PowerPoint has been set up. There are 5 sets of songs and rhymes in this PowerPoint. The activity can be used to develop repetitive parts of the songs and rhymes, join in appropriately with songs and rhymes.

ACTIVITY: Photo lotto

Picture lotto Powerpoint
Word document photo lotto grid 1 & 2
P1i Encounter activities. Show reflex responses
P1ii Show emerging awareness of objects—focus on food objects from the screen
P2i Show an interest in objects
P2ii Start to recognise familiar objects. Cooperate with shared exploration and supported participation
P3i Sustain concentration for short periods. Explore materials in increasingly complex ways.
P3ii Initiate interactions and activities. Remembers learnt responses. Anticipate familiar parts of the game
P4 Responds appropriately to simple request “Where’s the apple” “Find the banana”, etc.
P5 Respond to simple question connected to the lotto game “Have you got an apple?” “Who’s got an orange”
P6 to communicate “ I need an orange”.
The PowerPoint can be run on a class computer, projected onto or used with an Interactive Whiteboard. It can be operated using the mouse or a switch can be attached once the PowerPoint has been set up. The PowerPoint consists of different kinds of food. The objective of this PowerPoint is a bingo style game where pupils have to match pictures from the screen to their own bingo card. The first pupil to cover all the pictures wins. There are 18 slides in total and pupils can work individually, pairs or small groups, real objects can also be used.
ACTIVITY: But I’m still hungry
But I’m still hungry Powerpoint
P1i Encounter activities. Show reflex responses
P1ii Show emerging awareness if the story. Give intermittent reactions. Focus briefly on the story
P2i Show an interest in the story. Explore sensory aspects of the story
P2ii Start to recognise familiar parts of the story. Cooperate with shared exploration and supported participation
P3i Sustain concentration for short periods. Explore materials in increasingly complex ways.
P3ii Initiate interactions and activities. Remembers learnt responses. Anticipate familiar parts of the story
P4 Responds appropriately to simple request “Where’s the apple” “Find the banana”, etc. Listen and respond to the story.
P5 Respond to simple question about familiar parts of the story.
P6 Asks questions about the story. Reads simple parts of the story
P7 Contribute to group discussions. Predict what happens next
P8 Retell familiar stories. Takes parts in role play.
The PowerPoint can be run on a class computer, projected onto or used with an Interactive Whiteboard. It can be operated using the mouse or a switch can be attached once the PowerPoint has been set up.
On every slide, each time the mouse is activated or switch is pressed the text will appear (speech can be added either by an adult or a child) it is necessary to press again for the picture to appear. There are 11 pages to the story and it is suggested to have a selection of objects that co inside with the story where the pupils can experience the real object. Pupils should be encouraged to operate the story to develop understanding the convention of reading, predict what they think happens next. The story can be printed and can be made shorter by omitting some of the text. Pupils can sequence the pictures to convey the story