Brodhead Elementary School

Comprehensive Improvement Plan

Assurance Certification

Updated Summer 2011

I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this application is correct and complete and that the agency named in this application has authorized me, as it representative, to obligate this agency to conduct any ensuing program or activity in accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws, regulations and specific program assurances contained in the Kentucky Comprehensive Improvement Planning

Guidebook. It is understood that this application, once posted to our local district server for public access constitutes an offer, and if accepted by the Kentucky Department of Education or negotiated to acceptance, will form a binding agreement.

Principal: Caroline Graves

SBDM Members

Caroline Graves Chairperson758-8512 ______

Rita ShafferVice Chair758-8512 ______

Beth JonesTeacher Member758-8152 ______

Colleen Green Teacher Member758-8512 ______

Donna Coffey Parent Member758-8512 ______

Amy Yates Parent Member758-8512 ______

Brodhead Improvement Plan Summary

Brodhead has been analyzing test data, audit reports, surveys results and other feedback in a continuous manner. This analysis has been accomplished by the work of individuals, small groups, meetings of the staff and the council, along with input from parents.

We have worked over the past few years to clearly identify our mission and vision. Revisiting our statement has caused the staff to focus more clearly on what our school is about.

Brodhead Elementary School has established measurablegoals and identified strategies and activities that will assist us in reaching these goals. The implementation of this plan will ensure that student performance will increase and the school will remain at proficiency.

Mission Statement

Brodhead Elementary School mission is to provide ALL children, regardless of personal situations, an equal opportunity to learn and achieve to their highest potential. This shall include:

  • Teaching a core curriculum in a variety of ways that will build positive learning experiences to prepare students for middle school and for life.
  • Teaching life lessons to children that foster self worth (pride, respect, cooperation, responsibility)

Brodhead Elementary School acknowledges its role in this mission and will strive to unite students, parents and community in this effort.

Our staff and students will be the BEST

Be cooperative

Earn and give respect

Strive to be our best

Take responsibility for our words and actions

Brodhead Elementary Vision Statement

Be responsible goal oriented students

Resourceful, caring and purposeful staff

Ongoing assessment through a standards driven curriculum

Demonstrate unity and caring

Have a safe environment for all

Engage parents and community

Always look forward

Dedicated to student success

Brodhead Elementary

Beliefs that Guide

Education is a Shared Responsibility

All Students Can Learn

Rates of Learning Vary

All Students Have Unique Skills and Talents

High Self-Esteem Enhances Success

School Climate Contributes to Achievement

High Expectations for Success Must Be the Norm

Trust is Vital

Cooperation and Communication is Essential

Optimism is Critical


District: Rockcastle

School: Brodhead Elementary

Component Manager: Caroline Graves

Date: Spring 2011

Priority Need:

According to our current assessment, both parents and staff members indicate the need for continued communication between home and school in order to keep parents informed of what is being taught and learned at school. We are presently in the process of implementing new core academic standards in language arts and math and need to take the opportunity to help parents understand these standards.


To increase parent’s knowledge of what their child should be learning from year to year and what proficient work looks like at each grade level and to improve overall school environment for all students regardless of personal situation.


  • Compile samples of student work in writing, reading and math to demonstrate what proficient work should look like. Curriculum committees in each area will be responsible for collecting these.
  • To provide parents/caregivers with educational opportunities and support opportunities through support groups. The principal and Family Resource Director will schedule these.
  • Back to School Night will be held before school begins. It will be designed to introduce the parents to the curriculum and what proficient work looks like at each grade level. Each grade level group will be responsible for presenting to parents.
  • Weekly newsletter will be sent from the principal to home on Fridays to keep parents/ caregivers informed of what is going on at school. Teachers will send weekly newsletter home that inform parents of what is being taught. This will also include information about what is coming up. Family Resource, School Counselor and the principal will be responsible for school newsletter. Each classroom teacher will be responsible for weekly communication with parents.
  • Parents will conduct an entry-level orientation of the first day of school for entry-level parents. This will be designed to help orient new parents to the school. The Family Resource Director will work with PTA to conduct this orientation.
  • Staff will gather work in the areas of math, reading and writing to create benchmarks for what proficient work should look like at each grade. Each Curriculum committee will be responsible for collecting the data.
  • Monthly PTA meetings will include student participation to increase parent participation. Classrooms will schedule before school begins
  • Parent Education programs will be planned to bring families and community into the school. These can include but are not limited to the following: discipline, computer, parenting skills, homework help etc...Family Resource and principal will schedule these meetings.
  • Home visits will be made to students entering kindergarten by office staff

Expected Impact:

Improvement in the school environment will be facilitated by a systematic approach that is focused on increasing student achievement and founded upon a shared vision. Increased achievement for all students will be the result of a directed focus on:

Staff, student and parent knowledge of the curriculum and what proficient work looks like

Communication between school and home

Provide learning opportunities for families

Responsible person: ALL STAKEHOLDERS

Action Component: Academic Performance

District Name: Rockcastle

School: Brodhead Elementary

Component Manager: Caroline Graves

Date: June 2010

Priority Need:

Continued growth in reading, math and writing our goal with the goal

95 % proficiency in both reading and math. 85% proficient in writing, with 0% scoring novice.


  • To provide all students curriculum re-aligned to new core standards, taught from mapping, outlining and created units of study that integrate the curriculum. Each team will provide the principal with their map, outline, units and plans contained in a common planning document
  • To increase student attendance 97 % so they have the greatest opportunity to achieve
  • To improve students physical fitness to build confidence and increase academic performance
  • To eliminate students scoring at the novice level in on-demand writing and increase the number score proficient to 85%
  • Students will know add/sub and mult/div facts by memory and be able to apply them to problem solving situations using developed number sense
  • Create common planning time for grade level groups to create common assessments with scoring guides, along with weekly assessments to use for analyzing student learning.
  • Make contact with parents when students miss school to educate them on the importance of good attendance. This should be done daily.
  • Students will be given the opportunity to improve the physical fitness during classroom exercise, physical fitness class, recess and morning walks.
  • Each team/teacher will develop a map, outline and units of study and assessments of their academic year. These units will integrate all subjects.
  • We will use student profiles to document strengths and weaknesses and strategies that have been tried and include samples of student’s work. Profiles will be monitored by the writing committee as they evaluate our school literacy program
  • Continue the implementation of researched-based reading instruction in all grades to meet individual needs of the student through use of Imagine It series and other instructional materials.
  • Review school-wide approach to on-demand and constructed response will be implemented and monitored.
  • Continue the implementation of a daily-uninterrupted 90-minute block of time used for intense instruction of reading
  • Use AIMS Web , a standardized reading measure to gather data, monitor student academic growth and reading achievement to successfully communicate progress to all involved with student success
  • Use GRADE as a diagnostic tool to assist with measuring student growth and providing interventions for those in need
  • Implement Everyday Math fully in all grades while investigating best research based practices for math instruction. Everyday Math Parent Unit Letters should be sent home at the beginning of each unit in order to help parents understand the new procedures you are teaching. We will use the ARSCI math assessment to measure student growth in math.
  • Conduct a math/science investigation to be displayed at school wide math/science fair.
  • Continue use of piano lab for all students
  • Implement Arts weekly using purchased materials, emphasizing visual arts first semester and drama second semester. We will also provide time for artist in residence during both semesters

Expected Impact:

Improvement in teaching and learning will be facilitated by a system-wide systematic approach that is completely focused on student achievement.

Revised and up-to-date curriculum

Continued use of data to make all decisions

Proficient writers and readers

Responsible Person: All Stakeholders