Problem Set(2) Week Two Arithmetic (2)

1.  What is 3/4 of 2/3 of 12?

2.  If , what is the value of y when x = 1/2?

3.  After John spends 1/4 of his salary on food and 2/3 of what remains on clothes, what part of his original salary does he have left?

4.  On a certain map, 1.5 inches represents a distance of 45 miles. If two points on the map are 0.8 inch apart, how many miles are these two points?

5.  Four lemons cost $0.68. At the same rate, 1 pound of lemons costs $1.19. How many lemons typically weigh 1 pound?

6.  One cubic foot of a certain metal weighs 8 pounds and costs $4.20 per pound. If 1 cubic foot is equivalent to 1728 cubic inches, what is the cost of 288 cubic inches of the same metal?

7.  If the charge for a taxi ride is $2.50 for the first 1/2 mile and 0.75 for each additional 1/8 mile, how many miles did the taxi travel for a ride that cost $10.75?

8.  In a repeating decimal 0.32453245… the set of digits 3245 repeats endlessly. Which digit is in the 945th place to the right of the decimal point?

9.  A store sells 8-ounce containers of orange juice at $0.69 each and 12-ounce containers at $0.95 each. How much money will be saved by purchasing a total of 48 ounces of orange juice in 12-ounce rather than 8-ounce containers?

10.  What fraction of 10/9 is 5/6?

11.  After a number is increased by 1/3 of its value, the result is 24. What was the original number?

12.  In an election, 1/2 of the male voters and 2/3 of the female voters cast their ballots for candidate A. If the number of female voters was 1.5 times the numbers of male voters, what fraction of the total number of voters cast did candidate A receive?

13.  After 3/4 of the people in a room leave, three people enter the same room. The number of people who are now in the room, assuming no other people enter or leave, is 1/3 of the original number of people who were in the room. How many people left the room?

14.  What is 25% of 20% of ?

15.  Three students use a computer for a total of 3 hours. If the first student uses the computer 42% of the total time, and the second student uses the computer 38% of the total time, how many minutes does the third student use the computer?

16.  After a discount of 18%, the price of a shirt is $62. What was the original price of the shirt?

17.  In a factory that manufactures light bulbs, 0.04% of the bulbs manufactured are defective. It is expected that there will be one defective light bulb in what number of bulbs that are manufactured?

18.  After 3 months on a diet, James’s weight dropped from 158 pounds to 127 pounds, By what percent did James’s weight drop?

19.  In a movie theater, 450 of the 600 seats were occupied. What percent of the seats were NOT occupied?

20.  A discount of 24% on the price of a pair of shoes, followed by another discount of 15% on the new price of the shoes, is equivalent to a single discount of what percent of the original price?