Maple Lake Elementary School

200 State Hwy 55 East, PO Box 788
Maple Lake, MN, 55358
320 963-3024, Fax 320 963-6584

Kris Harlan, Principal

Becky Nies, Program Coordinator

Trish Ludwig, Program Teacher

This program is funded through a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education titled “Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Programs”


Irish Support Program

Maple Lake Elementary School

Behavior Support Program


Be Ready Be

Respectful Responsible

The Irish Support Program is a school-wide prevention program for students who need added support throughout their day. The goal is to catch at-risk students early and provide them with more feedback on their behavior to prevent future problems, as well as to increase the rate of positive interactions for that student with school staff.

Program Outline

²  The Irish Support Program is a research-based intervention for at-risk students to provide opportunities for additional feedback and positive interactions.

²  Students in the Irish Support Program have been recommended by the TAT Team, a committee of teachers that identifies interventions for students.

²  Common behaviors that would elicit this intervention are having trouble staying on-task, difficulty completing work and having office discipline referrals.

²  The students check-in every morning with the program coordinator and receive a point sheet based on the school-wide expectations.

²  The point sheet is filled out after each class during the day.

²  The students check-out with the program coordinator at the end of the day, monitoring progress through goal-setting and charting.

²  Weekly reports are sent home so parents can monitor progress.

Roles and Responsibilities

Student Participants

² Sign Contract Agreement.

² Check-in and check-out daily with coordinator

² Get point sheet filled out daily


Parents of Participants

² Sign Contract Agreement.

² Review Progress Report with child weekly.

² Provide positive and constructive feedback.

² Communicate with the school when there are concerns or celebrations regarding the student’s behavior.

Classroom Teacher

² Sign Contract Agreement.

² Accept Report Form daily from students.

² Evaluate student behaviors and complete the form.

² Offer constructive and positive feedback to students.

Program Teacher

² Sign Contract Agreement.

² Facilitate the check-in and check-out process.

² Provide participants with positive, constructive feedback and small tangible rewards.

² Instruct involved staff members on the use of the form.

² Collect, summarize, and report data each week.