“Hunting Pals”

October 24, 2013

Mike Gurnett: At the age of 95, Kalispell’s Glenn Mueller seems to always be getting ready to go somewhere.

Glenn Mueller: You’ve got to keep moving. If you don’t keep moving you’re in deep trouble.

Mike Gurnett: And when the leaves and the weather start to turn

Mike Gurnett: (On Camera) Glenn and his longtime pal John Emerson set their sights on North Central Montana to re-kindle their friendship and carry on a tradition that has been going on for, let’s just say a long time.

Glenn Mueller: Well Hunting to me

Glenn Mueller: (On Camera) is not a matter of killing anything. It is just a matter of getting together with friends, talking over old times, laughing and just enjoying life. If he gets something I’ll help him drag it because you know he’s along in years, 86 years old.

John Emerson: Well originally we were antelope hunters you know and so.

John Emerson: (On Camera) We used to stock them too. We would. If we saw them off over a ridge we got on our hands and knees and bellies and crawled over the top to get to them. That’s the trouble with getting old I guess.

Glenn Mueller: Having friends like John particularly who I’ve done this with for all about 50 year. It’s just a wonderful comfortable feeling and without it it would be just a hole in my life. Even on the way home we talk about it as to what we’re going to do the next year.

Mike Gurnett: Their plan seems to be; honor the past, live in the present, and plan for the future. And have about as much fun as you can along the way. This is Mike Gurnett, out with Montana’s fish, wildlife and parks.