CCSS.Math.Content.2.MD.A.1Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes.
Science: 4.4D.2 Design, construct, and test a prototype of a possible solution to a problem using appropriate tools materials, and resources.
Full STEAM Ahead2012 -2013
Lane ESD 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Consortium
Supplemental Projects: STEM Accelerate and Full STEAM Ahead
Districts: Junction City, McKenzie and Oakridge
The two projects connect to the current Lane County 21st CCLCArts, Careers, Technologygrant(Project ACT) supporting after-school enrichment and academics for students in three ruraldistricts. Project ACT is funded by the Oregon Department of Education and managed by Lane ESD. The five year project spans 2009 – 2014. The recently funded supplements focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) integration in and outside of the school day and are funded for 2012-2013.
STEM Accelerate
The focus is on grades 6-12 with the intent of bringing a STEM content teacher into the planning and development of enrichment activities for after-school programs in fall 2012 and winter/spring 2013.
STEM Accelerate provided two days of professional development around STEM, a budget for materials and supplies, and a stipend for the content teacher to provide the enrichment activities two hours a week afterschool for nine weeks in the fall and nine weeks in winter/spring. In addition the three districts will come together in May 2013 for a Problem-Solving Summit around STEM.
Full STEAM Ahead
The focus is on grades K-5 with the intent of integrating STEM with Arts (STEAM) with three teachers from each district pairing with an artist to develop project-based learning for K-5 classrooms in fall 2012 and winter/spring 2013. The artists (from Lane Arts Council) have worked with after-school Project ACT enrichment and will blend the successes of engaging afterschool Arts with STEM concepts and content during the school day.
Full STEAM Ahead provided two days of professional development, a budget for materials and supplies, stipends for collaboration of all participants throughout the project and support for an artist to work with each district team one day a week for nine weeks in the fall and again in winter/spring 2013.
Project Coordination
Bob Curtis
Finance and Assistance
Kathy Mayer
Lane ESD STEAM Overview: 21st CCLC Annual Grantee Meeting November 2, 2012