Scoring Rubric for Performance Task: Build A Better Sandwich

Essential Skill or Knowledge / Entry / Developing / Approaching / Ideal / Comments / Score
Determine appropriate audience / The student product does not clearly convey information in a way that is of interest to either intended audience or appears confused or mixed. / The student product conveys some confusion or mixed messages and does not contain information of sufficient information to at least one of the audiences. / The student product conveys information that addresses only one audience (other students or adults) or may be slightly confusing. / The student product clearly conveys information that is interesting and intriguing to other students and the adults who will determine the best sandwich.
Locate information to support opinions, predictions, conclusions / The student product is based primarily on opinion with no support from the given resources. / The student is able to copy information but does not use it to support their opinion or conclusion. / The student uses information from the resources to support their opinion and conclusion. / The student uses information from the resources to support their opinion and conclusion and connect the information to their own lives or relevant information they’ve studied.
Grammar and mechanics of language / The product contains numerous errors that show consistent misunderstandings in grammar, punctuation, and/or capitalization of written text. / The product contains several errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or capitalization of written text that identifies consistent misunderstandings. / The product may contain a few errors in grammar, punctuation, or capitalization that are related to limited time or sloppiness rather than consistent misunderstandings. / The product contains no errors in grammar, punctuation, or capitalization of written text.
Create and solve multi-step problems / The student does not show his/her work, presents incomplete work, or presents work with multiple errors that show consistent misunderstandings when addressing the calorie and cost guidelines. / The student presents complete work related to calorie and cost guidelines but contains multiple errors that identifies consistent misunderstandings. / The student presents complete work related to calorie and cost guidelines that may contain errors related to limited time or sloppiness rather than a consistent misunderstanding. / The student presents complete work related to calorie and cost guidelines that meets the calorie and cost guidelines.
Multistep problems with fractions / The student does not show his/her work, presents incomplete work, or presents work with multiple errors that show consistent misunderstandings when addressing the saturated fat guidelines. / The student presents complete work related to the saturated fat guidelines but contains multiple errors that identifies consistent misunderstandings. / The student presents complete work related to the saturated fat guidelines that may contain errors related to limited time or sloppiness rather than a consistent misunderstandings. / The student presents complete work related to the saturated fat guidelines that meets the calorie and cost guidelines.
Use of graphical data (to make predictions and generate responses) / Students are able to identify parts of a graph but do not incorporate information from them into their product. / Students are able to copy information from the graph but do not explain it or use it to support their position. / Students are able to use and explain information from the graph in support of their position. / Students are able to use and explain information from the graph in support of their position and explain or demonstrate how the data would change based on their solution.

2012 by John D. Ross, Ph.D. can use, remix, and build upon this work for non-commercial purposes as long as you give me credit and license your new creations under these same terms.