Saint Matthew 16:18 > “The Gates of Hell shall not prevailagainst it”
Is about the Church … it is not about … the Office of the Papacy
A significant deception that is causing people to remain as physical members of Satan’s Vatican-2 heretic cult (which was founded in 1965 at the Vatican) … is their complete misunderstanding of Saint Matthew 16:18.
The Scripture:
Catholic writing of Saint Matthew 16:18 >
"And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."
The meaning of many scriptures, in the Catholic authored Bible, have been dogmatically defined at Church Councils … providing an infallible Source of Dogma as to the meaning of the scripture.
Saint Matthew 16:18 is one such scripture where the meaning has been defined in a Source of Dogma.
This was addressed at the Second Council of Constantinople in 553 A.D.
Second Council of Constantinople, Pope Vigilius, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We bear in mind what was promised about the Holy Church and Him who said the gates of Hell will not prevail against it,by these we understand the death-dealing tongues of heretics."
Here, the Pope in union with the Bishops around the world has defined, in a Source of Dogma, that the “Gates of Hell” are the “death-dealing tongues of heretics”.
The phrase “Gates of Hell …” does not mean that the Papacy will (or may) never fall vacant because of heresy.
This is significantly important to realize in these times … because people are stumbling around inside the Vatican-2 heretic cult and being sent into Hell … and many of them are thinking: “But this (their Vatican-2 cult meeting hall) must be the Catholic Church because ‘the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church’.”
The Second Council of Constantinople states that the “Gates of Hell” are the lies of the heretics. What are the lies of the heretics attacking? They are attacking the Catholic Dogma with their heresies.
So Saint Matthew 16:18 is simply saying that the lies of the heretics are not going to make the Dogma disappear from the world. If the Catholic Dogma were to disappear from the world (an impossibility) then the gates of Hell would have prevailed against the Church … since by definition the Catholic Church is that group of persons who
are baptized in water and believe the Catholic Dogma.
Again, this scripture has nothing to do with guaranteeing that the Papacy may never fall vacant because of heresy.
If the Papacy falls vacant through heresy have the “Gates of Hell prevailed against the Church?
No, of course not, because the Catholic Dogma is still in the world and the Catholic Church are those who are baptized in water and believe all of the Dogma. Section 13.3 of the website covers this subject in more detail.
Also, by right reason … look again at Saint Matthew 16:18 and the last word in the scripture, the word “it”. Does the word “it” mean the Church or does the word “it” mean the Office of the Papacy. Clearly the word “it” is referring to the Church not the Office of the Papacy. By right reason, if the person in the Office of the Papacy falls into heresy does that mean that the Catholic Church has fallen? No, because otherpeople in the world are baptized and believe the Catholic Dogma … so they are the Catholic Church, even if the Papacy falls vacant by heresy.
Application for your immortal soul:
Matthew 16:18 is not going to be your “cover story” to keep your soul out of Hell if you die as a physical member of the Vatican-2 heretic cult. Matthew 16:18 is not going to be your “excuse” for going along with … and staying within the Vatican-2 heretic cult (which is defined in the 45 page printout and on Section 12 of the website).
Don’t let your misunderstanding of Saint Mathew 16:18 send your immortal soul into Hell forever.