Thurgood Marshall Middle School
Social Studies 6
Instructor: Ms. Andrea Wright
Room: B-103
Telephone: 858-549-5400 ext. 2213
Sixth grade Social Studies is a one semester course that surveys the people and events that established several ancient civilizations. Students will explore relevant geography and its importance in the development of the human societies. For example, students will be asked why civilizations developed where and when they did. A focus will be placed on the political, economic, religious, and social structures of each civilization. Moreover, the accomplishments and contributions of each group of people will be examined, and students will develop historical interpretations to explain why certain civilizations gained and lost dominance. They will consider how ancient civilizations transformed and influenced other civilizations, including our civilization today.
Method of Assessment:
The overall academic grade for each student is primarily determined by his or her work and reflections upon the course material in an interactive notebook. All assignments are weighted according to point values. When assignments require students to utilize more complex skills and demonstrate more depth of knowledge, the assignments are awarded a larger point value. The teacher attempts to make the grading criteria for assignments explicit through a combination of whole-class instruction, written prompts, essential questions, rubrics, checklists, peer response sheets, and teacher conferences.
Students will be assessed through an interactive notebook, discussion groups, and projects. The interactive notebook is the primary assessment in this course, measuring each student’s progress and comprehension through activities, reflections, and responses. These are assigned over the course of the semester as classroom work and homework. Often, interactive notebook assignments require students to integrate visual information (charts, graphs, illustrations) with textual information (summaries, explanations, arguments). Discussion groups will be evaluated to determine a student’s ability to review key ideas, to formulate new ideas based upon an interaction with peers, to elaborate upon ideas with appropriate detail, and to provide relevant evidence on the topic, text, or issue at hand. Finally, projects will be used as assess students’ summative knowledge at the end of a unit.
Standard Academic Grading Scale:
Grades assigned in this course are based on the following percentage caps:
A = 90 and above B = 80-89C = 70-79D = 60-69F = 59 and below
Online Progress Reports:
To monitor your child’s progress throughout the semester, please use the PowerSchool Parent Portal. You may create an account at
Citizenship Grades:
E—Excellent G—Good S—Satisfactory N—Needs Improvement U—Unacceptable
Citizenship grades are cumulative and reflect the teacher’s observations of student behavior and participation in this class. Citizenship grades are not intended to be a measure of a child’s intrinsic value as a person. Rather, these grades are the balance of a student’s efforts and behaviors over time to help or hinder the progress of the class. They are not the result of one day or one action. A citizenship rubric (see attached) will be used as a guide in conjunction with the teacher’s professional judgment to measure a student’s positive, neutral, or negative impact upon the classroom community and learning environment. Therefore, all students begin each semester with a baseline citizenship grade of “S.”
Misbehavior in the classroom will not be accepted as it interferes with student learning and positive social interaction. Offenses against school policies or classroom rules will result in the following:
First Offense—Verbal Warning
Second Offense—Parent Contact
Third Offense—Detention (20 minutes after school)/Parent Contact
Fourth Offense—Parent Conference Required
Fifth Offense—Referral to Office
Studentsare given time at the end of each class period to note homework in their student planners. Assignments and due dates are posted on the whiteboard and on the Marshall website at on the “Classes/Homework” page. It is the students’ responsibility to keep a clear record of homework. On occasion the website may not be fully updated. Parents should check the planner weekly to ensure that it is being filled out.
Students who are caught cheating will receive no credit for the assignment and a lowered citizenship grade. This applies to any student who knowingly participates in any form of cheating. For example, if a student allows a friend to copy his or her work, that student will also be held accountable and receive the same consequences as the student who copied the work.
Assignments can only be made up for full credit if the student has an excused absence. Students must submit make-up work within one week of the absence, or it will be recorded as missing and receive a score of zero. If the student is absent on an existing due date for a major project, that assignment is due immediately upon his or her return.
Late Assignments:
Late work leads to playing catch-up and is highly discouraged! Therefore, late work will receive a scoreno higher than 50%. Finally, it is the student’s responsibility to insure that the teacher receives the late assignment. The teacher will not spend time asking for late assignments.
Final Drafts:
For some assignments, written projects in particular, the final drafts must be typed and submitted online through If necessary, students may make arrangements with the teacher to use the Media Center, Computer Lab, or classroom computer to type final projects.
Additional Assistance:
Additional assistance is available immediately after school on Wednesdays from 2:25 to 3:20 PM.
Confirmation of Receipt
Social Studies 6
I understand the policies of Ms. Wright’sSocial Studiesclass, and I agree to abide by the rules and procedures outlined in the syllabus and discussed in the classroom.
Student NamePeriod
Parent or Guardian SignatureDate
Parent or Guardian Name (please print)
Email Address 1
Email Address 2