Before the initial phone call

Yes/no / Last updated / Person responsible
  • Is your self-evaluation up to date?
In particular, update it each time you reassess progress as you go through the year. / Yes / July 2015 / Gillian Kemp
  • Can you explain the progress that the school has made towards its objectives?
Continue to evaluate the progress towards priorities in the school improvement plan. Make sure that the progress is evaluated and noted in either the SEF or the plan itself. / Yes / Gillian Kemp

For the initial discussion with the lead inspector you may be asked for the following information:

Yes/no / Last updated / Person responsible
  • Information on any disabled pupils
Provision Map / Yes / 1st every month / Amy Craig / Deborah Atoyebi
  • Information on pupils with special educational needs (SEN)
Specifically – the current numbers on School Action, School Action Plus and with a statement. You will also need to know the nature of the needs of the pupils or students with a statement of SEN. / Yes / 1st every month / Amy Craig / Deborah Atoyebi
  • Details of any alternative provision for any pupil or student
/ Yes / 1st every month / Amy Craig / Deborah Atoyebi

The initial phone call

During the phone call you will need to note:

Notes / Yes/no
  • The names of the inspectors, and when each will be arriving and leaving.

  • When inspectors would like to meet pupils/students and how this is to be arranged

  • The arrangements for feedback to teachers

  • Times for the start of the inspection, the end of the inspection, meeting the Chair of governors, and feedback to the governing body

  • The lead inspector’s email address

  • A time for a second phone call, where required

You will need to provide:

Yes/no / Last updated / Person responsible
  • The school’s email address
/ September 2014 / Nichola
  • A list of ‘times of the day’, including when school starts, when registers close, break times, lunch times, lesson times and close of the school day
/ Naomi holds this information from the ‘school planner’ / July 2014 / Nichola / Naomi

After the initial phone call

Email the lead inspector the following documents:

Yes/no / Last updated / Person responsible
  • The school’s self-evaluation
/ Yes / September 2014 / Gillian Kemp
School Improvement Plan
  • Behaviour and Safety / Leadership and Management
  • Teaching and Learning (Raising Attainment Plan)
  • Achievement and Standards (Data Pack)
/ Yes / April 2014 / Gillian Kemp
  • Timetables for the two days of inspection with any staff or subject codes required
/ No / September 2014 / Gillian Kemp / Shoshannah Thompson
  • A staff list
/ Yes – Staffing Allocation / September 2014 / Nichola Ahmed / Gillian Kemp
  • Details of any interruptions to normal routines
/ Print shared calendar and inform Gill of any events / Vicky Sykes
  • Management Structure
/ September 2014 / Nichola Ahmed

OFSTED: Preparation Timeline

1.00pm / Take phone call and WRITE DOWN DETAILS!
  • SEF position
  • CVs of inspectors
  • Logistics/Hypotheses/Requests
  • Shosh to call Gill
/ Gill / Shosh
1.10pm / Notify SLT 1.10 pm / Jess, Helen, Amy and Sarah / Nichola SB / Shosh NB
1.10pm / Send basic operational documents, such as timetables etc., etc. and key documents such as SEF to inspector / See list above / Gill
1.20pm / Notify Chair of Governors / GB on stand by
Email governors up-to-date:
  • Goals
  • SEF
  • SEF Summary
  • RAP
  • Sports Premium
  • Pupil Premium
  • SMSC
  • Statutory documents
/ Gill to email to Nichola and Nichola to include attachment of the ‘SEF Summary and SEF’ within the notification to Governors. Within the email, please direct to GB section and page number.
Print documents for the GB meeting in the eventing / Gill Kemp/Nichola Ahmed
Fix 6.00 pm meeting with stand-by Governors to update them on SEF and SDP / Gill
1.15pm / Notify all staff at lunchtime; arrange after school briefing 1.15 pm / Sarah FS & Comm Group SB / Helen 5&6 and AEN 2 / Jess 3&4 and AEN 1 Shosh / 1&2
1.15 / 1.30pm / Notify all staff at lunchtime; arrange briefing for MMS. NB Staffroom at 1.30pm / Shosh and Gill to meet with all MMS staff / Vicky SB / Debbie NB
1.30pm / Check all noticeboards and booklet stands are full / Lipi / Rukeya
1.30pm /
  • Premises
/ Nichola:
  • Contact James and Mark - grounds
  • Empty all recycling into bins
  • Check toilets and air fresheners
  • Health and Safety check
/ Nichola
1.30pm / 1.00pm – 2.30pm /
  • Children respond to marking
  • Record targets
  • Choose suitable reading material
  • Tidy classroom / pencils
  • Pupil Premium Children
  • SMSC – Collective Worship
/ Class Teachers
1.40pm /
  • Notify Monica
/ Gill
1.40pm /
  • Email all professionals involved at the school
/ Deborah – Speech and Language Therapists and Outreach teams
Mark - Place to Be, School Nurse & Emdad.
Nichola - Learning Partners, Mark Perry and any absent staff.
Nichola- Ensure Levett Consultancy are available for the days required. / Nichola Ahmed / Deborah / Mark Ripper
1.45pm /
  • Place a notice in the entrance to the school and on the school website informing parents and carers of the dates of the inspection. There is no set format for this notice
/ Vicky to send text to parents / Vicky Sykes
1.50pm /
  • Call all absent and part-time staff
/ Vicky Sykes
1.50pm /
  • Meet with SLT immediately and free up afternoon for SLT as required 1.45 pm
/ Jess / Helen / Amy / Sarah / Shosh / Nichola / Gill
1.50pm /
  • Arrange a room for the inspectors’ base, with arrangements for refreshments and lunch
/ This was the PPA room last time but I would consider one of the offices in the ‘Community House’
Vicky to arrange all refreshments, kettle, cups, biscuits and fruit. Provide with Versuvio menu or check if a school lunch is required / Nichola Ahmed / Vicky Sykes
1.50pm /
  • Arrange parking, where necessary
/ Nichola Ahmed
2.30pm /
  • Meet with children
  • Targets
  • Behaviour – class and lunchtime
  • Manners
  • Reading -
  • Trips and opportunities
2.30pm /
  • SNR TAs check communal areas are tidy
3.45-4.00 pm /
  • Full staff meeting after school to explain programme and final preparations.
  • Distribute guidance for staff again.
  • Distribute Inspection activity tracking device!
/ See below / Gill
4.00-5.00 pm /
  • SLT Meeting
  • Review SIP - Headings
  • Data
  • RAP
  • SEF Summary
  • PDP- Staff Development
  • Actions for Reading
  • Pupil Premium
  • Sports Premium
  • Policies
  • Key Events
  • SMSC
  • Progress
  • Impact on quality of Teaching
  • Ofsted Curriculum Guidance
  • National Curriculum
  • Assessment
  • See – Documents required for the Inspection below

5.00 pm / Meet with SLT at to arrange:
  • Plan of the days & email to inspector
  • Check evidence base
  • Finalise Housekeeping arrangements
  • Agree no-go areas for inspectors
6.00pm / Timetables to Shosh / All staff
6.00 pm / Meet with stand-by Governors to update them on SEF and SDP / Gill
7.00 pm / GILL to “walk the school” with a critical eye with Shosh and Nichola / Gill /Shosh / Nichola

For the morning of the inspection

You will need to provide:

Yes/no / Last updated / Person responsible
  • A plan of the school for each inspector
/ Yes / September 2014 / Nichola Ahmed
  • A copy of the single central record / certificates of CP training
/ Yes / 1st of every month / Nichola Ahmed
  • All logs that record exclusions, incidents of poor behaviour, racist incidents and incidents of bullying
/ Nichola – Behaviour / Exclusion File
Shosh to collect lunchtime ‘behaviour’ files / Gillian Kemp /Nichola Ahmed / Shoshannah Thompson
  • Records of any routine monitoring of the quality of teaching
/ Monitoring folders
Target books – LMT
LMT / Gillian Kemp
Deputy Head
Phase Leader
Induction Tutors
Post Holders
  • Reports of any other external; evaluation of the school
/ Gill

Documents that will be required during the inspection:

  • Create Ofsted area on the server
/ Gill to create an area on the server to include:
  • SEF Summary
  • SEF
  • Pupil Premium Statement
  • Sports Premium Statement
  • Raising Attainment Plan
  • Policies (Statutory Documents & Training)
  • School Improvement Plan – Behaviour and Safety / Leadership and Management
  • School Improvement Plan – Teaching and Learning - Raising Attainment Plan
  • School Improvement Plan - Standards and Achievement - Data Pack

  • The school’s self-evaluation form
/ Gillian Kemp
  • The school improvement plan & review
/ Gillian Kemp
LMT Annotated Sections
  • Up-to-date copies of required policies
/ Gillian Kemp / Nichola Ahmed
  • Records of progress against the key issues identified at the previous inspection
/ Gillian Kemp – SEF Summary
  • Review of any subjects or departments, both internal & external
/ Shoshannah Thompson / Curriculum post-holders
  • Records of monitoring of teaching
/ Gillian Kemp
  • Subject/department development plans with any reviews
/ Gillian Kemp / LMT – annotated School Improvement Plans
  • An analysis of progress for the past three years, broken down by grouping
/ Pete Langridge - School Improvement Plan - Standards and Achievement - Data Pack
  • An analysis of attainment of pupils for the past three years, broken down by subject and grouping
/ Pete Langridge - School Improvement Plan - Standards and Achievement - Data Pack
  • An analysis of attainment and progress of disabled pupils
/ Pete Langridge - School Improvement Plan - Standards and Achievement - Data Pack
  • An analysis of attainment and progress of pupils with SEN, broken down by level of support
/ Pete Langridge- School Improvement Plan - Standards and Achievement - Data Pack
  • An analysis of attendance data for the past three years, broken down by groups
/ Pete Langridge- School Improvement Plan - Standards and Achievement - Data Pack
  • Financial data showing proportion of budget carried over from previous financial year
/ Nichola Ahmed – Yearend report
  • The current attendance figures and how these compare with the same period for the previous year
/ Debbie Vincent -
  • The current exclusion data and how this compares to the same period for the previous year
/ Pete Langridge- School Improvement Plan - Standards and Achievement - Data Pack
  • Current levels of attainment and predictions for the end of the academic year
/ Pete Langridge- School Improvement Plan - Standards and Achievement - Data Pack
  • Current rates of progress, broken down by groups
/ Pete Langridge- School Improvement Plan - Standards and Achievement - Data Pack
  • Copies of short, medium and long term curriculum plans which show how literacy, numeracy and ICT are promoted across the curriculum
/ Shoshannah Thompson / Curriculum Post-holders – To be transferred to Ofsted folder on the shared area after notification
  • An overview of the school’s curriculum, showing how statutory requirements are met
/ Shoshannah Thompson / Curriculum Post-holders – To be transferred to Ofsted folder on the shared area after notification
  • Case studies of LAC, Vulnerable child, Child with interventions, child with low progress and child with good progress are available
/ Amy Craig / / Mark Ripper
  • CP Designated person / Safer Recruitment / Whole School training
/ Nichola / Mark
  • Policy list updates / Governor visits / GB Training Monthly
/ Nichola
Appraisal discussion:
  • Data on the quality of teaching and learning for all staff (excel spread sheet)
  • Staff target book – support and teaching staff
  • Support plans
/ Gill
Behaviour Analysis
  • Verbal abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Low level disruption
/ Debbie / Vicky to collate

Day 1 of the inspection

8.00am / Initial Meeting with GILL /SLT
  • Confirm programme
  • Confirm housekeeping arrangements
  • Confirm meetings with: Govs; parents
  • Agree SLT shadow
  • Agree lesson observations
  • Agree interim feedback
  • Agree reporting back process
  • Agree when written draft will be received
  • Agree when it needs to be returned
  • Agree how to negotiate amendments
  • When will school receive final draft?
  • When will report be published?
  • Agree no-go areas
  • Agree meetings with LMT
/ Gill
In-depth meeting with GILL /SLT – first morning
  • Keep notes of key points, especially judgements
  • Check key points at end of meeting
  • Challenge any issue you do not think is accurate and back up challenge with evidence
  • Agree time of feedback at end of day
/ Gill /SLT
Meeting with Governors
  • Chair is in charge of meeting
  • 3-6 govs plus Gill
  • Keep notes of key points, especially judgements
  • Check key points at end of meeting
  • Challenge any issue you do not think is accurate and back up challenge with evidence
/ Gill / Governors
Meeting with students
  • School has some say over which students
  • Should be introduced to inspectors
  • Should know about school priorities
  • GN debrief with them afterwards
/ Shosh / Amy
Meeting with Parents
  • Make sure they are briefed on key issues
  • Make sure they feedback to us
/ Rukeya / Lipi / ????
Draft report sent to school:
SLT & 3 Governors check factual accuracy / GILL

Cyril Jackson Expectations

Check List / Not in place / In place / Embedded
Teaching and Learning at Cyril Jackson / Planning and preparation:
  • Match – Groups or individuals identified on the planning document

  • Ensure activities meet the Learning Intention

  • What is the new learning of the lesson?

  • How will progress be demonstrated?

  • What elements of the lesson will challenge children?

  • Timings – will children have the maximum time to demonstrate new knowledge or skills

  • Ensure all support staff have copies of planning and know the groups / individuals they will be supporting

  • All staff use school script consistently for modelling and marking

  • Children where possible record in books (limit worksheets)

  • Highest standards of presentation

  • ICT, Literacy and Maths are taught across the curriculum

  • Appropriate guidance, to help pupils prepare for life in modern democratic Britain and a global society

Marking and Targets at Cyril Jackson: /
  • Children respond to quality diagnostic marking and are aware of the marking symbols used in their books.

  • Children can locate their targets and explain what they means

  • FS – Children contribute to their best books.

  • All staff adhere to school guidance of collecting evidence within the FS

  • Staff follow marking timetable

  • Peer / Self marking evident

Reading at Cyril Jackson: / Reading:
Discuss all reading strategies with the children
  • Reading for pleasure /

  • Ensure children have an appropriate book

  • Phonics (wear aprons)

  • Guided reading

  • Shared reading

  • Cannon of literature

  • Library area inviting

  • Book week

  • Favourite author

  • Reading diaries maintained

  • Children take home two books, one for pleasure and one that they can decode

  • AR

  • Monika changing books in KS1

Writing at Cyril Jackson: /
  • Teachers and Teaching Assistants have secure subject knowledge and promote ‘high standards of literacy and the correct use of standard English’ supported by the Teachers Toolkit

  • Handwriting

  • Spelling

  • Grammar for Writing

  • Language Growth (VCOP – Phrases forever)

  • Get Writing

  • Writing must have a context, clear purpose and audience

  • Talk for Writing
-Talking text
-Imitation, memorable, meaningful version of a text type
-Interact with text
-Read as reader
-Reading as a writer
  • Best Writing – Extended Writing

  • Children plan for Writing (Writing frame – Boxing up – story mapping/mountain)

  • Shared Writing

  • Guided Writing

  • Role of the Literacy lesson is to develop the skills of writing – but children are provided with opportunities to apply their writing skills in other subject areas to a consistent standard

  • Marking of literacy (all work) clearly allows pupils to improve their spelling skills and understanding of grammar and punctuation with explicit teaching

  • Diagnostic marking provides high quality responses from children

Behaviour at Cyril Jackson / Positive behaviour policy:
  • Rewards

  • Sanctions (recording)

  • Attendance rewards

  • E-Safety safety
  • Road safety
  • Water safety

  • Children’s behaviour is exemplary on all visits

  • End of day routines to acknowledge and reflect on day

  • Promote courtesy and collaboration

  • ‘P’ Principles – Praise, Pace, Passion, Pitch, Partner work, Purpose and Punctuality

  • 1,2,3, Hand signal

Learning Environments / Classroom Organisation at Cyril Jackson /
  • Learning Walls / Displays have purpose and celebrate success across a range of curriculum areas (borders maintained)

  • Teachers’ corners / Read Write Inc trolleys organised (Filing system)

  • Ensure all libraries are labelled and tidied

  • Plastic covers protect all books

  • Bespoke book covers are on all children’s books

  • Children’s table resource (dictionaries, pencils, pots all in place)

  • Trays labelled with appropriate curriculum labels (server)

  • Flip chart in every classroom

  • Foundation Stage – Outside learning reflects the inside environment

  • Resources returned appropriately to shared areas

SEN / Vulnerable children: /
  • Read and check SEN paperwork and IEPs

  • Read provision map

Support Staff: /
  • Ensure you have copies of planning

  • Collect physical resources to support children within lessons e.g. bead strings, white boards

  • Marking pens and highlighters at the ready to model and mark

  • Have stickers at hand to support the positive learning culture

  • Scribe for teacher

SNR Support Staff / Communal Areas:
  • Organise staff within team to ensure all areas of the school are well organised