The program of the specialization training
Field nr 17 (Veterinary Epizootiology and Administration)
National Head of the Specialisation in election 2012-2016: Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Grądzki
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, phone: +4481 4456200; mobile: 607926337
The full term specialization course last 5 semesters
The number of lecture hours – 335 (including 10 hours of seminars)
The lecture topics
No / Topic / Number of hours1 / Selected problems of the penal law
- conception, functions, goals and principles of the penal proceeding
- participants of the process, proofs, means of obligation
- stages of penal proceeding
- crime definition, partition of the crime
- basic characteristics of the crime
- forms of the crime perpetration
- penalties catalogue
2 / Selected problems of the civil law
- general regulations
- civil code
- insolvency law
3 / Selected problems of the working law
- working code
- working administration
- civil service statue
- state employees statue
4 / Selected problems of the autonomy law
- competencies of the autonomy and regional organs
- municipal property
- ordinary regulations
5 / Selected problems of the administrative law
- public administration concept
- administrative law concept
- administrative act
- administrative apparatus
- administrative and executive proceeding in the veterinary administration
6 / Sources of the European law
- ordinance, directive, decision, opinion, statement
- principles of the European Union functioning
- principal statutory organs of the EU (European Council, European Commission, European Parliament, Court of Justice)
7 / Practical use of the administrative proceeding code in the surveillance activity and infectious diseases control / 20
8 / Veterinary administration
- tasks of the veterinary inspection
- principles of the organization of veterinary inspectorates
- tasks of the veterinary inspection organs
- financing of the veterinary inspection and its tasks
- public orders
- documentation of the veterinary inspectorates
- documents archivising
9 / Selected problems of the feed hygiene
- tasks of the district veterinary officer resulting from the feed law
- feed surveillance
- medicinal feeds
10 / Reaction in case of crisis
- contingency plans in the context of crisis management
11 / Tasks of the district veterinary officer resulting from the laboratory animals experiment act / 5
12 / Selected problems of the pharmaceutical law
- the use of the veterinary medicinal products and medicinal products
- veterinary products turnover
- documentation and reporting
- antibiotic resistance
- introducing of the program “Let’s protect antibiotics”
- producing, use and turnover of the medicinal feeds
- side effects
- the use of the veterinary medicinal products in the context of the long-term program “Animal health and public health protection”
13 / Principles of the diagnostics of infectious diseases
- monitoring (general principles and practical use)
- organization and functioning of the veterinary laboratories in Poland
- functioning and practical use of the CELAB system
14 / Environment protection and animal welfare
- legal regulations in the scope of animal welfare
- minimal conditions of the farm animals maintaining
15 / Selected zoonoses
- lecture prepared and carried by the human infectious diseases specialist
16 / Military veterinary service
- organization and tasks of the veterinary service in Polish Army
- selected problems of bioterrorism
17 / Human resources management
- interpersonal contacts
18 / Veterinary-medical proceeding in case of the outbreak of infectious diseases in particular animal species including: cattle, horses, swine, sheep, goats, dogs, cats, fur animals, poultry, beneficial insects, fishes, molluscs, crustaceans
- diseases notifiable to the OIE
- diseases included in the annex 2 of the act (control obligation)
- diseases included in the annex 3 of the act (registration obligation)
19 / Practical training on the control of selected infectious diseases
- training based on HPAI
20 / Control of infectious diseases / 7
21 / Prophylaxis of infectious diseases
- principles of the non-specific and specific prophylaxis
- characteristics of biocidal products
- principles of bioassurance
22 / IT systems functioning in veterinary administration
- principles of their use and handling
23 / Border veterinary inspection and veterinary inspection in trading
- compulsory legal regulations
24 / Basic problems in general epizootiology
- anamnesis, epizootic investigation
- principles of the dissection performing in farm animals and poultry
- proceeding in the disease focus, protected and surveillance zones
- rendering
25 / Bases of the veterinary epidemiology / 5
26 / Hygiene of slaughtered animals and foodstuffs of animal origin
- sources of the alimentary law; general principles and requirements of the alimentary law; European Food Safety Authority (EFSA); general procedures in the food safety area
- stages of the primary (original) production; hygienic and sanitary requirements for the slaughtered animals and milking cattle breeding; animal health, feed and feeding safety; environment protection
- animal welfare in the raising and breeding including slaughtered animals transportation
- sanitary and technical requirements for slaughterhouses and institutions producing and storing food of animal origin and for other institutions of the food industry; registration and approving of institutions
- official control of the products of animal origin intended for human consumption; principles of the slaughtered animals and meat inspection
- official control of foodstuffs in the production and turnover; methodology and procedures to check for the compliance with the feed and foodstuffs law and animal health and welfare rules
- hazard analysis and risqué analysis in the food chain
- laboratory examination of the raw materials and food products in the food chain in the frame of official control and internal control system
- principles of the foodstuffs and feed monitoring and its significance in the safety assurance in food chain; Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) in the food chain
- systems of the food safety and quality management (ISO, CEN, HACCP) and their application in the official control; audit techniques; methods of the verification and improvement of the system
- principles of the administrative procedure in connection with the administrative decisions publishing process in relation to foodstuffs not-fulfilling specific requirements; liability for damage; penal regulations and penalties
Recommended references:
Veterinary law
- EU regulations
- National regulations
Administrative proceeding code
Civil code
Working code
Current literature concerning diagnostics and control of the animal infectious diseases