Name: Ellen Nichole Leggins
IRA STANDARD / Artifacts / Rationale /1. Foundational Knowledge. Candidates have knowledge of the foundations of reading and writing processes and instruction. As a result, the candidates:
1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of psychological, sociological, and linguistic foundations of reading and writing processes and instruction. / RE 5100 Components of an Ideal Reading Classroom / This artifact demonstrates my knowledge and understanding of how readers and writers progress and how to base their instruction on this information. It is a reflective paper describing and defending the reading and writing instruction goals and curriculum design that the teacher candidate promotes as a classroom teacher or reading specialist.
1.2 Demonstrate knowledge of reading research and histories of reading. / RE 5100 Components of an Ideal Reading Classroom / This artifact demonstrates my knowledge and understanding of best practices in creating a reading program and how to use this information as a reading specialist.
1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of language development and reading acquisition and the variations related to culture and linguistic diversity. / RE 5725 Practicum Student Case Study / For this artifact I tutored over an extended period of time two children from the community who came to our reading clinic for help with literacy development. I wrote a detailed case report of each child’s (a) initial literacy assessment, (b) instructional plan and progress, and (c) recommendations for future instruction.
1.4 Demonstrate knowledge of the major components of reading (phonemic awareness, word identification and phonics, vocabulary and background knowledge, fluency, comprehension strategies, and motivation) and how they are integrated in fluent reading. / RE 5725 Practicum Student Case Study / This artifact shows my understanding of how to incorporate the major components of reading into an instructional plan designed to create fluent readers.
Standard 2. Instructional Strategies and Curriculum Materials. Candidates use a wide range of instructional practices, approaches, methods, and curriculum materials to support reading and writing instruction. As a result, the candidates:
2.1 Use instructional grouping options (individual, small-group, whole-class, and computer based) as appropriate for accomplishing given purposes. / RE 5730 “Esperanza Rising” Unit and Vocabulary Study / This artifact is a unit I prepared as a study to the young adult novel “Esperanza Rising.” I used various instructional grouping options to achieve the instructional goals for this literature unit.
2.2 Use a wide range of instructional practices, approaches, and methods, including technology-based practices, for learners at differing stages of development and from differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds. / RE 5730 “Esperanza Rising” Unit and Vocabulary Study / This artifact demonstrates the variety of instructional practices and methods including technology that I use in working with students at different levels of reading development, incorporating other cultural backgrounds.
2.3 Use a wide range of curriculum materials in effective reading instruction for learners at different stages of reading and writing development and from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. / RE 5140 Multi-Cultural Book Critiques / This artifact is a collection of critiques that I wrote after completing a study on literature from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds noting how to incorporate these works into effective reading instruction for learners at various reading and writing development.
Standard 3. Assessment, Diagnosis, and Evaluation. Candidates use a variety of assessment tools and practices to plan and evaluate effective reading instruction. As a result, candidates:
3.1 Use a wide range of assessment tools and practices that range from individual and group standardized tests to individual and group informal classroom assessment strategies, including technology-based assessment tools. / RE 5725 Coversheet of Assessments from Practicum Case Study / This artifact is a compilation of the data I gathered from various reading assessments when working with a struggling reader that I tutored for an extended period of time.
3.2 Place students along a developmental continuum and identify students’ proficiencies and difficulties. / RE 5725 Coversheet of Assessments from Practicum Case Study / This artifact is a coversheet from assessments I conducted as part of a case study on a struggling reader I tutored for help with their literacy development. I was able to note each child’s proficiencies and difficulties due to the information gather from these assessments.
3.3 Use assessment information to plan, evaluate, and revise effective instruction that meets the needs of all students including those at different developmental stages and those from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. / RE 5725 Coversheet of Assessments from Practicum Case Study / This artifact is a coversheet from assessments I conducted as part of a case study on a struggling reader I tutored for help with their literacy development. I also wrote a detailed case report of the child’s (a) initial literacy assessment, (b) instructional plan and progress, and (c) recommendations for future instruction.
3.4 Communicate results of assessments to specific individuals, (students, parents, caregivers, colleagues, administrators, policymakers, policy officials, community, etc.). / RE 5725 Practicum Student Case Study Parent Letter / For this artifact I wrote a detailed case report of a struggling reader’s (a) initial literacy assessment, (b) instructional plan and progress, and (c) recommendations for future instruction. I was able to share this information with the child’s parents, teachers, and administrators.
Standard 4. Creating a Literate Environment. Candidates create a literate environment that fosters reading and writing by integrating foundational knowledge, use of instructional practices, approaches and methods, curriculum materials, and the appropriate use of assessments. As a result, candidates:
4.1 Use students’ interests, reading abilities and backgrounds as foundations for the reading and writing program. / RE 5725 Coversheet of Assessments from Practicum Case Study / This artifact is a coversheet from assessments I conducted as part of a case study on a struggling reader I tutored for help with their literacy development. I also wrote a detailed case report of the child’s (a) initial literacy assessment, (b) instructional plan and progress, and (c) recommendations for future instruction.
4.2 Use a large supply of books, technology-based information, and non-print materials representing multiple levels, broad interests, cultures and linguistic backgrounds. / RE 5730 “Esperanza Rising” Unit and Vocabulary Study / This artifact demonstrates the variety of instructional practices and methods including technology that I use in working with students at different levels of reading development incorporating other cultural backgrounds.
4.3 Model reading and writing enthusiastically as valued life-long activities. / RE 5730 “Esperanza Rising” Unit and Vocabulary Study / This artifact contains activities contained in this unit to excite my students about reading and writing. I selected different ways to involve my students and make them a part of the text as our study progresses which they can continue to use throughout their lives.
4.4 Motivate learners to be life-long readers. / RE 5730 “Esperanza Rising” Unit and Vocabulary Study / This artifact demonstrates my ability to motivate my students to be life-long learners in how I have selected various activities to be completed while working on this novel that appeal to them.
Standard 5. Professional Development. Candidates view professional development as a career-long effort and responsibility. As a result, candidates:
5.1 Display dispositions related to reading and the teaching of reading. / RE 5525 Personal Statement and Synthesis Reflection (see index page) / I constructed my product of learning, which includes a program description and reflective statement about how my instruction has been transformed through participation in the Reading Education Graduate Program.
5.2 Continue to pursue the development of professional knowledge and dispositions. / RE 5525 Personal Statement and Synthesis Reflection (see index page) / This artifact demonstrates my dedication to continuing my reading instruction development as an educator. It also describes how completing the Reading Education Graduate Program has impacted the manner and methods of my teaching in the classroom.
5.3 Work with colleagues to observe, evaluate, and provide feedback on each other’s practice. / RE 5525 Personal Statement and Synthesis Reflection (see index page) / This artifact contains reflection I have gained after working with other students and colleagues throughout the graduate reading program on various projects and activities.
5.4 Participate in, initiate, implement, and evaluate professional development programs. / RE 5525 Personal Statement and Synthesis Reflection (see index page) / In this artifact I demonstrate how my teaching and participation in professional development programs have been impacted by my participation in the Reading Education Graduate Program.