EN 8694 – Downstream Processing
Instructor: Dr. Kelly Hawboldt, EN3073,
Course Outline
For this course should have a good understanding of principles of fluid flow, heat transfer and yes…thermodynamics.
- Introduction to Petroleum Processing and Unit Operations
- Natural Gas Processing
Overview, equipment, dehydration, hydrocarbon treatment, sulphur recovery, environmental protection
- Crude Oil Refining
Overview, assays, crude oil processing, catalytic cracking, hydrotreatment, thermal treatment, products, introduction to upgrading, environmental protection
- Introduction to Petrochemicals
- Prospects
Alternative fuels, low sulphur diesel, hydrogen energy
Grading Scheme:
The project will require you to work in groups of two. Attached is a list of projects.
Problem sets will be given with solutions posted. Although these are not marked I highly recommend you do them as they reflect the exam questions.
No text required
Reference Texts And Websites:
Catalytic Processing In Petroleum Refining / Esber I. Shaheen, 1983
Modern Petroleum Technology
Petroleum Refining In Nontechnical Language / William L. Leffler
The Chemistry And Technology Of Petroleum / James G. Speight.
Handbook Of Petroleum Refining Processes / Robert A. Meyers
The Chemistry And Technology Of Petroleum / James G. Speight
Gas Processing : Environmental Aspects And Methods / James G. Speight.
Gas Conditioning And Processing / John M. Campbell
- oil properties database
- Society of Petroleum Engineers
gpsa.gasprocessors.com – Gas Processor
- Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
- U.S. Department of Energy
- National Energy Board (Canada)
All projects involve a critical review and future of a petroleum process. The choice of processes is outlined below:
- Removal of low levels of hydrogen sulphide from natural gas (e.g. Sable Island)
- Removal of high levels of hydrogen sulphide and recovery of sulphur.
- Separation of liquids (propane/butanes) from natural gas.
- Separation of ethane from natural gas.
- Dehydration of natural gas.
- Bitumen processing.
- Catalytic cracking.
- Hydrocracker.
- Hydrotreaters
- Coking processes
- Hydrogen production and recovery in refineries.
- Energy recovery in refineries.
The report should be between 15-20 double-spaced pages and have the following format:
1) Abstract
2) Introduction
Introduction to the process and its significance.
3) Scientific Discussion
A review of the literature available on the process with at least five recent references and also;
- Clear explanation of the process, feedstock properties, process variables, and product specs
- Important design parameters
- Historical reason for the development of the process
- Recent trends and challenges in process development and future perspective
4) Conclusions
5) References
References should be cited properly in the body of the report