The BaltimoreCity Public Schools (BCPS)
School Year 2013 - 2014
“Great Expectations, Endless Possibilities.”
The mission of the BCPSS, in concert with students, families, and the broader community, is to prepare all students to be responsible citizens and afford them the opportunity to acquire the skills, knowledge, and abilities necessary to make informed decisions that lead to meaningful and productive lives.
2012-2013Dress Code Policy
To ensure all North Bend students are neatly groomed and remain safe and focused while in school, the following will be enforced throughout this 2012-2013 school year:
- Students’ clothing will be free of writing and graphics.
- Skirts, jumpers, and shorts will meet or fall below the students’ knees when standing.
- Appropriately fitting pants (waistbands at the waist) with a belt are required. Oversized and/or torn pants are not a part of the dress code. The length of students’ pants should not exceed the bottom of their shoes.
- Students are not allowed to wear Heelies (shoes with wheels) in the school building at any time.
- No large earrings. Preferably earrings no larger than the size of a quarter will be permitted.
Refer to the BaltimoreCityPublic School document below for further exclusions to the dress code.
Baltimore City’s Exclusionary Dress Code
The Exclusionary Dress Code addresses issues related to the safety of the students. It represents a cooperative effort between the New Board of School Commissioners, the Chief Executive Officer, the school principals, and the students of the Baltimore City Public School System.
Fur and Leather: No real or imitation leather, fur, or animal skin jackets, coats, vests, pants, or skirts are allowed.
Sweat Suits and Jogging Suits: No sweat pants or jogging pants with elastic at the bottom of the legs are allowed. No elastic fabric sportswear is allowed.
Torn Clothing: No clothing designed or altered to expose undergarments or parts of the body except arms or legs, as defined throughout these rules, is allowed.
Jewelry: Because theft and/or loss is a school security concern, the wearing of precious jewelry in our schools is prohibited.
- No metal chains, ropes, necklaces, bracelets, or rings are allowed.
- No large or extravagant earrings are allowed.
- No multi-fingered rings are allowed.
- School rings.
- Medical identification bracelets.
Underwear: No undergarments worn as outerwear are allowed.
Printed Matter on Clothes: No wearing apparel printed with vulgar statements or statements promoting the use of drugs, alcohol, sex, and/or violence is allowed.
Footwear: No footwear such as slippers, thongs, and flip-flops is allowed.
Headwear: No hats, hair rollers, hair pins, and hair curlers are allowed.
Bedtime Apparel: No pajama-type attire, undershirts, or other bedtime attire is allowed.
Shorts, Skirts, and Tops: No shorts or skirts above the knee (when student is standing), halter tops, tank tops, muscle shirts, or see-through tops are allowed. No jeans!
Student users shall:
- Use telecommunications for educational purposes only.
- Communicate with others in a respectful and courteous manner.
- Obey copyright laws and intellectual property rights of others.
- Maintain the privacy of personal name, phone number, address, password, and respect the same privacy of others.
Student users shall not:
- Post or transmit photographs or personal information about themselves and others without prior written consent from parent/legal guardian.
- Bypass the school system’s filtering server.
- Install personal software on computers.
- Access or distribute abusive, harassing, obscene, offensive, profane, libelous, pornographic, threatening, sexually explicit, or illegal material.
- Deliberately waste or overload computer resources, such as printing large quantities of a document from a workstation.
- Attempt to monitor or tamper with another user’s electronic communications, alter or delete another user’s files or software without the explicit agreement of the owner.
- Use telecommunications for commercial, purchasing, or illegal purposes.
- Use telecommunication in any other manner that would violate school board disciplinary policies.
Violation of the Technology Acceptable Use Policy may be a violation of the law, civil regulations, or Board Policy 812. Suspension of telecommunications privileges, school disciplinary action and/or legal action may result from infringement of this policy.
Be A. R. S. Program Guidelines
Program Name: Be A. R. S. (Be Accountable! Be Respectful! Be Successful!)
Purpose: To implement a school-wide incentive and discipline program in order to improve the overall school climate by teaching and rewarding appropriate behavior, providing consistent consequences for inappropriate behaviors, and creating a peaceful and uniform environment to increase academic achievement.
BeARS Motto: “Be Accountable! Be Respectful! Be Successful…Be BeA.R.S.!”
Student Reward System:
- When staffsee students being ACCOUNTABLE, RESPECTFUL, & SUCCESSFUL the staff rewards students by giving out 1 BeARS Buck.
- Students can earn 1 or more BeARS Bucks per class per day for being ACCOUNTABLE, RESPECTFUL, & SUCCESSFUL.
- Students can also earn 1 BeARS Buck for showing BeARIFIC behavior in each area of the school (i.e., cafeteria, hallway, bathroom, auditorium, etc.).
- Students can earn 1 BeARS Buck for going above and beyond (i.e., helping a peer, defusing conflict, being a positive example, etc.).
- Students can earn 1 BeARS Buck for receiving BeARS Shout Outs from students and staff for BeARIFIC behavior.
- Only BeARS Bucks signed or initialed by school staff will be redeemable.
Calculating BeARS Bucks:
- It is the sole responsibility of the student to collect, keep, and redeem BeARS Bucks as needed.
- Teachers may decide to assist the younger students with managing their BeARS Bucks.
- Middle School teachers will calculate class BeARS Bucks daily and provide individual BeARS Bucks to each student weekly.
Redeeming BeARS Bucks:
- Students will be able to redeem his/her BeARS Bucks for rewards at least once per month.
- Students will redeem BeARS Bucks to attend and/or participate in school-wide incentive field trips and activities.
Criteria to Attend BeARS Incentive Activities:
In order to participate in the school wide activity schedule, the following criteria will apply:
- Student has earned the amount of BeARS Bucks required to attend.
- Student has no more than 1 administrative referral within the timeframe of the activity directly following.
- Student has no more than 1 teacher or administrative detention within the timeframe of the activity directly following.
- Student has no suspensions within the timeframe of the activity directly following.
- Student has no conference letters within the timeframe of the activity directly following.
Timeframe = the amount of days from one activity to the next activity (no longer than 1 month).
Consequences for Un-Bearable Behaviors
Level One Behaviors
Definition / Examples / ProcedureBehaviors that:
- do not require administrator involvement
- do not significantly violate the rights of others
- do not appear chronic
- Refusing to follow staff directions
Excessive crying
- Excessive talking
Unfocused or inattentive in class
- Making inappropriate noises
- Chewing gum, eating/drinking in class
- Unprepared for class
- Not completing class work or homework
- Sleeping in class
- Participating in horseplay
- Caught in the hallway without a pass
- Using locker at an inappropriate time
- Arriving to class or school late
- Out of uniform without permission
- Inform student of rule violated
- Describe expected behavior
- Implement an intervention strategy:
*Nonverbal cue to correct behavior
*Verbal warning to student(s)
*Student/Teacher conference
*In-class modified seating
*In-class time out
*Loss of privileges
*Planned ignoring
*Contact parent (note, e-mail, call)
- Debrief and re-teach school-wide behavioral expectation
- Maintain anecdotal notes of used intervention strategies
Level Two Behaviors
Definition / Examples / ProcedureBehaviors that:
- significantly violate the rights of others
- put self, others, or property at risk or harm
- are chronic Level One behaviors
- Chronic Level I Violations (excessive talking, refusing to follow directions, etc.)
- Arguing with teacher/talking back
- Using inappropriate language
- Cheating (copying peer’s work)
- Out of line or horseplaying during a fire drill
- Throwing things
- Misbehaving on the bus
- Minor Property Damage (writing on desks, etc.)
- Verbally harassing someone (teasing, verbal attacks, bullying)
- leaving assigned area/running from class
- Inform student of rule violated
- Describe expected behavior
- Implement an intervention strategy:
*Out of class time with another teacher
*Contact parent (note, e-mail, call)
*DetentionCenter(if operational)
- If behaviors continue after intervention, contact parent:
*Parent/Student/Team conference
*Refer to Guidance Counselor w/ referral
*Refer to Administrator w/ office referral
- Maintain anecdotal notes of used intervention strategies
Level Three Behaviors
Definition / Examples / ProcedureBehaviors that:
- violate BCPSS school discipline code level II or level III
- are chronic Level Two behaviors
- require administrator involvement
- Chronic Level II Violations
- Writings or drawings that illustrate violent behaviors towards self or others
- Making threats of harm to self or others
- Physically harming a teacher, admin, or staff*
- Fighting or physically harming self or others
- Spitting or biting
- Verbal abuse (making racial, ethnic, religious, or sexual slurs, etc.)
- Possessing weapon or look-alike weapon*
- Cursing at a staff member
- Participating in verbal assault (bullying, threats to harm in a non-playful manner)
- Participating in sexual assault, misconduct (exposure, sexual touching of others), or harassment (sexual advances, inappropriate sexual conduct, etc.)*
- Throwing food in the cafeteria
- Cutting class or out of the building
- Possessing a lighter/matches/explosives*
- Theft
- Possession, Use, or Distribution of tobacco/drugs/alcohol*
- Vandalism, Major property damage*
- Participating in arson*
- Inform student of rule violated
- Describe expected behavior
- Complete Office Referral Form
- Send student to office with Referral Form and attach any relevant Documentation Forms (anecdotal notes)
- Administrator will determine consequences and provide feedback to the referring staff member
Be A. R. S. Rule!
School-wide Expectations ChartExpectations /
/ Hallways / Bathroom / CafeteriaBe
/- Raise Hand
- Eyes on the speaker
- Ears listening
- Follow directions 1st time
- Positively accept consequences
- Wear appropriate uniforms daily
- Have appropriate pass when leaving & entering class
- Walk quietly
- Only go to & from assigned area
- Keep hallway clean
- Use bathroom in an appropriate and timely manner
- Flush the toilet
- Wash hands & turn off sink faucet
- Use student bathroom closest to my classroom
- Listen to the monitors
- Follow directions 1st time
- Raise your hand for assistance
- Clean up eating area
/- Use encouraging, polite, and kind words and actions toward ALL students, staff, and visitors
- Use appropriate language & inside voices
- Eliminate distractions (no electronics)
- Keep hands, feet, & objects to myself
- Follow classroom procedures
- Use encouraging, polite, and kind words and actions toward ALL students, staff, and visitors
- Walk to the right?
- Keep hands, feet, & objects to myself
- Use appropriate language & inside voices
- Refrain from disturbing classes
- Use encouraging, polite, and kind words and actions toward ALL students, staff, and visitors
- Keep the bathroom clean & neat
- Respect privacy
- Use appropriate language & inside voices
- Throw away all trash
- Use encouraging, polite, and kind words and actions toward ALL students, staff and visitors
- Use appropriate language & inside voices
- Use good table manners
- Keep hands, feet, & objects to myself
- Be on time for school & class
- Have necessary materials
- Complete class work accurately and on time
- Turn in homework daily
- Enter & leave class quietly
- Maintain & protect school/ personal property
- Face forward
- Walk the shortest hallway route to & from your destination
- Have my pass visible
- Use lockers at designated times
- Have bathroom pass
- Maintain & protect school property
- Only bring necessary items
- Use bathroom items as needed to limit wastefulness
- Bring lunch & snack money
- Eat in a timely fashion
- Maintain place in line and at the lunch table
- Be polite toward all cafeteria staff and helpers
Expectations /
Outside Play
/ Special Events / Bus / CommunityBe
/- Follow directions 1st time
- Positively accept consequences
- Share & Return Equipment
- Use equipment appropriately & safely
- Follow directions 1st time
- Stay in assigned area
- Enter & leave event quietly & safely
- Follow directions 1st time
- Positively accept consequences
- Be on time
- Go directly to a seat
- Remain in your seat
- Represent your school, family, and self in a positive manner
- Keep the neighborhood clean
- Inform parents/guardians of any concerns
- Go directly home after school
/- Use encouraging, polite, and kind words and actions toward ALL students, staff, and visitors
- Use appropriate language & inside voices
- Keep hands, feet, & objects to myself
- Take turns and cooperate
- Include others
- Use encouraging, polite, and kind words and actions toward ALL students, staff, and visitors
- Participate appropriately
- Listen, watch, learn
- Applaud politely
- Maintain personal space
- Use encouraging, polite, and kind words and actions toward ALL students, staff, and visitors
- Use appropriate language & inside voices
- Keep hands, feet, & objects to myself
- Use encouraging, polite, and kind words and actions toward ALL students, staff, and visitors
- Walk on public pathways & sidewalks
- Respect other’s property
- Speak politely to the crossing guard
- Handle your backpack and materials safely
- Line up calmly and quickly to return to class
- Demonstrate good sportsmanship
- Dress appropriately for outside play
- Maintain & protect school property
- Wear appropriate clothing
- Bring only necessary items
- Keep area clean and neat
- Return permission slip/money in a timely fashion if needed
- Keep aisles clear
- Gather all belongings
- Keep bus clean and neat
- Follow bus safety rules
- Follow safety rules
- Leave school property quickly