DRAFT School Feedback Summary Term 1 2016- The School-Wide Evaluation Tool

Lansvale PublicSchool

The School-Wide Evaluation Tool(SET) aims to determine how accurately school-wide Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is being implemented. It consists of a number of evaluation questions that are divided into seven-sub scales. The following information discusses some of the elements in the seven sub-scales and specificallyhighlights the strengths of the implementation. Some areas are also identified for future direction and/or planning.

Date of SET: 16/02/2016 PBL Staff: Yasmin Ibrahim

Sub-Scale / Elements / Quantitative Measure / Strengths and Achievements / Suggested Future Directions and Planning
A. Expectations Defined / Evidence that the school’s expectations have been defined clearly and that these are visible across the school. / 100% /
  • LPS school documentation exists which identifies five positively stated ‘PROUD’ expectations; Proud, Respectful, Organised, Understanding and Determined.
  • The agreed upon ‘PROUD’ expectations are displayed in 80% of the locations visited during the data collection.
  • Embed regular audits of rule/expectation matrix signageacross all settings within the school, to ensure that all school wide settings have the rules/expected behaviours clearly visible at all times. Consider tracking using a school map.

B. Expectations Taught / Evidence that the school has a system for teaching expectations. This sub-scale includes looking at how your school organises its teaching of social behaviour and staff knowledge of school-wide expectations. / 80% /
  • There is a documented system for teaching the ‘PROUD’ expectations to staff. This includes high quality notebook lessons and a staff register for programming purposes.
  • 80% of staff interviewed identified that they had taught students rules/expectations during 2016.
  • 100% of PBL team members interviewed stated that PBL had been taught to LPS staff during 2016.
  • 75% of students could identify three or more of the five ‘PROUD’ expectations, with 42% identifying all five of the ‘PROUD’ expectations.
  • 90% of LPS staff could identify 100% of the ‘PROUD’ expectations.
  • Continue to review the PBL school-wide approach with staff on a yearly basis to support and develop staff understandings and enhance student understanding. Strong staff understandings and confidence implementing the teaching and learning plan links to strong student understandings.
  • Consider the implementation of systems and practices to support new and casual staff developing a working knowledge of PBL systems and practices.

C. Rewarding Expected Behaviour / Evidence that the school has a system for rewarding social behaviour and that the staff use this system. / 100% /
  • LPS has a documented system for rewarding students.
  • 75% of students interviewed indicated they had received an award over the course of the year. This ranged from oneto fiveawards.
  • 100% of staff interviewed indicated they had delivered anaward to students over the course of the term to reinforce expected behaviours. This ranged from three a weekto ten a day.
  • Consider encouraging staff to more frequently provide tangible rewards to encourage expected behaviours and providing staff with professional learning to support effective use of verbal feedback tied to the expectation matrix (at the ratio of four to one positive to negative interactions).

D. Responding to Behaviour Problems / Evidence that the school’s system for responding to problem behaviour is understood consistently by the staff. / 100% /
  • There is a documented system for dealing with specific behavioural violations identified in the ‘LPS Behaviour Management Flowchart’.
  • 100% of staff could identify major behaviours consistently with the principal.
  • 100% of locations visited had the lockdown/emergency procedures posted in visible, predictable positions.
  • 90% of staff were able to consistently articulate the lockdown procedure to be used during an appropriate emergency situation.
  • Continue to schedule audits throughout the year to ensure all school locations have lockdown/emergency procedures in predictable, visible positions. Include strategies to remind staff of lockdown procedures.
  • Embed regular reminders for staff on when an emergency evacuation or lockdown procedure are used and the procedures for these to maintain current high levels of staff knowledge.

E. Monitoring and Decision Making / Evidence that data is summarised and reported to staff. / 50% /
  • The red slip discipline referral form lists the student’s name and class, the date, the time, the referring teacher’s name and the location.
  • The principal clearly defines a system for collecting and summarising discipline referrals.
  • The principal reported that the team reports discipline summaries to staff once per term.
  • 25% of team members interviewed identified that data was used for team decision making.
  • Consider expanding the red slip to include additional information; person’s involved,probable motivation and administrative decision.
  • Consider ways that data sharing is seen as regular and transparent for the PBL team and the whole staff. For example: Big 5 summaries shared on PBL noticeboard; data, systems, practices used as the problem solving process during team/staff planning.

F. Management / Evidence that the school leadership has embedded PBL goals into the schools overall goals and operations. / 69% /
  • 100% of staff interviewed could identify that there was a school-wide team to address behaviour support systems in the school.
  • The principal reports that the PBL team is representative of school staff.
  • 100% of team members interviewed could identify the team leader.
  • The deputy principal is an active member of the PBL team.
  • The principal reports the PBL team meets twice per term.
  • The principal reports the PBL team provides data summaries to the whole staff once per term.
  • The PBL team has a preliminary action plan that is less than one year old.
  • Consider increasing PBL team meetings to three times per term.
  • Use the data from the SET to develop a more comprehensive action plan that has specific data based goals. Consider tabulating the action plan and adding timelines/deadlines for action items as well as staff members responsible.

G. Regional Level Support / Evidence that the school team connects with regional personnel and allocates funding for school-wide PBL. / 100% /
  • The school contains a budget allocated specifically for PBL.
  • The school utilises the PBL Ultimo Team as an out of school liaison to support PBL implementation within the school.
  • Identify a coach to support the school’s implementation of PBL.
  • Visit the PBL website for recent resources, networking and professional learning opportunities.

Overall Score:85.5%

Overall Feedback:An excellent result for Lansvale Public School that exceeds the recommended benchmark of 80%. As the SET is conducted on an annual basis, this data can be used as baseline data and to prioritise areas to include in the PBL annual action plan. Prioritise nominating a coach to support the team with PBL implementation for further growth.

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