2007 – 2008 Volcanic Transformation Year
Year for becoming BapSaman through fast self-transformation and volcanic yoga
3rd November-2nd December
Topic Eight: VT8 - Master of the Self
Becoming the Embodiment of Virtues, Powers and Experience
1. Invitation letter to join the Year
2. Schedule of topics for the year
3. Homework before we meet Baba this season
4. Schedule of Volcanic bhatti globally
5. Amrit Vela Points
6. Bhatti points
7. Chart: Being the Embodiment of Virtue
8. Meditation Commentaries
9. All powers: Becoming the embodiment using the power of closeness to Baba, the eight jewels and the gathering - Dadi Janki GCH – 6 December
10. Finish all shadows by filling the self with virtues - Dadi Janki - 3rd September 2006 - GCH
11. Complete with all virtues: virtues of the self, the deities and of God - Dadi Janki GRC – 2 August
12. A life filled with Baba’s power of love and coolness - Dadi Janki GCH - 20/06/2003
13. Being the embodiment of love and knowledge – Mastery of the Self - Dadi Janki - GCH 04/05/2003
14. Becoming an Image of Experience – the Embodiment - Sister Meera 4/11/06
15. Digging up the Old Sanskars and Filling them with Virtues - Sister Mohini's class, Montreal, June 25th, 2007
16. Virtue as Knowledge Translated into Practice - (Extracts from the Masters course in Raja Yoga – Australia)
17. Deepening the experience of soul consciousness - Sr Meera 6/2/07
18. Baba as Satguru – the Almighty Authority
An invitation to join the Year of Volcanic Transformation
Making double efforts for fast self-transformation and volcanic yoga
Dear souls,
As you know, Baba has signalled this year as the year for achieving volcanic or intense transformation. Last year we developed the practice of intense stage of volcanic yoga that can bring deep transformation in the self. This year we will make double efforts by practicing both intense transformation on a daily basis and on the first Sunday of each month having an intense volcanic yoga bhatti.
As a year ends, the lokik world starts to review their year by asking what they have achieved and where they have failed. On New Year’s Eve there is a resolution taken for the year. In Brahmin life, rather than once a year, there is celebration in every moment. Our resolution is to be introspective and to follow a clear goal of transformation. In the last murli, Baba said that you should be able to transform yourself in a second. However, this year BapDada doesn’t want us to practice gradual transformation.
To follow Baba in this, we need to check ourselves, and ask what has been my transformation up until now. How far have I reached in achieving my aim and object?Most of us have been working gradually on ourselves. We have been transforming our old sanskaras. However, world service rather than self-transformation has become our most powerful subject. Baba now wants us to work on self-transformation. We just need to keep in mind that everything is possible if you have determination to keep on moving.
During the Year of Volcanic Transformation, our aim is to work on self-transformation through reflection and self-checking. To make this process intense and to bring newness in myself I must keep the aim to become BapSaman. Become aware of your present image compared with your future image. To bring such deep change and become free of the influence of old sanskaras we have to sit down and reflect on our present stage.
This year will involve going through such a deep checking of our efforts so we can see clearly what we want to achieve, and what will require my attention. All these questions must be answered. This can help fulfil Baba’s hope that we will achieve a flying stage and become BapSaman as soon as possible. Such deep transformation is Baba’s desire for us for this year. It involves comparing myself with Brahma Baba to see to what extent I have become similar. What is the gap? It is this gap that I have to fill with yoga power, attention, determination…. So, I need to start reflection and checking on everything.
We wish you best wishes for the year
from Didi Nirmala and the Volcanic Transformation Team
Outline of aims and approach for the year of transformation
VT Year 2007-8
Aim: Self-transformation, transformation in the BK family and then world transformation
How: Use the power of the gathering. Create a wave of transformation amongst ourselves (BKs) around the world by having a unity of purpose and making intense efforts using the creative images, ideas, commentaries and powerful slogans from the 2006-7 season’s Murlis and Senior’s classes and commentaries.
Beginning the Year of Volcanic Transformation: A month of Deep Checking of our Chart and Aims
The first month will be a month to check our aims for the New Year. There is a list of questions developed by Didi Nirmala in her class given for this New Year. This will help us to do deep checking of our present stage of transformation and formulate new aims for this coming year of transformation.
Yuktis for the year:
1. download an inspiring image, connected with a powerful slogan from the VT web site
2. join the self transformation club
3. study amrit vela and yoga bhatti points, commentaries and reflective class material
4. use the months image as a screen saver on the computer
5. print the image and slogan and put it up on the bulletin board of the centre
6. down load classes and points with the murli batch of that month and print out for study
7. have deep yoga first Sunday of every month focused on attaining fiery or volcanic remembrance
8. read for inspiration for the bhatti :World Volcano Manual 2006, also on VT web site
9. listen during yoga bhatti to yoga commentaries of audio CDs or mp3 available from VT web site
10. have daily yoga on volcanic transformation: 4.45 – 5.00 or at the end amrit vela
New Resources:
World Volcano Manual 2006 on volcanic remembrance, has some new but mostly last year’s material that have been re-organised and edited. It’s available through NCOs (available on the VT web site).
World Volcano Meditation Commentaries are a new series of audio CDs produced in Madhuban, in 2007. They are a co-operative effort of the sound department and art department of Gyan Sarovar, senior yogis, and the Australian WVB Team. These are for sale in Madhuban or will be available as MP3s for download from the web site, topic wise each month.
New Ideas for this year: Self Transformation Club:
· A new idea for the year is the formation of a Self-Transformation Club for those wanting to email directly to other BKs and share their ongoing process of transformation.
· A short text for reflection goes out to club members monthly together with monthly mansa seva drills.
· Aims are to go deep into the realization of the role of transformer.
· Members will write down personal experiences share them by email.
· Centres will create spaces for dialogue among club members.
· These ideas were developed by BK Gopi Elton – Australia, BK Corinna Alicante – Spain, BK Mathias – Switzerland, BK Aloisio and BK Brigida of Brazil, BK Will Gonzalez – Philippines, BK Laura – Israel together with some members of the World Volcano committee of Australia.
· The transformation club will be co-ordinated by BK Brigida of Brazil together with the group.
· To join please email BK Brigida:
New: Topics and Contributors for the year:
Each month a different region will take responsibility for contributing classes, points and art work for that month.
New: Volcanic Transformation Year web site address
2007-8 VT Year: web site address: www.brahmakumaris.com.au/volcano/VTyear.php (valid April 07)
Materials and commentaries from the year for the world volcano bhatti will continue to be available on the old web site address:
2006-7 World Volcano Year: web site address: www.brahmakumaris.com.au/volcano/bhatti.php
Homework from Avyakt Murlis 2006-2007 to practice before you meet BapDada this Season
“Child realise the self and become real gold”. This season, you must not come off your self-respect nor must you forget the importance of time.
31-10-06.- Stabilise yourself in a second wherever you want in any stage that you want. So be ever ready.
16-11-06.- Sit in the stage of a determined thought. I have to do this. I have to return. I have to return together.
30-11-06. - Tour the 4-pilgrimage place of Madhuban:
1. The greatest pilgrimage is the Tower of Peace to become powerful.
2. BapDada’s room if you are determined to become equal.
3. The hut is for a heart–to–heart conservation.
4. History Hall if you have waste thoughts at a fast speed
15-12-06. In a second become free from negative thoughts, free from waste thoughts; become stable and concentrate on “One Father and none other”.
31-12-06. Oh Mind, in a second reach your sweet home. In a second reach your Kingdom of Heaven. Practice this in a second through the day.
02-02-07. In one second become the master of your mind. “I and my Baba are my world and there is none other”.
15-02-07. Now, sit for one minute in the form of a determined thought of what BapDada just said: “I have to finish giving excuses, laziness and carelessness at every moment.”
03-03-07. Become incorporeal for one minute, become an all round server for one minute. Do this exercise of the mind throughout the day for 5 minutes each time.
Making the Atmosphere Powerful with the Drishti of Saakash
In murli of 03.03.07, BapDada has ordered the children to make (1) some powerful plans with some newness, (2) to create mikes who come on stage as speakers on your behalf choosing the topic for themselves, (3) to make the atmosphere as well as your mind so powerful such that souls have the experience of attainment so that they are not able to stay away and (4) talks on activities and business should be short without going into expansion and increase the powerful service of the mind.
Method: BapDada has advised that the basis of this is that the instruments themselves should finish all waste in a second and spread the impact of best thoughts into the atmosphere. With a powerful mind, you are going to receive success of service through the mind…However, now, when your mind is powerful, the result of serving through your mind will then come in front of you…Now prepare such speakers. You give them sakaash and they give the lectures.
17-03-07. Exercise you mind for 5 minutes. Bring it to the supreme abode, to the angelic region, remember your angelic form, the remember your worthy of worship form, then your Brahmin form, and then your deity form. So, 5 forms in five minutes, 8 times a day.
·You are making effort, but there has to be intense effort. There has to be determination for intensity; there has to be this addition.
·However, BapDada has told you before too: according to the present time, you have to do three types of service at one time, that is, through your thoughts, words and deeds. Through your mind give an experience. Through your words, give an introduction to the treasure of knowledge. Through your face and activity, give the experience of the practical form of a completely yogi life. You have to do all three types of service at the same time, not individually. There is little time and there is still a lot of service to be done even now.
31-03-07. In one second, for 2 to 3 minutes be seated on the seat of a self-sovereign with the sanskars of controlling and ruling powers in an emerged form. End of Homework.
VT Year TableYear of Volcanic Transformation Topics - April 2007 – April 2008
each topic lasts for 30 (-35) days / Volcanic Linkup dates and focus topic for meditation:
The bhatti is on the first Sunday of each month / Dates of the month devoted to that Topic
each topic lasts 30 (-35) days
1. Using the Power of Transformation
· Transformation: first self then family then the world
· Using the power of the gathering
· Reveal the self before you reveal the Father / 6th May (Sunday bhatti)
Focus topic for meditation: Volcanic remembrance / 2nd April
to 6th May
2. Experiencing the combined form
· Mera Baba
· Baba’s nature is my nature / 3rd June (Sunday bhatti)
Focus topic for meditation: Love as the foundation of intense yoga / 7th May
to 3rd June
3. Being Master Bestowers
· Having the treasure of powers, knowledge, virtue, time and happiness
· Revealing your image of mercy and compassion / 1st July (Sunday bhatti)
Focus topic for meditation: World Benefactor stage / Monday 4th June
to Sunday 1st July
4. Being Master Sun - Using the Power of Silence
· Tension versus attention
· Keeping one direction and one srimat
· Continuing to spin the discus of self realization
· Being the master sun of knowledge / 5th August (Sunday bhatti)
Focus topic for meditation: Lighthouse and Mighthouse Stage
/ Monday 2nd July
to Sunday 5th August
5. Being Brahmachari
· Letting go of impurity and its 5 companions
· Keeping a double lock of remembrance and being busy in service / 2nd September (Sunday bhatti)
Focus topic for meditation: Purity and Soul Consciousness as the foundation of intense yoga – Rakhi / Monday 6th August
to Sunday 2nd September
6. Being an ancestor soul and Uplifting the world
· Being worthy of worship for half a cycle
· Experiencing the 8 goddesses / 7th October (Sunday bhatti)
Focus topic for meditation: Worship worthy form
Diwalli / Monday 3rd September
to Sunday 7 October
7. Master bestower of liberation
· Being a karma yogi / 4th November (Sunday bhatti)
Focus topic for meditation: Karmateet stage – liberation in life / Monday 8th October
to Sunday 4th November
8. Experiencing soul power and God’s power
· Experiencing power in any situation for as long as you want. / 2nd December (Sunday bhatti)
Focus topic for meditation: Master Almighty Stage / 5th November
to 2nd December
9. Master of the Mind
· Controlling power and ruling power
· Power of concentration / 6th January (Sunday bhatti)
Focus topic for meditation: 5 forms and spiritual drill / 3rd December
to 6th January
10. Perfect stage
· Serving through the angelic stage
· Signs of the avyakt stage
· Your perfection will make time close / 3rd February (Sunday bhatti)
Focus topic for meditation: Angelic and avyakt stage – 18th January / 7th January
to 3rd February
11. Becoming ever ready and unshakeable
· Give peace of the land of peace to the ones experiencing sorrow
· Being unshakeable in the midst of upheaval – stories and experiences / 2nd March (Sunday bhatti)
Focus topic for meditation: Bodiless, incorporeal and seed stage – Shivratri / 4th February
to 2nd March
12. Courage to bring the sanskaras of the New Age into the present
· Being the embodiment of the experience of every dharna / 6th April (Sunday bhatti)
Focus topic for meditation: Deity form -Golden Age- Holi / 3rd March
to 6th April
2007-8 Year of Volcanic Transformation (VT Team)