Director’s Report
August 20, 2013
1)Enrollment: Current enrollment is74
a)New Enrollment: Zachary Krouse (School Age), Bevin Smith (School Age), Cayvin Smith (part time 2 ½&3), Mia Thomas (Full time preschool), Harper Janeway (Full Time and Preschool), Logan Balazer (Part time 2 ½&3), Ethan Reterer (Part Time 2 ½ &3), Lauren Arnt (Preschool), Lily Goff (Preschool), Alaina Bradley (Preschool), Myra Petlick (Part Time 2 ½ &3), Drew Christie (Part Time & Preschool), BrodynZubic (Preschool), MadelynnTudeThuot (School Age), _____ Ott (Part Time & Preschool), Audrey Schebel (Full Time 2 ½ &3), Olivia Miller (Part Time and Preschool), Karsen Newberry (Full Time and Preschool)
b)Withdrawals: Olivia Grabowski (going to Berrien Springs but will be back in the summer)
a)Hired: Meghan Kern
(1)2 ½ and 3’s lead teacher
(a)She will start August 27th. She has two children who she is also enrolling in the center.
b)Leaving: Andrew –going to college. Last day was Aug. 16th, Mr. Josh – going to college. Last day is Aug. 28th.
c)We still need to hire a Tu/Th lead teacher and another assistant teacher.
3)Current Business
a)July 5th. Currently, our weekly price covers 4 days of daycare with a day for “free”. I charged parents for July 5th (the center was closed) as a “free” day. Policy? The same situation will happen on August 30th with the center being closed for cleaning.
b)Started Facebook page. Many families have been looking at our Facebook page and decided to enroll their child.
c)Break room has been a huge help with planning time and staff lunches.
d)Late Fee. Sending a letter to parents reminding them about the late fee starting in September.
e)$50 fee. In the same letter and in two other correspondences, reminding parents about the $50 fee.
f)Working on Crisis Plan. Need to contact someone at the Lakeshore transportation center to transport children.
g)Past Due Accounts with children in the center. I spoke with the three families who owe large bills to the center ($200.00 or more) who still have children in the center. Two of the three are making consistent payments to catch their bills up. The third one has been warned and has started to make payments.
h)Open House: September 5th @6:00 p.m. Board is welcome to come see the rooms.
i)Lifetouch Picture Day is September 23rd starting @8:00 a.m. The parent’s picture packages are part of a fundraiser for the center. Staff pictures are free. Looking into pictures for the church staff as well.
j)Online training. SUMCC staff has started online training. Feedback has been great!
k)Fire extinguishers are now in each of the classrooms.
l)Field trips. We took the preschoolers to the movies twice, Curious Kids, the Fountain, the Potawatomi Zoo. We had a Preschool Carnival with balloon twisting, cotton candy, and a cookie walk. The School Agers went to the movies twice, South Bend Silverhawks, the Potawatomi Zoo, the Kalamazoo Air Zoo, andMining for Gold. The center had a visit from Michael’s crafts also. Next week we will have a Prince and Princess Tea and a Disney party.
m)Jennifer has started a partnership with Great Start which is an organization in Berrien County that wants to reach families to get every child ready for Kindergarten. Jennifer will be on the board starting in September.
n)Jennifer printed postcards for the Berrien County Youth Fair. Staff were also given these cards. They were asked to put their names on the back. If the cards came back with a new family who signed up, Jennifer would take that staff member to lunch.
o)Posted pictures of the children’s activities in the church’s visual announcements.
p)Asked the church congregation for snack donations. We have had several church members donate. Jennifer and the staff have sent thank you cards.
q)Jennifer did two days of Zoo Phonics training. Staff were then trained on the proper way to use Zoo Phonics in their classrooms.
r)Preschool starts September 9th for M, W, F and September 10th for Tu, Th.
s)Jennifer will be attending Conflict Management training on August 21st. This covers her licensing requirement for director continuing education.
4)New Business:
a)Fundraising:Yankee Candle. We receive 40% of the profit for every item sold. There is online ordering so extended family can place orders. Start fundraising October 28th so we will have them in time for Christmas. We will also have staff available between church servicesfor the congregation to purchase.
b)Fundraising:Dutch Mill Bulbs. Start fundraising September 9th or 10th. We will also have staff available between church services to for the congregation to purchase.
c)Referral credit. If a current family refers another family to the center, Jennifer would like to give the referring family a $20 credit on their account.
d)Operation Christmas Child. We are partnering with Oakland Baptist to help pack shoe boxes of toys, school supplies, hygiene items, and other supplies to children in developing countries who may not hear the Word of the Bible. Each box cost $7 to ship. We will be collecting items and monetary donations from our families from October 18th to November 18th. On Friday, November 18th we will have a thankful feast and then pack up the boxes to be shipped.
e)SUMCC Credit Card. Jennifer has been taking money for field trips, activities, and materials out of her checking account to pay for our events. Could we possibly get a center or church credit card?
f)Scholastic Book orders. Jennifer will really be pushing these this fall. The bonus points will help us get classroom materials and supplies for free.
g)Jennifer is looking into having church members come in and read a special book to the children.
h)New Ouch and Observation reports. Still working on a “note home” report.
i)Collection agency called Solutions BCB. They will take 20% from recovered amount. Larry and Jennifer decided to try one account and see what happens. Should we start with the Cooper account?
j)We will need some Zoo-phonics supplies for the fall. Total is around $175.
k)Hooks in the hallway by Jennifer’s office for school agers?
l)Phone. Should we add a phone or get a new system?
m)Late child fee. We currently do not have one in the contract or parent handbook. What should the fee be? Per minute?
n)Christmas cards. Send Christmas cards to parents/supporters of the center?
o)Painting. Can we hire someone to paint the school age room?
i)2 ½ and 3’s: 12 spots. We are full! If we get a call for a full time spot, Jennifer can move one child into the preschool room.
ii)Tu/Th preschool is maxed out at 16 children.
iii)M/W/F preschool has one spot left. 17 children signed up and paid for spots.
iv)School Age is full with 30 children.
5)Questions? Items for next meeting?
Next SUMCC Board Meeting: Tuesday, September 17th @ 5:30 p.m.