13 OCTOBER 2009



STATUS: Service Delivery


1.1To consider :

(a)the Dorset Strategic Road Safety Partnership Business Case for 2009/10.

(b)the continuation of the existing funding mechanism for Safety Camera Enforcement across the Dorset Police Force Area


It is recommended that Cabinet approves : -

(i)The 2009/10 Operational Case of the Dorset Safety Camera Partnership (DSCP) as outlined in item 5 of this report, and Authorise the Head of Transportation Services, or his nominated representative, to agree and sign off the associated Service Level Agreement (SLA).

(ii)The use of the 2009/10 allocation from the Second Local Transport Plan (LTP2) Specific Road Safety Grant, attached as Appendix A, to deliver this Operational Case as in previous years

(iii)To recommend to the Dorset Safety Camera Partnership that the underspend carried forward from 20/08/09 be spent on the items shown within Appendix B (items 3.1.1 – 3.1.3)


This matter was considered by the Transportation Advisory Group on 10 September 2009 and it supported the approved recommendations.

4.0Service Level Agreement (SLA)

4.1The first SLA was agreed by this Council’s Executive Cttee on 30 January 2002. A similar agreement will be needed for the current SLA for continued operations into 2009/10 and 2010/11, which marks the end of the existing funding arrangements. This is the primary joint working document for the whole project and will be subject to annual review and agreement. The Dorset and Conurbation LTP’s both recommended that safety camera enforcement continue on a similar footing to previous years.

4.2The primary function of the DSRSP will be “the 3E’s” (Engineering, Education and Enforcement) and the group meets 3-4 times yearly. The SLA is taking a medium to long-term view of the partnership, so that all parties involved show commitment to the partnership until at least the end of March 2011. Authority is sought for this to be signed off on behalf of Poole by the Head of Transportation Services.


5.1The Operational Business Case 2009/10 Support Document is available in the Group Rooms for inspection. The primary objective for camera deployment will remain the reduction of deaths injuries on the roads, by reducing speed and red light violations. The DfT is currently not prescriptive, however, about camera siting, to reflect any local decision-making and accountability of the Camera Partnership.

5.2The DSCP has been using wet film GATSO cameras for over a decade, although this technology will be superseded by digital cameras within four years. The costs of maintaining wet film cameras and the recalibration costs entailed will be a heavier burden each year. Digital cameras offer better quality and dependent on type can process images immediately they occur and are more robust in their method of operation. DSCP currently use laser cameras for mobile enforcement and this is likely to continue.

5.3DSCP have been looking at the different types of approved Digital cameras and are purchasing a number of cameras each year to replace the existing GATSO’s. The cost per unit is approximately £58,000 but by purchasing digital, DSCP will in time make additional savings with regards to maintenance and longevity of the kit and also will need to use less resource on collecting films and developing costs.

5.4 DSCP have recently introduced a new type of enforcement camera from SERCO which is able to enforce both red light violations and vehicle speed through the junction. This “speed on green” camera is currently on test in Poole at the Holes Bay Road junction with Sterte Road. Initial indications are that the camera has been successful in achieving an overall reduction in the speed of vehicles travelling through the junction, including a number of persistent offenders. It is proposed that before the cameras become operational a press release will be issued to warn motorists about the impending enforcement. At this time reminder markings in the form of 30 mph roundels will also be marked on both lanes approaching the junction at the speed limit terminal point.

5.5DSCP have produced a report on the usage and types of Average Speed Cameras that are available for use and that are type approved for this type of enforcement. There are only a limited number of systems available in the market place including the SPECS system. The SPECS 3 system has recently received Home Office Type approval.

5.6DSCP are recommending that the Partnership look to utilise this system by setting up several sites across the county. They are ideal for enforcing on routes. Cameras positioned throughout the route calculate an individual driver’s average speed between cameras and would enforce automatically. This also helps to stop camera surfing and ensures that drivers stick to the limit over a greater length of roads. The additional benefits of this are that all notices for prosecution can be automated and require less manual intervention.

5.7The proposed camera partnership operational expenditure plan is detailed at Appendix A.

5.8The change in the way that Speed and Red Light (Safety) Cameras is funded comes against a background of a second LTP which was deemed to be “Fair” and the Road Safety element of which was assessed as being “Excellent”.

5.9There is no intention to increase the number of fixed speed cameras or red light cameras however one additional mobile camera site will be established in rural Dorset during 2009/10 and new technology will be trialled at existing camera sites.

5.10In terms of governance the project is under the overall control of the Dorset Strategic Road Safety Partnership (DSRSP), comprised of officers from the Police, Fire & Rescue Service, Highways Agency and officers and Portfolio Holders from the three local authorities. The tactical co-ordination group for the partnership is Dorset Road Safe, which was set up in July 2008.


6.1The funding arrangements are such that each year the DSRSP project board must apply to each Council for a proportion of funding to maintain the programme through the Business Case. It will be necessary to agree levels of funding to ensure that the programme can continue. The levels of income and proposed expenditure for 2009/10 is detailed in Appendix A. The proposed plan for dealing with the previous years’ underspend is shown at Appendix B.

6.2The Driver Awareness Scheme (DAS), which is currently running in parallel with the camera operations, is a totally independent scheme run by Dorset Police. It will be contributing to the DSRSP account to the tune of £91,380. This DAS contribution is necessary because the LTP funding decreases year on year, but the operational fixed costs will increase and there would otherwise be a budget deficit. In addition Dorset Police recognise the fact that DSCP enforcement equipment is used to detect these lower end speed violations and also that the DAS courses will, in future, extend to cover other offences such as mobile phone use and not wearing seatbelts.

6.3Currently claims are made through Bournemouth Borough Council’s finance department as Treasurer to the Partnership and the operational case includes for costs to allow this process to continue. The Treasurer approves these claims and then sends out invoices to the three funding authorities (Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole) in proportion to their grant allocation.

7.Casualty Reduction

7.1The overall aim of the partnership is to continue with the annual target of a 6% year on year reduction in casualties across the DSCP area. In relation to Killed or Seriously Injured (KSIs) this relates to :

  • Baseline1994-98 of 479 KSIs
  • Target figure 2010 of 287

(For Poole this represents a reduction from 68 to 41 KSIs).

7.2 The Dorset Safety Camera Partnership (DSCP) commenced operations in 2002. Since 2002, Dorset has seen a steady year on year reduction in KSI casualties.

Overall performance is as follows:

  • Between 2002 and 2007 there was an 18% decrease in KSI casualties, from 550 to 451
  • Between 2007 and 2010 a target of 14% per year was set to ensure a realistic decrease from 451 towards the final target of 287.
  • 2008 figures indicate there were 437 KSI casualties, which equates to a 3.2% per year reduction on the 2007 figure.

The above figures illustrate the fluctuating nature of casualties which make the analysis of year by year changes unreliable. However the overall trend is undoubtedly in the right direction, although the overall 2010 KSI target is particularly challenging.

7.3Casualty figures at the camera sites have seen an even more significant reduction. Since the start of the DSCP (2002/03 Financial Year) KSI casualties have decreased at camera sites by 51.5% (2007/08 financial year) compared to a 16% reduction in KSI casualties not at camera sites. It is also worth noting that from 2002 to 2007 traffic flow increased by 5%, which represents an increase of 252 million more kilometres travelled by vehicles on Dorset’s roads.


8.1Safety Cameras are funded as part of a specific Road Safety Grant until 2010/11. The current funding arrangements give members greater freedom and flexibility to pursue whichever measures they see fit in order to reduce road casualties locally. The DfT still considers, however, that safety cameras have a vital role to play in an integrated road safety strategy. The existing Safety Camera programme has been demonstrated to reduce casualties at camera sites both nationally and locally.

8.2The alternative option would be to retain some of this funding for use by Poole, either for road safety or other measures. The risks of this approach are identified in item 10 below.


9.1The delegated authority is sought to approve the continued operation of the Partnership in its current format. There is a commitment implicit within the SLA to continue as a member of the Partnership until March 2011.


10.1The casualty reduction targets for 2010 are particularly challenging for Poole. Based on experience and research at camera sites throughout the Dorset Police Area, there is clear evidence that the presence and enforcement at these sites will continue to provide a positive effect on casualty reduction. To remove partially or completely from the Partnership is likely therefore to have a detrimental effect on achieving these targets.

10.2The casualty targets beyond 2010 are likely to be even more difficult. Without the resources of the Partnership it is unlikely that future proposals such as the speed over distance camera project will be developed. It is anticipated that schemes like this would potentially play a significant part in Poole, particularly on the high speed roads such as Dorset Way, Canford Way and Holes Bay Road


10.3While this grant is not ring fenced, there remains a high expectation by the DfT that this allocation will be invested in road safety to deliver further improvements in this area. There remains the risk that the DfT will reduce or remove the grant if these funds are not directed towards road safety.

10.4Furthermore the Grant could be in jeopardy if there is a significant move away from speed cameras (as is the case currently being considered in Swindon ) such that the income stream to the DfT is removed.


11.1The impact on residents living near to camera sites and the effect on the behaviour of the motorists who pass through has been considered and it is judged that the overall benefit to the community is a positive one and is not discriminatory against any particular group.


12.1The casualty reduction benefit of safety cameras has been proven and the work of Dorset Road Safe will contribute significantly to this process. The expectation from the DfT is that the Road Safety Grant be used to support the Partnership at least until the end of the current agreement which is March 2011.

Councillor Mike White

Portfolio Holder for Delivering Major Projects (including Schools for the Future) and Transportation

Background Papers

Operational Case 2009/10 Support Document – available in Group Rooms

Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact:

Martin Baker (01202) 262073

28 July 2009

Appendix A – LTP2 Settlement and Business Case 2009/10 Financial Summary

Appendix B– Carry Over Funding Request Details



Local Transport Plan Settlement

and DSCP Business Case 2009/10 Financial Summary

(Capital & Revenue) / £ / PLANNED EXPENDITURE
(Capital & Revenue) / £
LTP2 Specific Road Safety Grant (SRS) for Poole 2009/10
Capital / 78,074 / Planned Expenditure by Poole 2009/10
Capital / 39,000
Revenue / 353,732 / Revenue / 72,000
Total Inc. for Poole 09/10 / 432,436 / Total Exp. For Poole 09/10 / 111,000
Specific Road Safety Grant for Dorset CC &
Bournemouth BC* / 2,183,745 / Planned Expenditure for Dorset CC,
Bournemouth BC* & DSCP over total area / 2,650,172
Bournemouth BC retained funds / 100,000
Sub Total: Specific Road Safety Grant from funding partners / 2,516,181
Additional Income from
Dorset Police Driver Awareness Scheme (DAS) / 91,380
Carried Forward from 2008/09 SRS Grant / 153,611
TOTAL INCOME / 2,761,172 / TOTAL EXPENDITURE / 2,761,172*

*Final figures were approved by the Dorset Strategic Road Safety Partnership Steering Group meeting of 23 July 2009.



1.0 Carry over funding from 2007/08

At the start of the reporting period there was a carry over from 2007/08 to 2008/09 of £278,496. During the reporting period £127,368 was spent leaving £151,128 to be allocated.

2.0 Under spend 2008/2009

Agreement was reached last year that any under expenditure this financial year should be used to part fund time over distance cameras and allow for an accumulation of funds for camera contingency in case of vandalism. There has been an under spend of £432,974 due mainly to staffing turnover and delays in bringing on new staff, plus all partners under spent on their requirements.

3.0 Total under spend carried forward to 2009/10

3.1The total under spend for 2008/2009, including carry over, is £584,102. It is proposed that this be spent in the areas below:

3.1.1To fund a shortfall in the 2009/10 Operational Case of £153,611. Without this carry forward the projected Operational Case Budget will be overspent.

3.1.2Time over distance cameras - one set up with final location to be decided. This would require between £350,000 and £500,000 dependent on the location chosen.

3.1.3Digitisation of cameras - (Ten Units) Locations to be decided. These costs equate to approximately £58,000 per each set up unit. These cameras are to replace wet film cameras that will be obsolete in three years time.

Over time these types of systems will require less man power to attend to the devices and provide electronic offender information on a real time basis which will be transmitted back to the Central Ticket Office for processing.

Other areas which were considered for this funding are :

3.1.4Camera contingency - this request is for a sum of money to insure against camera vandalism as each replacement would be in the region of £35,000. DSCP would like to build up a reserve fund to protect our existing cameras.

3.1.5 Automatic Car – High performance vehicle required for driver training requested, amount £23,000.

3.1.6Unipar Lasers – Four in total, 2x County Division, 2x Bournemouth division, to be used in conjunction with the Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNT’s) for road safety Total amount required £8,400.

3.1.7DCC Drive 55+ Young Driver Project and Motorcyclist Project these two initiatives offer drivers and motorcyclist’s one on one driver training, now extended across all of Dorset. Amount requested £25,000.

3.1.8ANPR – Software upgrades 12x @ £2,500, 7x compliant front cameras-@ £8,400, 10X Bullet cams for recording pursuits £2,500, 10X upgrades processors £10,100, 4X portable flight case defect rectifications £1,000. Total amount requested £52,000.

3.1.9Motorcycle Match Funding for Dorset Police – This initiative is based around the request for LAA funds for a larger safety initiative based on the ESSEX project. The funds would be matched by the LAA funding and provide the finance to then purchase two motorcycles for road safety. Amount requested £13,000.

3.1.10Dorset Road Safe bid for £250,000 to reduce KSI’s.