Extra Guidance World Geography



Features of Culture

Focus on the United States

Directions: Use the leading questions/suggestions to help you complete this assignment. You do not have to provide answers to EVERY question in each box. These questions are designed to help you think about each particular feature of culture.

Cultural Feature / Example from the US
1. Style of dress / Common Clothing worn in US – provide examples
Does clothing differ based on gender? explain
Does clothing differ based on age? explain
Does clothing differ based on situation? explain
2.Ways of greeting people / What do you do when you first meet a person?
Provide examples of verbal & Non-verbal greetings
3. Importance of time / Is time important to Americans? Are there consequences for being late to school/work in the US?
4. Movies & television shows / Are TV shows/movies important in US? Explain.
Many TV/Movie options available to Americans or not?
5. Values (beliefs about right & wrong) / Examples of commonly held values (i.e. it is wrong to steal – ps you cannot use that as an example now because it would be stealing J)
6. Literature (books) / Examples of commonly read books in US
DO people read a lot in US? Do Americans value reading (think its important)
7. Beliefs about raising children / What are some different ways that people go about raising kids? Does each family go about this task in the same way?
8. Attitudes about privacy / Do Americans think privacy is important? Provide examples from our culture to support your opinion
9. Holiday customs/rituals / What are some common holidays celebrated in the US (are any holidays unique to our culture)? What are some rituals that people take part in while celebrating these holidays?

10. Music / What are some types of music that are popular in the US? Do Americans think music is an important part of their culture? Provide examples to support your opinion
11. Dancing / What are some different styles of dance practiced in the US? Do Americans think dance is an important part of their culture? Provide examples to support your opinion
12. Celebrations / How do Americans celebrate? What are some events that most Americans celebrate?
13. Foods / Identify some popular foods in the US
14. Greetings / Identify examples of common greetings (i.e. What’s up?)
Do Americans use different ways of greeting each other in different situations? (i.e. greeting your teacher v. greeting a friend)
15. Ideas about clothing / Do Americans think clothes are important? Provide examples to support your opinion. Do Americans use clothing to express themselves? Provide examples
16. Religions / Is religion important to people in the US? Provide examples to support your opinion.
Identify some religions practiced in the US? What is the most widel;y practiced religion in the US?
17. Methods of communication / What are some different ways that Americans communicate (i.e. speaking English)? Identify some technologies that are commonly used in the US to help us communicate?
18. Sports / Do Americans think sports are an important cultural feature? Provide some evidence to support your opinion. What are some sports that are very popular in the US?
19. Attitude about country (patriotism) / Are Americans patriotic? Provide evidence to support your opinion.
20. Work ethic (is hard work valued? Explain) / Do Americans think working hard is important? Provide some evidence to support your opinion. Do Americans reward those who work hard? How so? Are people who do not work hard rewarded in this country? Provide evidence to support your opinion.
21. Manners (what is considered polite & impolite?) / What is considered polite in the US? What is considered to be impolite in this country?
22. Attitudes about age / Are all people treated the same in this country, regardless of their age? What are some commonly held beliefs about kids? Adults? The elderly?
23. Education / How do people get educated in this country? Is school the only way? What are some different types of school?
Do Americans think education is important? Provide evidence to support your opinion.
24. Government / What type of government do we have in the US? How do Americans feel about their government? Provide evidence to support your opinion.
25. Money / What type of economy do we have in the US?
26. Beliefs about money / How do Americans feel about their money? Provide evidence to support your opinion.
27. Beliefs about differences (racial, religious, economic, etc…) / Is our country culturally diverse?
Do Americans think diversity is a good thing or a bad thing? Provide evidence to support your opinion.
28. Beliefs about the “natural world” / How do Americans feel about nature (the environment)? Think about pollution v. protecting the environment. Provide evidence to support your beliefs
29. Methods of transportation / What are some commonly used forms of transportation in the US? Do we have a good transportation system or a bad transportation system? Provide evidence to support your opinion.
How do most Americans get from one place to another?
30. Facial expressions & hand gestures / Provide examples of common facial expressions and handgestures and describe the meaning associated with each (i.e. when people smile it means they are happy/waving to say hello)

(adapted from educational materials produced by the Peace Corps)