BCMSC FIVE YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN 2012-2013 to 2016-2017

Berrien County Mathematics and Science Center


2012-2013 to 2016-2017

The Berrien County Mathematics and Science Center will enhance the quality of STEM education for all area students.
·  Provide experiences to engage students in STEM learning activities.
·  Share model curriculum initiatives with local districts and promote curriculum alignment with Next Generation Science Standards, Common Core State Standards, Michigan Merit Curriculum.
·  Assist low achieving schools in improving student achievement.
·  Involve local universities and community colleges, science museums, business, and community groups as active partners in the Math/Science Center.
·  Strengthen teaching practices through systematic professional development initiatives.
·  Provide high-potential area students a half-day, shared time, secondary program in an accelerated and enriched environment.
·  In partnership with the Michigan Math & Science Centers Network, support and provide leadership for statewide initiatives in STEM education.

Performance Effectiveness Indicator for Leadership

Centers assess needs, leverage resources, and promote collaboration in improving STEM education.

Identified Needs Based on a Current Comprehensive Needs Assessment

·  Local districts report need for STEM consultants and a team of consultants in all core areas.
·  Local administrators report an escalating number of new STEM initiatives and frustration how to support them.
·  Teachers are unfamiliar with the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards.
·  National research reveals an escalating need for STEM skills for all in a fast-paced changing society.
Center Five Year Goals for Leadership:
L1.0 The Berrien County Math & Science Center will be knowledgeable about important initiatives in STEM education, and will be active participants in developing and supporting these initiatives.
L2.0 Identify local districts needing services and raise their awareness of STEM support services that are available.
L3.0 Assist local districts in aligning their curriculum and instruction with the Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.
L4.0 Implement STEM initiatives as developed and presented by the Michigan STEM Partnership.
L5.0 Convene an advisory group comprised of stakeholders from local districts as well as community partners.
L1.0 The Berrien County Math & Science Center will be knowledgeable about important initiatives in STEM education, and will be active participants in developing and supporting these initiatives.
List of planned programs for Year 2:
L1.a When feasible, participate in relevant and active STEM professional associations such as
·  Michigan STEM Partnership
L1.b Maintain an active role in the Lake Michigan STEM Hub of the Michigan STEM Partnership to help develop activities that support STEM education.
L1.c When feasible, participate in training and professional development activities that focus on current STEM initiatives and trends.
L1.d When feasible, engage in the development of programs that will advance STEM education independent of the Michigan STEM Partnership.
L1.e Join board of directors at NCSSSMST. / Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness:
Are the Center staff active members of professional organizations?
Is the Berrien County MSC represented in Michigan STEM Partnership activities?
Is the Berrien County MSC represented at hosted professional development or resource activities? / References for Data Gathering:
·  Requisitions for membership
·  Review of resource materials
·  Staff calendars
·  Certificates of completion
·  Registration documents

L2.0 Identify local districts that need services and raise their awareness of STEM support services that are available.

List of planned programs for Year 2:
L2.a Employ expert educators to organize and lead network meetings for STEM content teachers.
L2.b Collaborate with local curriculum directors and academic coordinators to identify district needs.
L2.c Assist high-priority and under achieving schools. / Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness:
Are needs being identified with local educators and through documentation? / References for Data Gathering:
·  Registration documentation
·  Meeting minutes or other resources
·  Survey of network teachers
L3.0 Assist local districts in aligning their curriculum and instruction with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
List of planned programs for Year 2:
L3.a Through network meetings, help districts become more familiar with CCSS and NGSS.
L3.b Provide opportunities for districts to work collaboratively on developing curriculum. / Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness:
Are districts in the process of incorporating new standards into their curriculum and instruction? / References for Data Gathering:
·  Reports from local districts
·  Meeting announcements and agendas/minutes
·  Activity calendar entries
L4.0 Implement STEM initiatives as developed and presented by the Michigan STEM Partnership.
List of planned programs for Year 2:
L4.a Facilitate Family Engineering programs in collaboration with local schools.
L4.b Provide professional development to local districts for utilizing the Family Engineering program.
L4.c Support and publicize new opportunities made available through the Lake Michigan STEM Hub of the Michigan STEM Partnership. / Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness:
Are local districts participating in activities developed by the Michigan STEM Partnership? / References for Data Gathering:
·  Activity registration information
·  Local district feedback
L5.0 Convene an advisory group comprised of stakeholders from local districts as well as community partners.
List of planned programs for Year 2:
L3.a Convene stakeholders to review as well as provide feedback on the Center student application process.
L3.b Use advisory group to identify expertise within the educational community. / Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness:
Are all stakeholders represented on advisory group?
Is advisory group able to identify expertise to enhance professional development or programming? / References for Data Gathering:
·  Meeting minutes or other materials
·  Directory of community experts or other resources


Performance Effectiveness Indicator for Student Services

Students impacted (directly and indirectly) by Center programs demonstrate progress toward STEM literacy.
Students will elect to participate in STEM opportunities in greater numbers.

Identified Needs Based on a Current Comprehensive Needs Assessment

·  Attracting the numbers to make accelerated courses feasible and staffing and equipping these courses is difficult for many small districts in Berrien County.
·  Local administrators have requested a shared service approach to meeting the needs of highly capable secondary students in mathematics, science, and technology.
·  Students at all levels need learning opportunities that inspire, enrich and enable them to construct meaningful STEM understandings.
·  Local districts cannot afford many enhancement activities.
·  Students are not aware of the many STEM career paths.
Center Five Year Goals for Student Services:
SS1.0 Students will be provided opportunities to encourage their interest in STEM.
SS2.0 Students will apply STEM skills in real life situations and conduct scientific research.
SS3.0 Students will gain awareness of careers and real world applications to learning.
SS4.0 High potential high school students will experience an innovative program in mathematics, science and technology.

SS1.0 Students will be provided opportunities to encourage their interest in STEM.

List of planned programs for Year 2:
SS1.a Identify and facilitate opportunities that excite an interest in students as they experience STEM in action. These activities may include participation in:
·  Museum visits
·  Science Olympiad
·  International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF)
·  Physics Day
·  Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont
·  BEST Early Research Symposium
·  Michigan High School Mathematics and Science Symposium
·  Family Engineering Nights
SS1.b Coordinate STEM focused videoconferencing field trips / Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness:
Are students involved in a variety of Center sponsored activities? / References for Data Gathering:
·  Review attendance documentation
·  Review teacher feedback from offsite visits
·  Teacher feedback from student activities

SS2.0 Students will apply STEM skills in real life situations and conduct scientific research.

List of planned programs for Year 2:
SS2.a Coordinate and promote participation in a variety of competitive and noncompetitive interscholastic events such as:
·  Science Olympiad (K-5 & 6-12)
·  Family Engineering Nights
·  Math Competitions
·  FIRST Robotics
·  Michigan High School Mathematics and Science Symposium
·  BEST Early Research Symposium
·  NCSSSMST Student Research Symposium
SS2.b Combine, coordinate and promote the Building Excellence in Science and Technology (BEST) Early Research Program as well as the Michigan High School Mathematics & Science Symposium. / Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness:
Are Center students engaged in real-world activities that promote scientific inquiry? / References for Data Gathering:
·  Review student awards and recognitions
·  Student participation feedback
·  Feedback from research presentations
·  Feedback from teacher chaperones

SS3.0 Students will gain awareness of careers and real world applications to learning.

List of planned programs for Year 2:
SS3.a Support the implementation of career pathway STEM courses.
SS3.b Promote activities that enhance understandings of cultural diversity, gender equity, and career paths in STEM fields such as Portfolio Assessment, Family Engineering, and Young Entrepreneurs Day.
SS3.c Work with CTE and FIRST Robotics Coaches on creating a document that provides measurable benchmarks regarding FIRST Robotics and the NGSS and Common Core standards that are implemented in Robotics Preparation. / Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness:
Are students participating in activities promoting STEM careers? / References for Data Gathering:
·  CTE course registration documentation
·  Attendance documentation for student activities
·  Review feedback from students and teachers

SS4.0 High potential high school students will experience an innovative program in mathematics, science and technology.

List of planned programs for Year 2:
SS4.a Students will be selected from area LEAs to participate in a half-day shared time accelerated program.
SS4.b Accelerated Program in grades 9-12 students will be provided instruction in mathematics, science and technology in a university environment.
SS4.c Students will access university facilities, laboratories and technology.
SS4.d Accelerated Program students will be provided enrichment activities that will enhance learning.
SS4.e Accelerated Program students will receive recognition for their accomplishments.
SS4.f Provide accelerated students with university electives or direct undergraduate credit.
SS4.g Provide accelerated students the opportunity to participate in state, regional and national contests and competitions.
SS4.h All students will participate in original research and share their research through publications or presentation.
SS4.i All students will participate in Fab Lab processes using a laser burner and 3D printers. / Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness:
Is enrollment stable or increasing?
Are students successful after completing the accelerated program? / References for Data Gathering:
·  Review the number of applications
·  Review enrollment data
·  Survey of graduates’ accomplishments
·  Review Center graduate data
·  Student feedback


Performance Effectiveness Indicator for Curriculum Support

Districts will develop and implement aligned curricula in STEM classrooms.

Identified Needs Based on a Current Comprehensive Needs Assessment

·  Teachers need to have local expertise available with knowledge to assist in aligning their curriculum.
·  A need exists for teachers in the same field of study to share ideas with each other and learn new demonstrations and projects and discuss appropriate materials such as books, videos, software, and emerging technologies.
Center Five Year Goals for Curriculum Support:
CS1.0. Support local districts in the development of effective assessment in STEM programs.
CS2.0 Districts will align their STEM curriculum with Common Core State Standards (CCSS), Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and state adopted course expectations.
CS3.0 All schools will have the opportunity to enhance student learning.
CS4.0 Districts will use various technologies as an integral means to deliver curriculum.
CS1.0 Support local districts in the development of effective assessment in STEM programs.
List of planned programs for Year 2:
CS1.a Provide professional development for creating quality assessments. / Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness:
Are districts working towards creating effective assessments? / References for Data Gathering:
·  Meeting agendas
·  Feedback from district curriculum leaders
CS2.0 Districts will align their STEM curriculum with Common Core Science Standards (CCSS), Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and state adopted course expectations.
List of planned programs for Year 2:
CS2.a Through the content teacher network, educators will be supported in implementing CCSS and NGSS.
CS2.b Provide opportunities for professional development to support alignment efforts.
CS2.c Through the content teacher network, provide technical assistance to LEA school improvement teams / Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness:
Are districts participating and aligning curriculum? / References for Data Gathering:
·  Consultant assessment of progress
·  Identify schools participating in alignment activities
·  Feedback from building principals and curriculum directors
CS3.0 All schools will have the opportunity to enhance student learning in STEM.
List of planned programs for Year 2:
CS3.a Provide opportunities for professional development in STEM instruction.
CS3.b Through the Michigan Math & Science Centers Network, provide access to statewide programs and initiatives.
CS3.c Through the content teacher network, develop and support professional learning communities to increase student achievement.
CS4.d In collaboration with the Battle Creek Area Math & Science Center, host training sessions for Science Units. / Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness:
Are district teachers participating in
professional development or other programs? / References for Data Gathering:
·  Identify schools participating in activities
·  Workshop agenda and sign-ins
·  Participation data from statewide programs
CS4.0 Districts will use various technologies as an integral means to deliver curriculum.
List of planned programs for Year 2:
CS4.a Model the integration of technology when delivering instruction and technical assistance.
CS4.b Provide access to Vernier probeware via loan program.
CS4.c Coordinate videoconference field trips to support curriculum. / Assessment Questions for Center Performance Effectiveness:
Are teachers utilizing technology in classrooms? / References for Data Gathering:
·  Identify schools participating in activities
·  Log of materials check out
·  Workshop agenda and sign-in
·  Classroom Observations

Performance Effectiveness Indicator for Community Involvement