WCPA Board Meeting

Friday, May 8, 2015

10:00 a.m.

World Wide Web – Google Hangouts

Maggie Higgins

Lindsay Gustin

Christin Van Kauwenberg

Joe Haferman

Shelia Keaton

Stephanie Salazar Kann

Crystal Lillge

WCPA Talks

  • Three out of the four speakers are good to go. Brenda cannot do it.
  • We are looking for a speaker to talk about Opportunities.
  • Stephanie mentioned Jasmine Clay as an option
  • Allen Saginac- counseling professor and chair of department at OshKosh.
  • Is he going to run into the same conference/timing issue that Brenda is going to run into?
  • Not a person, but maybe why did we pick these words and what are we looking for?
  • Maybe there is someone who took a department through a big transition?
  • That’s why we have Sandi, to talk about change
  • Opportunity could be anything- positivity, and seizing the chance at hand. We want a positive person who is uplifting, and can be motivational.
  • Tom Fojtik, Director of Residence Life at OshKosh- he is motivating, uplifting, a past president of WCPA.
  • Mandy & Patrick will reach out to Tom & Allen and see if either are available and willing. They will reach out to Tom first of this pair, but only if Dr. Nick cannot.
  • Dr. Nick, from UW-Lacrosse, is very involved in UMR and well regarded across the field. He may be retiring soon.
  • Jason will reach out to Dr. Nick

Table Runner/Banner (Steph)

  • People were on different pages in terms on what we wanted. Some thought the table top was better, others wanted a floor banner.
  • The larger the piece, the more expensive it will be.
  • All options are pop-up, one is on the table, and one is on the floor. In addition, we are planning to get a table runner, which is a cloth that goes down any table.
  • If we get the larger one, we have to fill it with information, and we don’t have that much information.
  • Christin thinks the smaller, table top version makes more sense, since we always have a table. Also, it’s smaller so we don’t have to fill it up with information, that we don’t have identified at this point
  • Lindsay recommends getting a table banner and the table pop-up banner. Christin agrees.
  • Steph needs the logo in vector format, but we only have them in Jpeg. and PDF at this point. Joe will look into getting the logos in vector format, in a high resolution, to Steph will get mockups of the banner and table runner.

Conference SWAG (Crystal)

  • Pens were selected without issue.
  • We will get the chargers on a key chain for additional convenience.
  • We are going with the double walled tumbler is cost effective and got the most votes from the original selections – we will give water bottles out at SA 101 too.
  • Similar to SWAG- fleeces are almost ordered, Crystal is working on it with Land’s End.
  • Crystal will get those ordered and will bring them to the summer board meeting.

Survey Monkey

  • We lost access to our data since we have not paid yet. So, Christin asked if we think it’s worth it to retain that data and transition.
  • Steph and Lindsay don’t think that we should spend the money
  • Maggie posed that it’s our fault and while it stinks that we have to pay for it, it would be negligent to dump that data and prevent future boards from having it. From a historical perspective, we have a responsibility to future boards.
  • Christin shared that we could use it for elections this year, to make sure we transition to Google smoothly.
  • Mandy thinks we may be able to pay one month and pull the data within that time frame. Maggie and Sheila will work together to find a time that works for Maggie to pull the data.

Summer Board Meeting Date and Location June 25/26 or July 16/17

  • Seems like most folks can do June. Maggie cannot, and Lindsay is up in the air. Steph and Joe said June is doable, but not ideal for them.
  • Planning for June, someone aside from Maggie will have to take notes. Planning to do it up in Nicolet

New Business

Next meeting Friday, June 12, 2015 at 10:00 am via World Wide Web