NRSG 619 6.2010

NRSG 619

Olivet Nursing Informatics Training

Master of Science in Nursing

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NRSG 619 6.2010


The following individuals contributed to the completion of this

course of study:

Dr. Linda Davison

Gail Parzygnat

NRSG 619 Olivet Nursing Informatics Training

Statement of Faith
“As an educational enterprise of the Church of the Nazarene, we pursue truth in order to glorify the God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ: praying for the coming of the spirit; remembering the promise of Scripture and tradition; keeping our hearts faithfully attuned to the voice of God; and being thoughtfully, acutely, and critically engaged.” 2002-2004 Catalog. Bourbonnais, IL: Olivet Nazarene University. /

Course Description/Overview

This course provides an opportunity to develop the skills necessary for participating in online classes via the Blackboard format.


Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

1.  Navigate in Blackboard classroom

2.  Print onscreen information

3.  Download documents from the online classroom

4.  Participate in online discussions

5.  Submit and retrieve assignments

6.  View the online gradebook

7.  Gain an understanding of the resources available through the ONU library system

Course Materials

Use of a personal computer and internet access

Microsoft Office Software

course assignments/assessments

The learning outcomes will be fostered and assessed in a variety of ways. As best practice suggests, assessment will be formative and summative and will include the application of acquired course knowledge to real world practice settings. This course will include the following:

Weekly discussion postings


Weekly workshop topics

This is a self-paced course. The following list is the suggested progression of the course. With the exception Activities 1-11, 1-12, 1-13 and 2-5, activities may be completed out of this order.

Week One Activities

Activity 1-1: Read the Course Syllabus and Grading Rubric

Activity 1-2: Read the Introduction to Blackboard Student Guide and review the Blackboard CD.

Activity 1-3: Log on and become familiar with ONU’s email system at

Activity 1-4: Review the MSN Handbook
Activity 1-5: Download a Document from Blackboard and notify the instructor via ONU email.

Activity 1-6: Print a Blackboard Screen

Activity 1-7: View the Powerpoint presentation

Activity 1-8: Post a Powerpoint Biosketch and respond to two colleagues.

Activity 1-9: View APA format tutorial
Activity 1-10: Post a thread for Discussion Question #1 and respond to 2 colleagues

Activity 1-11: Submit your word document assignment to Smarthinking
Activity 1-12: Via ONU email, send a copy of your submission confirmation to the instructor

Activity 1-13: Submit a draft of your word document to the draft link and review the Safe Assign report

Activity 1-14: Submit your word document via the assignment link

Week Two Activities

Activity 2-1: Review the External Links and the Nursing Resource Home Page and tutorials

Activity 2-2: Post a thread for Discussion Question #1 and respond to 2 colleagues

Activity 2-3: Retrieve and resubmit a corrected Graded Assignment

Activity 2-4: Reply to the instructor's confirmation of paper retrieval

Activity 2-5: Complete the Course Assessment

Activity 2-6: Complete the Course Survey


The final grade for this course will be Complete or Incomplete. The student must successfully complete the entire course before the noted end date in order to continue in the program.

The student will receive credit for the assignments in the following ways:


Various activities listed will be graded by the instructor and marked as complete or incomplete. It is the student’s responsibility to review “My Grades” in blackboard in order to keep track of activities needed to be successfully completed.


Each week the student will respond to the discussion objective as directed. The discussion posting is a large part of learning in an online environment. The grading for discussion activities is outlined in the course grading rubric. Students are required to support their discussions with citations, write using APA format and provide a reference list at the bottom of their posting.

Everyone will be required to answer discussion questions each week in every course and respond to 3 colleagues initial posts on 3 different days. The initial activity post is due no later than the third day of each week by 11:59 p.m. The instructor will give the requirements for the length - usually a minimum of 250 words per question with citations and references. Initial posts must be made during the assigned week. Posts posted before 12:00 a.m. of the designated week will be removed by the instructor.

For this course only, answer the discussion questions and respond to 2 of your colleagues' initial postings on 2 different days. Your initial post should be at least 150 words. (Citations and references are not needed for this course only.)

·  Provide colleagues with reflective thoughts, personal experience, resources, or general thoughts regarding their insight to the activity or topic.


Plagiarism is defined as use of intellectual material produced by another person without acknowledging its course. For example:

·  Wholesale copying of passages from works of others into an assignment, paper, posting, or thesis without acknowledgement.

·  Using the views, opinions, or insights of another without acknowledgement.

·  Paraphrasing another person’s characteristic or original phraseology, metaphor, or other literary device without acknowledgment.

·  Faculty will monitor for evidence of plagiarism. All work must be submitted through the correct blackboard process to be assessed for evidence of plagiarism.

·  Self-plagiarism is the use of the learner’s work from a previous class and is highly discouraged. Should the learner’s previous work be used, it must be cited as such.

For further information on Olivet Nazarene University Conduct and Responsibilities see the Catalog at the course link (ONU Bulletin).

Students suspected of plagiarism require faculty to contact the Chair, Director of Nursing Department at ONU directly.


Olivet Nazarene University (“the University” or “ONU”) welcomes students with disabilities and is committed to full compliance with all laws regarding equal opportunity for students with disabilities. Qualified individuals who have a disability will not be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in connection with the services, programs, or activities offered by ONU. These prohibitions against discrimination apply not only to the University’s academic programs but also to other programs and services at the University such as financial aid, housing, student employment, athletics, counseling and placement services, and extracurricular opportunities.
Through a spirit of cooperation among faculty, staff, and students, the University is dedicated to ensuring that qualified students with disabilities are able to receive reasonable accommodations in a timely and effective manner. The University’s “Student Disability Services Policy” describes the process used at ONU when a student requests disability services or accommodations. This Policy is available through the Learning Development Center.

As per University policy, students with disabilities who have been admitted to the University should apply for accommodations and services through the office of the Director of Assessment and Learning Support Services. Call Dr. Sue Rattin at (815) 928-5765.

The personal computer is an integral part of this program. The nursing degree-completion program is computerized in the sense that the computer is used throughout the entire program with specific software packages incorporated into many courses. Instructors and students must have access to a computer with the capability of accessing the Internet and sending and receiving e-mail. Students must also have the ability to access and use Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint. Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are required software applications.

The Online Course - Start and End Dates
Online courses start on Day 1 of Week 1 at 12:01am. Online courses end on Day 7 of the last week of a course at 11:59 p.m.

The Online Week
The online week consists of seven days; Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc.

Day 1 is the first day of the online week and Day 7 is the last day of the online week.

Your courses will begin on a Monday. Therefore, Day 1 is Monday and the online week is as follows:

Day 1 is Monday
Day 2 is Tuesday
Day 3 is Wednesday
Day 4 is Thursday
Day 5 is Friday
Day 6 is Saturday
Day 7 is Sunday

Submission Times
A day is comprised of the timeframe between 12:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. Any coursework (assignments, discussion questions, etc.) due on a given day must be submitted within this timeframe to be considered submitted on time. No course work will be accepted after Day 7 of the last week of a course. Please review the MSN Handbook for the No Late Paper Policy.

To be considered in attendance for an online course week you must make at least one post per week. You must make a post between 12:01 a.m. CST on Day 1 and 11:59 p.m. CST on Day 7.

Getting Help: Technical Support
Olivet Nazarene University's Information Technology Department provides Help Desk services to ONU instructors and students. The Help Desk can be reached at 815-939-5302. The Help Desk staffing hours varies. To find out the current available hours for Help Desk support, go to

If you need help during a time when the Help Desk is closed, call the Help Desk number and leave a message to report your situation. Even though you will not get immediate help at the time of your call, your situation is documented and someone will contact you when the Help Desk is open. It is extremely important that you contact the Help Desk and report any problems you encounter even if they occur at a time when the Help Desk is not open. The IT Department needs to be aware of the technical support issues the student experiences.

For additional information regarding technical support from the University's IT Department, go to

Getting Help: Course Support
While this course is a self-paced tutorial, the instructor will be available to lead you through the course. If you have any questions, post your questions in the discussion board located in the Q&A menu option at the left. Your question will be answered within 24-48 hours except on Sunday. The facilitator for this course observes Sunday as a day of spiritual worship and Sabbath rest and does not work on Sunday.


The course consists of 2 full weeks of activities with the completion deadline of 11:59 p.m. Week 3 Day 1. Each week contains activities and assignments that will enhance learners’ understanding of the topic. The activities and the assignments are sequential and therefore it is important the student follow the weekly sequence as outlined through the course. However, you may begin your Week 2 activities if your Week 1 activities are completed.

Weekly Folders
In each course you will see three folders: Resources, Assignments, Discussion. Each course will have these folders in every week of the class containing your weekly assignments.
Resource folder: Contains your reading assignments and other resources needed for the week or the course.
Assignment folder: Contains your weekly assignment(s) for the course.
Discussion folder: Contains the assignment and link for your weekly discussion question.
Make sure you check your syllabus to ensure all activities are completed for each week. You can also verify completion of the assignments by clicking the My Grades button located in the Course Tools.

Looking Ahead

Many courses contain sections titled “Looking Ahead” in order to inform you about upcoming assignments.


In Week 1 of Nursing Informatics Training you will read introductory guides to using Blackboard and Webmail. You will learn how to use discussion boards in Blackboard, download a document, and print a Blackboard screen and become familiar with various tools used when submitting an assignment.

LOOKING AHEAD to Activity 1-14

Activity 1-14 Word document - Exploration of specialty track

In order to insure the timeline required for the instructor to review, grade and return an assignment is followed for successful completion of this course, the assignment is due no later than Week 2 Day 2 11:59 p.m.

In a 2 – 3 page (not including title and reference pages), investigate the specialty tracks offered by Olivet Nazarene University. For each of the three tracks, Leadership/Management, Education, and Emergency Management/Disaster Planning, discuss the following:

  1. Available positions for each track
  2. Education needed for the available positions noted
  3. Experience needed for the available positions noted
  4. Support your investigation with at least one scholarly resource per track.

Please refer to the APA sample paper for proper formatting. Also, please refer to the grading rubric in order to see that all graded components are addressed in your assignment.


Week One Devotion

Introduction to Blackboard v 7.2 Student Guide

How to copy and paste

How to create a powerpoint presentation

APA format review

Online etiquette

Chat room etiquette

Interpreting Safe Assign Reports

APA sample paper

Smarthinking instructions


Activity 1-1: Read the Course Syllabus and Grading Rubric

If you have not done so already, left-click on the Syllabus menu option at the left and read through the course syllabus.
Click the Grading Rubric button and review the Rubrics for this course.

Activity 1-2: Read the Introduction to Blackboard Student Guide and review the Blackboard CD.

Go to the Resources folder in Week One and read the Introduction to Blackboard v7.2 Student Guide. This Student Guide contains step-by-step instructions for using the features of Blackboard that will be required of you. It is recommended that you save or print a copy of this file to keep in a convenient location so you can refer to it as needed. Review the Blackboard CD you received at orientation.

Activity 1-3: ONU Email