Room 37 News
Issue 3 September 21, 2015 Mrs. Keyes
Important Announcements:
LCM Watch D.O.G.S.
If you are interested in being part of our LCM Watch D.O.G.S., please see details on our school web page or email Mr. Klimas. We are in need of some great male role models that will keep this program alive! It would be wonderful to have some Room 37 Dads, Grandpas, etc. who are able to volunteer a day here or a day there….your kids will love having you at school!
Halloween Carnival, 2015
Only 4 weeks away!
Halloween Carnival planning is in full swing at LCM! There are many ways you can get involved! The Planning Committee meets every Wednesday morning at 8:45, at the cafeteria tables. Our classroom basket will be “Date Night.” Please consider picking something up for our raffle basket or making a donation so that our Room Moms can purchase some items. Michele, Teenah and Jeannine will be sending updates as to how our Room 37 families can help! Plan ahead…Halloween Carnival Weekend is October 16th and 17th.
Language Arts:
AR (Accelerated Reader): My students were given their first semester AR Point/Percentage Goals. A detailed letter was also sent home in your child’s Dolphin Folder last week. Please check in with your child regularly to monitor their progress on reaching their AR Goals.
(Reading Information): We will begin our study of California’s Regions. The reading focus this week will be to identify the main idea and supporting details from informational text.
(Reading Literature):
We will begin our study of Greek Mythology this week. We will focus on identifying allusions within the text. For example, in the story, “King Midas”, the Midas Touch alludes to good luck or having a “golden touch”.
Read Aloud: We began reading the novel, The Castle in the Attic by Elizabeth Winthrop. This is an exciting children’s fantasy novel.
Language Conventions Program:
We will continue with Volume 1 (each volume takes two weeks to complete). As a reminder, students will take a spelling pre-test at the beginning of each week. Students who pass their pre-test with a 90% or higher will not be taking a spelling post-test on Fridays. All students will work on spelling extension work that is due each Friday. An end of the volume test that will assess the skills listed below will be given on the second Friday of the volume (September 25th).
Volume 1:
Spelling Pattern: high frequency words and short and long /a/ words
Spelling Rule: when a word ends in a consonant followed by the letter y, change the y to i before adding –er/-ed/-es/-est/-ness
Homophones: right/write, blue/blew, no/know, break/brake
Punctuation: contractions
do not = don’t
Parts of Speech: nouns
Grammar/Composition: 4 Types of Sentences: Declarative, Imperative, Exclamatory, Interrogative
Affixes/Roots: Prefixes,
References: Parts of a Book
Figurative Language: Idioms (related to the 5 senses)
Math: Unit 1, Place Value/Addition and Subtraction.
This week we will continue to review place value, comparing large numbers, and estimating numbers with rounding to a given place. Homework will include assignments given on TenMarks. If your child has any problems using their TenMarks account from home, please let me know.
Math Games: We taught our fourth graders to play, “Put You in Your Place”. This is a fun and easy game to play at home that reinforces place value, reasoning, and comparing large numbers. Ask your fourth grader to teach your family how to play!
Writing: Students will write an informational paragraph about the different ways to describe where they live (planet, continent, hemispheres, country, state, and city).
We will also begin writing an informational summary after reading an article about beavers. Students will determine their main (“big”) idea and use the text to support it with details.
P.E.: We have P.E. this year with Coach Chindlund on Mondays and Thursdays. Please remind your child to wear athletic shoes/clothes on these days.
Library: We will resume are regularly scheduled library time on Wednesday. Please remind your child to return his/her library books.
Science Garden: We will meet in the Science Garden with Ms. Jeanele every other Tuesday.
Music: We will have music this year with Mr. Ball every other Tuesday (beginning this week).
*Thanks to the families of LCM and our PTO for supporting our music and science garden programs!
Congratulations to Scarlet Giovinazzo and Andrew Hidy, our Room 37 Students of the Month. Scarlet and Andrew are fantastic role models in our classroom and truly “Live the Dolphin Way,” by doing what’s right and putting forth excellent effort each and every day.
We will be having Executive Board elections this coming, Friday, September 25th. Good luck to Room 37’s Ruby and Andrew!
At LCM we make, “Every Minute Count”. Please make sure to have your child at school, each morning, and on time. If you need to take your child out of school for an appointment, please make every effort to do so at the end of the day. Thanks for your help!
Please purchase a pair of small ear buds for your child to keep in his/her desk this school year. We will use them when working with technology. If you are unable to purchase these for your child, please let me know. Mrs. McAvoy donated some extra ear buds that I would be happy to pass on….. Thanks Mrs. McAvoy!
Also, we are in need of erasers for our white boards. Small socks work great for this! If you have an old sock (or a mismatched sock) that you are willing to get rid of please send it to school with your child to keep in his/her desk.
September 25th, Student Council Elections
September 29th, Dine Out, Islands
*Each Wednesday is College Day at LCM! Wear your favorite college colors or my college colors (purple and gold). Go Washington Huskies!
*Each Friday, our PTO will be selling frozen fruit bars after school for $1.00. Start off your weekend with a cool treat!
Happy Birthday to….
4th - Manaia Clark Flores
4th - Dionne Nguyen
14th - Sophia Tracy