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Date of Test ______

precipitation falling products of condensation

in the atmosphere, such as rain,

snow, or hail.

ground water the water beneath the surface of

the ground, that has seeped down,

as in well water

condensation the act of becoming liquid from gas

or vapor

evaporation the act of changing from a liquid or

solid state into vapor

vapor water molecules in the air, like

steam or humidity

transpiration water vapor that comes from


run-off the part of precipitation that

eventually ends in rivers, streams

and oceans (It runs-off the land.)

The Sun heats up water that is in the ground. This heat evaporates the water and turns it into water vapor. The water vapor rises high into the cool/cold air and gathers together to form clouds. The cold air turns the water vapor back into liquid (water) and this is called condensation. When the cloud can hold no more liquid, it begins to precipitate (rain, snow, hail, sleet). Precipitation falls to the Earth, where it either runs-off the land or is soaked into the land. Both end up in a collection area, such as a river, lake or a well. Ground water is the water that is collected under the earth’s surface. Once the water has collected somewhere on the earth, the water cycle begins all over again.

Water has been around forever. When we waste it or pollute it, we are no longer able to use it. Wasting it includes letting water run when not in use. Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth. Fix the faucets at home so they don’t leak. Polluting water includes throwing both solid and liquid garbage in the water, as well as using pesticides irresponsibly. It is important to use our water wisely.