
Monday, November 19, 2007 - 6:00 p.m.

On Monday, November 19, 2007 the Tom Bean City Council met in a Regular Session.


1.1 Mayor Tom Wilthers called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


2.1 Rev. Tom Medley led the meeting in a word of prayer.


Formal Roll Call:

Mayor Tom Wilthers – present

Ben Vincent – present

Sherry Howard - present

Jerry Harris – present

Eddy Hamilton – present

Albert Ellis – present

Staff members present: Chief Michael Webster, Officer Barrett, Fred Griggs Public Works and City Secretary Cathy Pugh

Visitors Present: - Rev. Tom Medley, Joetta Cotton, Ron Cotton, and Brett Aterburn


4.1 Approve minutes of the October 8, 2007 Regular Session.

MOTION: Upon a motion from Councilmember Howard and seconded by Councilmember Hamilton, the Council voted four (4) for and one (1) abstained with Ben Vincent casting the abstained vote and none (0) opposed to approve the minutes for October 8, 2007.

4.2 Approve minutes of the October 8, 2007 Regular Session.

MOTION: Upon a motion from Councilmember Howard and seconded by Councilmember Hamilton, the Council voted four (4) for and one (1) abstained with Ben Vincent casting the abstained vote and none (0) opposed to approve the minutes for October 15, 2007.


5.1 Report from Police Department

Chief Webster went over his October 2007 report with the Council. The $250 that was donated for NNO was used to purchase coloring books for the kindergarten to 3rd grade next week.

5.2 Report from Public Works

Fred Griggs went over his October 2007 report with Council. He mentioned that TCEQ came and they did the water inspection. On the exit interview there were two main write ups. She wrote the City up for failure to provide well completion data. Mr. Griggs state that he has already faxed the information to her. The second violation was failure to maintain elevated storage tank in a watertight condition and they have been back and repaired the leak on the water tower. He mentioned that the law states that for the amount of houses on the water system that we should be providing .6 gallons per minute per connection. We are pumping 225 gallons per minute. This puts us at a better place of pumping enough water for the amount of connections that we have. Overall it was a good inspection. He stated that David has passed his Ground “D” license test and that he is still taking classes towards his “C” license. He mentioned that the west clarifier has almost been repaired. They have put on two coats of epoxy paint and have welded the clips back on and he is still waiting on them to put the weir back on. He stated that the Elliott Street lift station is still not working properly. He mentioned that the City needs an easement to the Elliott Street lift station running on property on Bois Bois D’Arc.

5.3 Report from Library Board – Councilmember Hamilton introduced Joetta Cotton to the Council. The Library is open and running three days a week and every other Saturday.

5.4 Report from City Secretary

Cathy Pugh stated that the auditor is requesting a related party questionnaire to be filled out and returned to her or Tom Gregg’s office. She also went over the adjustment report with the Council.





9.1  Discuss financials for the City of Tom Bean.

Mayor Wilthers went over the financials with the Council. He stated that the Profit and Loss Report shows a loss but that is because it was only the first month of the new fiscal year. He mentioned that it will straighten out over the next few months.

9.2 Discuss and act on Less Tears, More Years program with Police Department Resolution 2007-14.

MOTION: Upon a motion from Councilmember Ellis and seconded by Councilmember Hamilton, the Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to accept the Less Tears, More years program Resolution 2007-14.

9.3 Discuss and act on nominations to the GTUA board of directors.

MOTION: Upon a motion from Councilmember Harris and seconded by Councilmember Howard, the Council voted four (4) for and one (1) abstained with Councilmember Ellis casting the abstained vote and none (0) opposed to nominate Paul Kirley to the GTUA board of directors.

9.4 Discuss and act on nominations to the Appraisal District.

MOTION: Upon a motion from Councilmember Howard and seconded by Councilmember Vincent, the Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to not elect anyone from the list of nominations.

9.5 Discuss and act on appointment of new Mayor Pro-Tem.

MOTION: Upon a motion from Councilmember Hamilton and seconded by Councilmember Ellis, the Council voted two (2) for and two (2) opposed and 1 abstained with Jerry Harris casting the abstained vote to nominate Councilmember Howard as Mayor Pro-Tem. Mayor Wilthers broke the tie and decided to appoint Councilmember Howard as Mayor Pro-Tem for six months.

9.6 Discuss and act on Firearms Ordinance 2007-12.

MOTION: Upon a motion from Councilmember Hamilton and seconded by Councilmember Ellis, the Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to approve the Firearms Ordinance 2007-12.

9.7 Discuss and act on approval of Tax Roll Values for 2007.

MOTION: Upon a motion from Councilmember Vincent and seconded by Councilmember Howard, the Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to approve the Tax Roll Values for 2007.

9.8 Discuss and act on appointment of Joetta Cotton to the Library Board.

MOTION: Upon a motion from Councilmember Hamilton and seconded by Councilmember Harris, the Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to appoint Joetta Cotton to the Library Board.


In accordance with the Texas Government Code, Legal, Section 551.071; Property, Section 551.072; Personnel, Section 551.074; Staff Presentations, Section 551.075; the Tom Bean City Council convened into Executive Session at 7:39 p.m. on Monday, November 19, 2007, in the Community Center, 201 S. Britton, Tom Bean, Texas, in order to continue discussing matter pertaining to:

Personnel – Pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code to Discuss:

• Discuss Salary of Police Chief.

• Discuss evaluation of Public Works Assistant David Phillips.

The executive session reconvened into regular session at 8:41 p.m.

• Discuss Salary of Police Chief.

MOTION: No Action Taken.

• Discuss evaluation of Public Works Assistant David Phillips.

MOTION: Upon a motion from Councilmember Hamilton and seconded by Councilmember Ellis, the Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to give the Public Works Assistant David Phillips a $1.00 an hour raise as discussed.



Ben Vincent stated that the signs have been knocked down at 902 and 2729.

Sherry Howard asked about the sign Mongoose Trailer has on the Hwy 11 and if bought a permit. She also asked if the City Secretary had heard anymore on the recycling program the City wants to start. She also asked on the status of the City Inspections. She also asked if there was any kind of Demolition ordinance.

Jerry Harris wants to see an animal vendor ordinance passed and the single meter at the apartment complex on Hwy 11 is loosing revenue because we do not get a minimum billing from it.

Albert Ellis asked how you get the speed limit lowered on Thomas Street. Mayor Wilthers stated that he would put it on the agenda next month.


Mayor Wilthers stated that the speed limit sign on Meadows Estates is gone. He stated that his term with TCOG will be expiring in January 2008. He asked if anyone would want to serve a term on the board. Councilmember Howard stated that she would like to serve.


MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Ellis and seconded by Councilmember Howard, the Council voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the regular session of the Tom Bean City Council at 9:03 p.m. on Monday, November 19, 2007. The motion carried.

These minutes approved on the 10th day of December 2007.



Tom Wilthers, Mayor



Cathy Pugh, City Secretary

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