Why We Love All Nations Cup

“And what makes the World Cup most beautiful is the world, all of us together. The joy of being one of

the billion or more people watching 32 countries abide by 17 rules fills me with the conviction,

perhaps ignorant, but like many ignorant convictions, fiercely held, that soccer can unite us all.”

Sean Wilsey

I’m from Brazil but as soon as I arrived in the US I was labeled as a Mexican. Don’t get me wrong, I love Mexican culture but it’s like labeling Canadians, Americans, Australians… as being the same.

Even after people found out I was Brazilian I was still blasted by an avalanche of clichés: Brazilian girls, palm trees, soccer, colorful shirts, samba and, of course, macaws…

It’s amazing how much most people don’t know about other cultures and how much stigma and racism it generates on all sides.

We keep forgetting that for a Vietnamese person the USA is very exotic as we also forget that the biggest chain of “ethnic” restaurants in the world is actually… MacDonald’s! We are all “ethnic”, we’re all “exotic”, and that is what makes this planet so amusing, so interesting.

All Nations Cup has been the only event where I don’t feel paternalism, where I feel important, where we all are, including the “locals”, a bunch of “foreigners” having fun together. Although ANC is about competition, it’s also a place of unification and about being proud of who you are.

We put ANC together, all of us. We’re the organizers, the show and the spectators.

Soccer in most countries is about passion and All Nations Cup brings this passion to our hearts again, and life is not worth living without passion. Because of this, ANC is the most important soccer tournament of the NW. It’s “watchable” soccer. And it is also a great experience for our kids and families, with all the various cultural arts activities that happen during the tournament… ANC is building itself up to also be the most intriguing and unique Festival of the NW.

Every year I don’t know where I’m going to be during summer, apart from the 2 weeks of All Nations Cup. ANC is already a fixture in my calendar. I wouldn’t be anywhere else…

Sam Hassan

ANC volunteer from day one

Winner Team Brazil coach of ANC 2003

ANC Co-Director 2007