Review Questions for Ecosystem Unit Test

1. Cow Zebra Deer

What do all three of the above organisms have in common?

  1. They all produce their own food energy source.
  2. They all get their food from eating other animals.
  3. They all get their food from eating plants.
  4. They are all herbivores.

2. In the food relationship where the cheetah eats the zebra and the zebra eats the plants…

a. The cheetah is the producer.

b. The zebra is the second consumer.

c. The cheetah is a first consumer.

d. The zebra is the first consumer.

3. Sunflowers make their own food from the sun through photosynthesis. Therefore, the sunflower is a ______.

a. producer

b. carnivore

c. decomposer

d. omnivore

4. Energy is passed from one organism to the next through the ______.

a. hibernation

b. ecosystem

c. food chain

d. community

5. Which of these is a secondary consumer?

a. apple

b. sunflower

c. zebra

d. cheetah

6. Which clue would most likely lead you to believe the animal is adapted for water?

a. webbed feet

b. sharp claws

c. round beak

d. long neck

7. Which of the following will happen if animal control removes all of the mice from a field?

a. There will be more snakes.

b. There will be fewer rabbits because the snakes will eat more rabbits.

c. There will be more rabbits and less grass.

d. The grass will die.

9. What is a Niche?

a. an adaptation that helps an animal survive in their biome

b. when animals battle each other for food

c. the role an animal plays in an ecosystem that affects other animals

d. moving locations for survival when the seasons change

10. What is an ecosystem?

a. all living things that interact in a biome

b. a population of one group of species

c. the flow of energy from one animal to another

d. all living and non living factors that affect organisms in an area

11. When an animal appears as a predatory animal for protection from predators, they are exhibiting ______.

a. camouflage

b. hibernation

c. mimicry

d. behavioral adaptation

12. Which statement best describes what will happen if there is an increase in the population of the fox?

  1. The snake population will decrease as the space is taken up by more foxes.
  2. The mice population will decrease because the foxes will eat more mice.
  3. The grasshopper population will increase because there will be more frogs.
  4. The Buzzards will start eating grasshoppers.

13. Which statement best describes what will happen if there is a decrease in the population of the rabbit.

a. The ladybug population will increase because there will be more dragonflies.

b. The titmouse will migrate out of the area in search of food.

c. The butterfly population will decrease because the frog will eat more of them.

d. The mice population will decrease because the foxes and buzzards will have to eat more mice.

14. Coniferous Tress adapted to survive in their land environment by having small, pointy needle leaves that do not require much water to survive. What change did they make?

a. limit water needs for survival

b. increase the need for sunlight

c. release water more quickly

d. distribute nutrients

15. What is a place where an animal eats, reproduces and survives?

16. In which land environment would a cactus be the most likely to survive?

a. rainforest

b. deciduous forest

c. desert

d. tundra

17. Which biome would you be least likely to find a bird?

a. the tundra

b. the taiga

c. the rainforest

d. the deciduous forest

18. What characteristic does a biome need to be labeled as a “rainforest biome”?

a. low humidity and no precipitation

b. 10 inches or less of rain each year

c. highest annual rainfall and high humidity

d. Located near the North or South Pole

19. List different decomposers and why they considered a decomposer.

21. What is the difference between behavioral adaptions and inherited adaptions? Provide and example of each.

22. The chameleon changes colors to blend into it’s environment to avoid predators. This is an example of:

  1. Camouflage
  2. Mimicry
  3. Niche
  4. Predator Adaptation

23. Which the best example of an animal using mimicry?

a. A corn snake has the same colors as the deadly coral snake.

b. A bird flies south from Canada to Florida for the winter.

c. A bear becomes dormant in the winter and sleeps in a cave until spring arrives.

d. A chameleon changes from green to brown when it moves from a leaf to the trunk of a tree.

24. A turkey vulture rips apart dead animals to eat the meat of that animal. Which adaptation helps the turkey vulture survive?

a. Long, narrow skull

b. Powerful back legs

c. razor sharp claws

d. thick fur

25. What is the definition of dormant (dormancy) and why is this a plant adaptation?