Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / I. History
Topic: / Time and Chronology
Grade Level Standard: / 6-1 Comprehend time and chronology.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 1. Construct and interpret timelines of people and events in
the history of other parts of the world. (I.1.MS.1)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Given a timeline of significant people or events from the study of Latin America, students will interpret what it means. Look for historical patterns, analyze events, cause and effect, and predict future events.
2. Create timelines of significant people and events and interpret what those timelines mean. Compare and contrast, evaluate actions as to significance; criteria for significant consideration.
Assessment: Given a timeline of significant people and events of Latin/Central America, students will interpret what it means. /


Resource book
Class textbook
New Vocabulary: Horizontal, vertical, linear charts, chronology, events, interpret

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / I. History
Topic: / Time and Chronology
Grade Level Standard: / 6-1 Comprehend time and chronology.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 2. Select a contemporary condition in Canada and Latin
America and trace some of the major historical origins of each. (I.1.MS.3)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Study/learn about historical events that have taken place in Canada and Latin America. Analyze the data and compare/contrast.
2. Describe situations of the present day Canada and Latin America and analyze the historical causes.
3. Describe situations that have occurred in the past in Canada and Latin American and identity affects on present day life.
Assessment: Given a contemporary condition in Canada, students will write a newspaper article explaining how past decisions have affected everyday life. Imagine life if the event had not occurred and be able to predict the outcome. /


Relevant newspaper articles as examples
Resource books
New Vocabulary: Analyze, contemporary

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / I. History
Topic: / Comprehending the Past
Grade Level Standard: / 6-2 Comprehend the past.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 1. Identify and explain how individuals in history
demonstrated good character and personal virtue. (I.2.MS.2)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Identify individuals from the study of Latin America and Canada who demonstrated good character/personal virtue. Critique their positive contributions to society.
2. Define good character or personal virtue.
3. Identify individuals from the study of Latin America and Canada who did not demonstrate good character/ personal virtue. Critique their negative contributions to society.
Assessment: In thinking about an individual from the study of Latin American history, design a poster that depicts why or why not that person demonstrated good character/ personal virtue. /


Poster paper
Art supplies
Resource books
New Vocabulary: Good character, personal virtue

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / I. History
Topic: / Comprehending the Past
Grade Level Standard: / 6-2 Comprehend the past.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 2. Select conditions in various parts of the world and
describe how they have been shaped by events from the past. (I.2.MS.3)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Study/learn about historical events that have taken place in Canada and Latin America and analyze their causes and effects.
2. Describe situations of present day Canada and Latin America and state and examine the historical causes.
3. Describe situations that have occurred in the past in Canada and Latin America and identify and examine the effects on present life.
Assessment: Students will do research and create a timeline of significant historical events that have led up to a present day political condition in regards to a country in South America. /


Resource materials
New Vocabulary: Timeline

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / I. History
Topic: / Comprehending the Past
Grade Level Standard: / 6-2 Comprehend the past.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 3. Use historical biographies to explain how events from the
past affected the lives of individuals and how some individuals influenced the course
of history. (I.2.MS.4)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Read, research, and discuss historical biographies from Canadian and Latin American historical figures and compare/contrast their contributions.
2. Examine famous and everyday people who influenced the course of historical events. Examine their influences.
3. Describe how past events influenced and affected people’s lives.
Assessment: Students will choose one person from their study of Canadian History and write a journal entry from that person’s point of view describing how he/she changed and influenced the course of history. /


Journal book
Biography reference book
New Vocabulary: Historical biographies

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / I. History
Topic: / Analyzing and Interpreting the Past
Grade Level Standard: / 6-3 Analyze and interpret the past.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 1. Analyze interpretations of major events selected from
Canadian and Latin American history to reveal the perspectives of the authors.

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Read about events in American history from the point of view of Canadian and Latin American authors.
2. Evaluate a historical event in the United States from the Canadian or Latin American point of view or vice versa.
3. Create Venn diagrams depicting two diverse points of view about the same event that has occurred in Canada or Latin America.
Assessment: Students will create a poster depicting the American and Canadian point of view on a controversial issue/problem. /


Venn diagram handout sheet
(Graphic organizer)
Graphic Organizer: Depicting, controversial issue

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / I. History
Topic: / Analyzing and Interpreting the Past
Grade Level Standard: / 6-3 Analyze and interpret the past.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 2. Show that historical knowledge is tentative and subject
to change by describing interpretations of the past that have been revised when new
information was uncovered. (I.3.MS.3)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Understand information about the history of Canada and Latin America and how it has been accumulated over years. Predict what current events will be incorporated.
2. Describe examples of historical events where the “story” has changed over time based on new knowledge and differing points of view.
3. Identify events where people’s conceptions have changed over time due to additional assimilation of updated research or technology.
Assessment: Students will research a historical event and describe how the people’s conception of the event has changed over time. /


Personal interviews
New Vocabulary: Conceptions, accumulated

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / I. History
Topic: / Judging Decisions from the Past
Grade Level Standard: / 6-4 Judge decisions from the past.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 1. Identify major decisions in the history of Canada and
Latin America, analyze contemporary factors contributing to the decisions, and
consider alternative courses of action. (I.4.MS.2)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Use many sources to examine a historical event.
2. Have deep knowledge of the event based on their personal research.
3. Trace effects of the event through history.
4. Analyze alternative courses of action for the event.
5. Debate different courses of action that could be taken on a historical issue.
Assessment: Research a country in Latin America that does not have a Democratic government. Create a time-line with events that led up to the current situation and propose an alternative course of action. /


Resource materials
Copies of prior Presidents’ debates/ compare
New Vocabulary: Alternative course of action

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / I. History
Topic: / Judging Decisions from the Past
Grade Level Standard: / 6-4 Judge decisions from the past.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 2. Identify the responses of individuals to historic violations
of human dignity involving discrimination, persecution, and crimes against humanity.

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Identify incidents of persecution, discrimination, and crimes against humanity from the history of Canada and Latin America.
2. Identify contemporary incidents of persecution, discrimination, and crimes of humanity that may have occurred in Canada or Latin America.
3. Describe both the positive and negative reactions to past and present incidents of persecution, discrimination, or crimes against humanity in Canada or Latin America.
Assessment: Choose a Latin American country where discrimination has occurred. Write a news article about it and propose a solution. /


New Vocabulary: Discrimination, humanity

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / I. History
Topic: / Judging Decisions from the Past
Grade Level Standard: / 6-4 Judge decisions from the past.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 3. Select historic decisions and evaluate them in light of
core democratic values and resulting costs and benefits as viewed from a variety of
perspectives. (I.4.MS.4)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Understand and be able to apply Core Democratic Values to different, every-day life situations.
2. Identify countries in Latin America and describe their form of government (i.e., Democracy, dictatorship, etc.) and compare/contrast to the U.S.
3. Identify and explain Canada’s form of government and compare/contrast to the U.S.
4. Discuss/analyze historical decisions made in Canada or Latin America and determine if Core Democratic Values motivated the decision.
5. Compare/contrast countries in Latin America that are democracies/non-democracies.
Assessment: Students will write a position paper defending why Core Democratic Values are not used in a dictatorship form of government. /


Copies of Core Democratic Values
New Vocabulary: Dictatorship

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / II. Geography
Topic: / People, Places, and Cultures
Grade Level Standard: / 6-5 Describe people, places, and cultures.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 1. Locate and describe diverse places, cultures, and
communities of the Western Hemisphere. (II.1.MS.1)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Incorporate the 5-themes of location geography with mapping activities.
2. Discuss the human and physical characteristics of places, cultures, and communities of the Western Hemisphere.
Assessment: Given places, cultures, or communities in the Western Hemisphere, describe the characteristics. /


-  Physical, political
Pictures from magazines and newspapers
New Vocabulary: Characteristics

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / II. Geography
Topic: / People, Places, and Cultures
Grade Level Standard: / 6-5 Describe people, places, and cultures.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 2. Describe and compare characteristics of Western
Hemisphere cultures. (II.1.MS.2)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Identify the cultural groups of the Western Hemisphere and compare/contrast.
2. Discuss the characteristics of those groups and analyze the origin of those characteristics.
Assessment: Create a chart comparing the cultures of the Western Hemisphere, including language, religion, belief systems, gender roles, and traditions. /


Poster board
Colored markers
New Vocabulary: Cultural groups

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / II. Geography
Topic: / People, Places, and Cultures
Grade Level Standard: / 6-5 Describe people, places, and cultures.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 3. Explain why people live and work as they do in the
Western Hemisphere. (II.1.MS.3)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Identify factors in the Western Hemisphere that influence how people live and work as they do (i.e., climate, resources, landforms).
2. Discuss the influence of the regions in the Western Hemisphere on how the people live and work as they do.
Assessment: Given a region, explain why people live and work as they do in Western Hemisphere regions. /


New Vocabulary: Influence, landforms

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / II. Geography
Topic: / Human/Environment Interaction
Grade Level Standard: / 6-6 Analyze human/environment interaction.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 1. Locate, describe, and compare the ecosystems,
resources, and human environment interactions in the Western Hemisphere.

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Locate the major ecosystems and resources on a map.
2. Identify, describe, and compare the ecosystems in a region.
3. Identify, describe, and compare the resources in a region.
4. Identify, describe, and compare the human environment interaction in a region.
Assessment: Create a project that compares the ecosystems, resources, and human environment interactions of two major Western Hemisphere ecosystems. /


New Vocabulary: Ecosystems, resources, human environment interactions

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / II. Geography
Topic: / Human/Environment Interaction
Grade Level Standard: / 6-6 Analyze human/environment interaction.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 2. Locate major ecosystems, describe their characteristics,
and explain the process that created them. (II.2.MS.2)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Identify major ecosystems on a map.
2. Discuss the characteristics of the ecosystem.
3. Identify examples of the major processes on Earth (i.e., climate, erosion, water cycle, and plant communities).
4. Discuss how these processes created the ecosystems and compare/contrast various regions.
Assessment: Given an example of an ecosystem, describe the characteristics, and explain the process that created it. /


New Vocabulary: Historical origins

Social Studies

Activity Worksheet

Course Title: / Western Hemisphere
Strand: / II. Geography
Topic: / Human/Environment Interaction
Grade Level Standard: / 6-6 Analyze human/environment interaction.
Grade Level Benchmark: / 3. Explain the importance of different kinds of ecosystems
to people. (II.2.MS.3)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information

1. Identify a variety of ecosystems found in the Western Hemisphere.
2. Discuss the importance of these ecosystems to humans.
Assessment: Analyze why different kinds of ecosystems are important to people. /
