Prevention Research
Predoctoral Fellowship Application Form:Part 1
This is a Word table; use tab to go from one blank to the next
last or family namefirstmiddlename you go by
Phone: / home: / office: / cell:
E-mail 1: / E-mail 2:
Are you applying to be: / Full-time pre-doc / Affiliate pre-doc
Month, year you wish to begin:
Note:This is Part 1 of a 2-part process.Part 1 is used for a preliminary screening of applicants.
Part 2, interviews, is by invitation.
Applicant’s checklist for required application materials, Part 1:
Please submit electronically to :This application form with checklist completed;label file: LastName-First-App-PreDoc.doc
Essays(see p. 3 for content); label file:Last-First-Essays.doc
CV, with name in top corner of each continuation page; label file:LastName-First-CV-YYYY-MM-DD.doc
Two first-authored academic writing samples; label files: LastName-First-Writing1.doc
Official transcripts from all academic institutions, including UTHealth institutions (list them on p. 2)
If you have attended UTSPH, please request that comment cards be sent with your transcript.
Graduate Record Examination scores(or comparable graduate exam)
Note:if these are no longer available, please send a photocopy of your original score report.
3 letters of reference, at least 2 academic, each signed andon letterhead; send in a sealed envelope or as a .pdf to
(list them on p. 2)
A signed copy of this application (signature on p. 3)
p. 2
Name:List all colleges and universities attended, beginning with the current/most recent institution.
Full name ofinstitution, location / Dates
attended (month/year) / Major field of study / Degree / Date awarded or expected (month/year) / Date
transcript requested
*See note on p. 1about transcripts on file with a collaborating school.
List other training experience, beginning with the current/most recent institution.
Full name ofinstitution, location / Dates attended (month/year) / Type of experience (e.g., residency) / Area of specialty / Supervisor
GREs or other exams / Date taken / Verbal / Quant. / Analyt. / Date scores
*See note on p. 1 about scores on file with a collaborating school.
List letters of reference requested. (Provide name, degree, title, institution, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses.)Each letter should be on letterhead and signed; send in a sealed envelope or as a .pdf to
. See note on p. 1 about letters on file with a collaborating school.
- Academic advisoror Dissertation Supervisor (Indicate which one)
Name, degree:
Title, institution:
Telephone: / E-mail:
- Other academic reference
Name, degree:
Title, institution:
Telephone: / E-mail:
- Third reference
Name, degree:
Title, institution:
Telephone: / E-mail:
p. 3
In a separate electronic document, please address the following questions:
- What are yourlong-term career goals? (250 words)
- What is your most important achievement in the past 5 years?(It doesn’t need to be in the academic realm.)Why do you value it, and what do you think it tells us about you?(250 words)
- What skills, knowledge, and experiences would you bring to the fellowship?(250 words)
If any information relevant to this application is under a different name, please list those name(s):
Country of citizenship:If you are not a U.S. citizen, are you classified by ICE as a / Yes: / No:
“permanent resident” or “alien resident” of the United States?
If you are not a U.S. citizen or resident, do you hold a student visa? / Yes: / No:
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? / Yes: / No:
If yes, please give details including dates:
The following information is used for our statistical reports to the funding agency:
Race/Ethnicity:U.S. Veteran:
Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD): / Male: / Female:
Please read the following statement carefully before signing:
I understand that all application materials become the property of the institution and will not be returned.I also understand that the institution is not obligated to furnish me with duplicate copies.I understand that the information submitted herein will be relied upon by the Innovation for Cancer Prevention Research training program to determine my eligibility for appointment and training.I authorize the institution to verify the information I have provided.I understand that any evaluations or verifications made with respect to this application are confidential and will not be disclosed to me.I certify that the information in the application is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.I acknowledge that the submission of any false information is grounds for rejection of my application, withdrawal of any acceptance offer, appointment revocation, or appropriate disciplinary action after appointment.