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Monday, October 2, 2017
The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Columbia met in regular session at 7:PM, Monday, October 2, 2017, in the meeting room of the Columbia Municipal Building. Aldermen attending were:
Lloyd Armstrong, James Cahoon, Ray Marner and Sandra Owens. Mayor F. Michael Griffin presided.
Mayor Griffin called the meeting to order and asked Alderman Owens to offer a prayer for the Board. He welcomed those attending including unopposed candidates for election as Alderman – Seth Gibbs, Bryan Owens and Hal Fleming.
Mayor Griffin announced a scheduled 7:PM Public Hearing on a petition to annex the 8.05 acre
NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) site located on N. Road Street (formerly Albemarle Service Center). He explained the annexation petition and indicated the NCWRC will request connection to the town sewer system which requires that the property be inside the town limits. He explained that there is no tax advantage to annexing the property, but if the State were to sell the property to a private owner it would be taxable. He invited public comments.
Leamon Cooper asked if the NCWRC would be responsible for the cost of the sewer connection and was told that would be the case.
With no other questions or comments, Mayor Griffin closed the Public Hearing.
Upon motion of Alderman Owens, the vote was unanimous to approve the Consent Agenda. This included:
- Approve Minutes of September 5, 2017 Board of Aldermen Meeting
- Tax Fiscoveries
American Tower Corp/Doug Braun$ 425.98
AT&T Charter Service 81.73
Carolina Telephone 6,944.04
Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless 584.59
Dominion Power Tax Department 4,536.79
Piedmont Natural Gas 651.79
SBA Communications Corporation, LLC/Sheila 357.49
T-Mobile South, LLC/Kyle Stokes 367.18
John Donoghue & Sandra 492.95
- Water/Sewer Adjustments
Hildo A. Silva (downward)$ 31.11
Don Spencer (upward) 54.39
Mayor Griffin announced the Public Comment Period and invited anyone to speak about issues facing the town.
Henry Hill, Executive Director of the Tyrrell County Food Bank, asked the Board to work with the Tyrrell County Commissioners to find a location and operator for the food pantry. He said the building
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currently being used will be sold by the owners and another location is needed. He explained the tax exempt status of the food bank which is approximately 2,000 sq. ft. in size.
Ms. Fleedie Cahoon asked if progress has been made on dredging the North Boundary Canal. She said she was told that the State has made funds available for the dredging. Town officials indicated that although multiple requests for funding have been submitted to State and Federal agencies, nothing has been forth coming at this time.
With no other comments, Mayor Griffin closed the Public Comment Period.
Deputy Sheriff Raymond Allen presented the August Law Enforcement Report. He noted that it is taking longer to get the reports now that Tyrrell County is dispatched with Dare and Hyde Counties from a facility in Manteo. He reported that 570 law enforcement calls were handled including 296 business checks 15 alarms. Ambulance calls numbered 20 with two fire calls. There were 52 traffic stops resulting in 37 citations.
Alderman Cahoon noted there were no noise ordinance complaints listed, yet complaints keep coming from the north side of town. He asked if regular patrols, especially on weekends, are being made. Alderman Owens echoed the same complaints.
Deputy Allen said the sheriff has directed deputies to add patrols on the north side of town. He asked folks to call their complaints in so they can be logged and officers can respond. He also said help will be needed from neighbors in order to prosecute noise complaints.
It was reported that no action has transpired on either of the Building Renovation and Reuse Grants, since the last meeting.
Town Manager Rhett White reported that tax bills have gone out and some payments are coming in. He noted that most payments will be made in December or during the first week of January.
Copies of the Requests for Proposals for Legal Services and for Auditing Services were shared with the Board.
Mr. White described a 14.5 by 90 ft. strip at the rear of the town’s 103 Main Street that Scott McLaughlin has offered to purchase for $1,000, thus adding to his property that houses the Stiletto Boat Manufacturing Co. operation. He said the Planning Board suggested that the town consider selling the strip so that the manufacturer can build another building on the site.
After discussion, the Board by consent directed the Town Manager to counter offer to GSM Properties, LLC, at $2,000 plus legal and filing costs.
Mr. White reported that USFWS has trimmed the wooded area walkways of overhanging growth and that the town will begin selective trimming along some streets at the request of the TVFD, later this week. He said Dominion Power, Century-Link and Mediacom have been asked to address limbs tangled in utility lines throughout the town.
Mr. White showed a number of broken glass bottles picked up at the Children’s Playground, noting the safety of children is being jeopardized by broken glass and damage to fencing and playground equipment. He will ask the Sheriff to keep an eye on the site.
He reported that staff and the planning committee is getting ready for the Scuppernong River Festival. He also stated that FEMA is releasing “held” funds following the storms in Texas and Florida.
Columbia expects two final payments from last year’s Hurricane Matthew damage.
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Alderman Cahoon asked if there has been any action on the Spencer house foreclosure and planned demolition. He also said several additional homes on Scottsville Street need to be removed and yards need to be cut and brush needs to be removed. He suggested letters be sent to offending property owners.
Alderman Armstrong also said more efforts are needed to clean up the Scottsville community. He urged continued efforts to secure funds and permits to dredge the North Boundary Canal to its’ original 8 ft. depth because it is now only 1.5 ft. due to silt buildup. Alderman Armstrong thanked Nathan McPeak for his clean-up efforts and Mayor Griffin said Mr. McPeak is doing a good job with lots of positive comments.
Mayor Griffin said the Aldermen should meet at the school for the Scuppernong River Festival Parade at 9:30 AM, Saturday, October 14th. He will drive the town vehicle.
Mayor Griffin reminded the Board and audience that town offices will be closed Monday, October 9th for the Columbus Day Holiday. He announced the Southern Albemarle Association Annual Meeting at the Vernon James Center, Thursday, October 19th.
Upon motion of Alderman Cahoon and unanimous vote, Mayor Griffin recessed the meeting until 12: Noon, Tuesday, October 10th.
This the 2nd day of October, 2017.
F. Michael Griffin, Mayor
Rhett B. White, Clerk