Knights of Columbus

Trinity Council #10774

2013 St. Raymond of Peñafort Higher Education Scholarship Applications now available

The Trinity Council #10774 of the Knights of Columbus will award up to 3 scholarships of $500 each to applying and current students who are pursuing a degree in a higher education institution and whose families are parishioners at St Raymond of Peñafort Catholic Church in Brackett, WI. Award of Scholarships will be based on:

  1. Academic achievement.
  2. Acceptance at an accredited institution of higher learning.
  3. Participation in school activities such as academic club(s), sport(s), band, choral, etc.
  4. Activities on behalf of the Church (e.g. altar server, usher, choir, lector, youth group).
  5. Demonstrated leadership (e.g., class officer, club officer, sports captain, 4H or FFA officer, Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts officer).
  6. Community service.


  1. Applicant must be twenty-five or less years of age on January 1, 2014.
  2. Applicant must have graduated from high school. Students may also qualify if they have received their GED or were home schooled. Documentation that the home schooled student graduated, or a GED certificate, must be provided to be considered for a scholarship.
  3. The recipient must already be enrolled or provide final verification of acceptance into an accredited institution of higher learning in the United States, with the expressed intention of pursuing an Associate or Baccalaureate degree[1].
  4. A student cannot be awarded a scholarship in consecutive years. A minimum of one year between awards per student is required.
  5. If a submitter is not selected, he/she may reapply the following year.
  6. Applicant’s immediate family must be members of St Raymond of Peñafort Church.
  7. Applicant must be in good standing academically with no less than a 2.5 overall grade point average and maintain this average throughout the life of the scholarship (based on a 4.0 scale or equivalent).
  8. Applicant must submit a letter of character reference from a non-related person.
  9. Applicant must complete and submit their application and all required documentation no later than the date pre-determined by the Scholarship Committee.

Scholarship Committee:

  1. Announce in the bulletin the acceptance of applications the first weekend of the application year.
  2. Place a reminder in the bulletin one month prior to the application deadline.
  3. Upon final selection of the recipients, send each a congratulatory letter and notification of next KC meeting.
  4. Present the award check(s) at the next meeting following the announcement.
  5. Place an announcement of the winners with pictures in the following bulletin.

Applications are available at All questions must be answered and all signatures must be completed.


Late applications and incomplete applications will NOT be considered!

Scholarship funds will be sent directly to the student in two yearly payments of $300 (first semester), and $200 (second semester) in consecutive semesters. In order for the second semester to be paid, we must receive a letter from the school confirming the second semester enrollment, including a transcript showing a first semester GPA of at least 2.5. Second semester payment is void after the application deadline of the following year.

Return applications in person or via mail to:

St Raymond of Peñafort Catholic Church

Knights of Columbus, Council 10774

Attention: Scholarship Committee

E10455 Mallard Road.

Fall Creek, WI 54742

For additional questions please email

Knights of Columbus

Trinity Council

Council #10774

I hereby make application for the Knights of Columbus Scholarship and submit the following information to assist the Scholarship Committee in evaluating my candidacy. All information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

(Signed) ______Date______

Applicant’s Full Name: Click here to enter name. DOB: Click here to enter a dob.

Present Address: Click here to enter address.

City/State/Zip: Click here to enter city, state, zip.

Phone No.: (715) ###-#### Email: Click here to enter email.

Father (or Legal Guardian’s) full name: Click here to enter Name.

Is/was he a member of the Trinity Knights of Columbus Council?

Name of College/University: Click here to enter Name.

Catholic Institution?

Graduating from (high school):

Click here to enter Name.Click here to enter Address.

What degree and major do you intend to pursue?

Click here to enter text.

Have you maintained at least a 2.5 average for you high school career or at least a 2.5 average in college?

How often do you attend Mass:

Not Too Often / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / At Least Once a Week


The following questions may be answered on this page or may be submitted on separate sheets.

  1. Why are you going to college/university?
  1. What are your plans and goals for the future?
  1. Please describe your high school activities: (Sports, Clubs, Band/Music, Etc.)
  1. Please describe your church activities:
  1. Please describe your community activities and volunteer work:
  1. Why should you be awarded a scholarship by the Knights of Columbus?
  1. How will you spread and live the Gospel during your college years?
  1. Please note any special family situations or circumstances to support this application in the area of needs; i.e., illness, disability, financial hardship, bereavement, or any other situation.


Signature of Parent or Guardian and Date Signature of Applicant and Date


[1] 2 or 4 year degree