Deed Spating for Sophomore Class bonding

NFTY-SW Fall Kallah- Camp Charles Pearlstein

Written by Eryn Frank- NFTY-SW Regional MVP

Touchstone Text


  • To encourage PPs to break out of current grade level clicks
  • To help PPs bond with others in their grade level
  • To met as many new PPs as possible in a short amount of time


  • PPs will participate in a fast pasted discussion helping them met new people with in their own grade level
  • PPs will met and bond with people their own age which will hopefully form grade level unity


  • Questionnaire
  • Stereo
  • Timer
  • Chairs


  • Sophomore class PPs
  • Board member GL


An open area in which one large circle with chairs can be made and an inner circle with chairs as well.


0:00-0:10 Introduction and revision of grade level cheer

0:10-0:12 Set-up for Deed Spating

0:12-0:14 Explanation and instructions on Deed Spating

0:14-0:55 The Deed Spating game begins

0:55-1:00 Wrap up/Clean up

Detailed Procedure:

0:00-0:10 Introduction and revision of grade level cheer

GL will welcome the group and explain to them that during this time their grade level will be bonding and getting to know each other better but before they do so they will be given the opportunity to revise their grade level cheer which is done after the NFTY cheer.

0:10-0:12 Set-up for Deed Spating

PP will then be asked to grab a chair and create 2 circles with it; one large circle on the outside and one circle on the inside of that which faces the outside circle. Then PPs will be asked to sit in a chair

0:12-0:14 Explanation and Instruction for Deed Spating

The GL will explain that we are going to play a game called Deed Spating which is a spin off of speed dating. The GL will then pass out the questionnaire to each PP. The GL will then explain that the person sitting on the outside of the circle will be having a conversation with the person on the inside of the circle. They can use the questionnaire that has been passed out to help the flow of the conversation go better or they can just talk about whatever they want. This will continue until the PPs hear the stereo with dinner type music which will notify them that it is time to switch and the person sitting in the inner circle will move one seat clockwise and the person in the outer circle will move one seat counter clockwise. PPs will then repeat this process with the new person they are sitting in front of. The purpose of this game is make sure that all sophomore PPs know each other and this game should help find commonalities among them to bring them closer as a grade level.

0:14-0:55 The Deed Spating game begings

The GL will tell the PPs to now begin conversation with each other for two minutes until the stereo with dinner type music comes on and the PPs are directed to switch. This will continue till all the PPs have talked to each other or time runs out

0:55-1:00 Wrap up/Clean up

The GL will tell the PPs that there are no more rotations left. The GL will then say that they hope each PP has met someone new or learned something new about someone from this game. Then the GL will tell the PPs to stack the chairs as to where they were before we began and to then head to the next location for the next program.


Questionnaire Sheet- Deed Spating