Why might Doncaster be a coastal resort by 2030? ~ teacher copy of card set
- The River Don flows
2. Doncaster Council are installing air conditioning in all their offices / 9. Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases / 16. ARK predict sea levels could rise 7.5 metres by 2030 sinking Grimsby and Skegness under water
3. Doncaster is approximately
42 miles from England’s east
coast / 10. In the past, large areas around Doncaster were marshland. It was drained to create farmland. / 17. Greenhouse gases absorb the sun’s heat. As a result the earth’s temperature increases
4. Mrs Lane walked to school when she was a child / 11. Doncaster is a low-lying and fairly flat town / 18. The Department of Trade has released figures showing that car traffic releases 37 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year
5. Rapid melting of the Antarctic Ice sheet has been discovered by the British Antarctic Survey. Giant icebergs are breaking away / 12. Since 1930 the average world temperature has increased by 0.2 C / 19. Ice creams cost £1 on the coast
6. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide / 13. Doncaster is just off the M18 motorway / 20. James and Sam Lane are pleased with their new DVD player, even if it means using more electricity
7. Swarms of insects destroy farmer John Giles’ crops / 14. Sea levels are expected to rise 30cms in the next 30 years / 21. Deforestation contributes up to 20% of all human global carbon dioxide emissions
- Kyoto Protocol 1997
23. Mrs Smith explains to her science class that trees and other plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen / 26. Most electricity in the UK is generated in power stations using fossil fuels / 29. Warmer water expands and takes up more space
24. Mrs Smith drives the children to school in her new 2.8L 4x4 / 27. The Lanes have just bought a new fridge and were annoyed to find that they would have to pay to dispose of the old one / 30. It is predicted that global warming will make the UK wetter