38. Florists Championship of the Czech Republic
Děčínská kotva 2009
The project is hold within the framework of Děčín´s Festivities under the auspices of the hetman of the Ústi nad Labem district Jana Vaňhová.
Date of the competition: 20. – 21. 5. 2009
Date of the exhibition: 22. – 24. 5. 2009
Place of the competition and exhibition: Děčín´s Castle
Enunciators: The Florists Association of the Czech Republic, Olomouc
Horticultural and Agricultural High School of A.E.Komers,
JUNIOR – students of horticultural schools without age limits (at one´s own request
competing in senior category possible)
SENIOR – professional florists, employees of gardening companies and flower shops
Term of registration: 10th April 2009
20th May 2009 - Wednesday
07.00 - 9.30 attendance of competitors
10.00 opening of the competition
10.30 - 12.30 Flower decoration of a church ceremonious area (Junior)
Decoration of a table for a betrothed couple (Senior)
12.30 - 13.30 lunch break
13.30 - 16.00 Wedding decoration for a bride and a groom (J + S)
16.00 - 16.30 break
16.30 - 17.30 Basket for a bridesmaid (J)
Bouquet for a witness to marriage (S)
17.30 closing of the competition
19.00 - 01.00 informal meeting of florists and guests
21th May 2009 – Thursday
9.30 opening of the second day of the competition
10.00 - 11.00 Cushion for wedding rings (J)
10.00 - 12.00 Wedding arch in a garden (S)
14.00 - 16.00 professional florists programme
19.00 - 1.00 Gala performance
As a part of the Gala performance there will be an exhibition of flower arrangements and a final ceremony.
General organizer, application forms, accommodation, detailed programme:
Ing. Olga Fojtíková
Address: Střední škola zahradnická a zemědělská A. E. Komerse,
Děčín – Libverda
Českolipská 123, Děčín 27, 405 02
Tel.: +420412524692
Fax: +420412524694
Mobile: +420604935694
E-mail: ;
WWW: www.libverdadc.cz; www.ucebnicefloristiky.cz
Bc. Jana Ischiová
Address: Svaz květinářů a floristů ČR
Wolkerova 11, Olomouc, 771 11
Tel.: +420585726 290
WWW: www.svazkvetinaruafloristu.cz
Programme and a system of evaluation:
Ing. Jiří Martinek, Ph.D.
Address: ZF MZLU vBrně
Valtická 337, Lednice, 691 44
Tel.: +420519 367 276
Organization rules:
§ Each competitor will have a working space of 3,5 x 2 m. Part of this space
(2 x 2m) will be an exhibition area also. White colour of walls. Curtains to separate the space on request.
§ Frameworks and utilities for all competition works must get through the doorway easily (min. size 195 x 90 cm), competitors must present themselves on an allocated place in a competition room only.
§ All arrangements must be removed and carried away. Liquidation or storage of arrangements by organizers is not possible.
§ Accomodation will be reserved by the assistant of the school headmaster Mrs. Klára MacRae (tel: +420 412 524 692, fax:+420 412 524694). Competitors have standard free accomodation during the competition, accompanists pay themselves. If you need to reserve accomodation for accompanists send an e-mail or call the assistant till 10th April 2009.
§ Any questions relating to the organization rules write at the address (Ing. Jiří Martinek, Ph.D.) Your questions will be collected and answered by e-mails to all competitors.
Detailed specifications of the 38. Florists Championship of the Czech Republic 2009
Task no.1 – Flower decoration of a church ceremonious area (120 minutes)
Create an arrangement by pricking technique from cut flowers to a stand, vessel or another frame, which would be placed alongside an altar or a sacrificial table in a sacral building (a church, monastery, chapel, etc.) chosen by the competitor. The arrangement must correspond with following criteria:
§ proportions of the arrangement mustn´t extend beyond 120 x 120 cm and height of 300 cm
§ basic supporting framework can be created by a stand, vessel, original frame or by combination of above mentioned. Competitors will bring all parts of the framework themselves.
§ the basic supporting framework can be made up of technical (non-biological) materials or of materials of plant origin (only parts of tree stems, sprigs of trees, bushes and lianas without leaves are allowed) or their combination
§ competitors choose the technique of work up
§ a constructed basic undecorated framework with auxiliary technical material (green arranging foam or ampoules with water) is allowed before the competition
§ arranging techniques: pricking into the green arranging foam is compulsory technique during the arranging. Another allowed technique is putting into the ampoules with water.
§ plant material used during competition must optically dominate over the material of the basic framework (whether technical or plant origin)
§ the competitor will bring the plant material
§ compulsory part of the competition is presentation of an interior of the chosen sacral building on an information leaflet ( minimum size A3) with a picture and brief description of the decorated area. Graphic design or adjustment of the presentation will not be evaluated.
Task no.2 – Flower decoration for a bridesmaid (60 minutes)
Make a flower decoration for a little girl about 6 years old, who is a member of a wedding suite. The decoration must have image of a basket, handbag or another arrangement with a bow, which makes it easy to hold the decoration in hand during the wedding ceremony. The decoration must correspond with following criteria:
§ competitors choose the technique of work up
§ a basic undecorated framework is allowed. Only applications of decorative wires necessary for the frame are allowed.
§ plant material preparation is limited to stalk cutting and cleaning
§ the competitor will ensure material and the framework him/herself.
Task no. 3 – Wedding decoration for a bride and a groom (150 minutes)
Create a wedding decoration for a bride, which will be carried in (on) hand and will substitute a wedding bouquet. A part of this discipline is also a wedding corsage placed on a lapel of groom´s suit. Both decorations must correspond with following criteria:
§ a basic undecorated framework is allowed. Only applications of decorative wires necessary for the frame are allowed.
§ plant material preparation is limited to stalk cutting and cleaning
§ the way of presentation of finished decorations for a bride and a groom within a frame of a competition area is free and it will not be a part of evaluation.
§ the task must be completed with a picture (minimally A4) of bride´s dress and groom´s suit. Graphic design or adjustment of the picture will not be evaluated.
§ the competitor will ensure material him/herself.
Task no. 4 – Cushion for wedding rings (60 minutes)
Create a cushion for wedding rings using biological materials (cut plants, pot plants, etc.). The arrangement must correspond with following criteria:
§ a basic undecorated framework is allowed only with components necessary to get required shape of the frame. Another filling components must be add during the competition.
§ basic supporting framework of the cushion can be created by any technique using technical materials, plant materials (only parts of tree stems, sprigs of trees, bushes and lianas without leaves are allowed) or their combination.
§ green arranging foam or ampoules with water are allowed to fix before the competition if necessary.
§ another presentation underlay (e.g. a glass tablet, plate, etc.) can be used within the arrangement. However, it cannot be tightly connected with the arrangement and will not be evaluated.
§ competitors can use any technique of work up
§ plant material preparation is limited to stalk cutting and cleaning
§ the competitor will ensure material him/herself.
Detailed specifications of the 38. Florists Championship of the Czech Republic 2009
Task no. 1 – Decoration of a table for a betrothed couple (120 minutes)
Create an arrangement from flowers, another supplemental materials and vessels for decoration of a table for a betrothed couple on an exotic place of the world chosen by you. The arrangement must correspond with following criteria:
§ proportions of the arrangement mustn´t extend beyond 200 x 150 cm and height of 300 cm
§ the competitor will ensure a basic supporting framework (or table and chairs) him/herself. Organizers can provide a table (80 x 80 cm) and two chairs.
§ the basic supporting framework can be made up of technical (non-biological) materials or of materials of plant origin (only parts of tree stems, sprigs of trees, bushes and lianas without leaves are allowed) or their combination
§ competitors can use any technique of producing of the basic supporting framework
§ a constructed basic undecorated framework with auxiliary technical material (green arranging foam or ampoules with water) is allowed before the competition
§ competitors can use any technique of the arrangement work up.
§ plant material used during competition must optically dominate over the material of the basic framework
§ the competitor will bring the plant material, plant material preparation is limited to stalk cutting and cleaning
§ compulsory part of the competition is presentation of the chosen exotic place on an information leaflet (minimum size A3) with a picture and brief description. Graphic design or adjustment of the presentation will not be evaluated.
Task no. 2 – Bouquet for a witness to marriage (60 minutes)
Make a bouquet for a witness to marriage, which will correspond with wedding decorations for a bride and a groom from task no.3. The bouquet must correspond with following criteria:
§ technique: binding
§ a basic undecorated framework is allowed
§ plant material preparation is limited to stalk cutting and cleaning
§ the competitor will ensure plant, technical and decorative material him/herself.
Task no. 3 – Wedding decoration for a bride and a groom (150 minut)
Create a wedding decoration for a bride, which will be carried in (on) hand and will substitute a wedding bouquet. A part of this discipline is also a wedding corsage placed on a lapel of groom´s suit. Both decorations must correspond with following criteria:
§ a basic undecorated framework is allowed. Only applications of decorative wires necessary for the frame are allowed.
§ plant material preparation is limited to stalk cutting and cleaning
§ the way of presentation of finished decorations for a bride and a groom within a frame of a competition area is free and it will not be a part of evaluation.
§ the task must be completed with a picture (minimally A3) of bride´s dress and groom´s suit. Graphic design or adjustment of the picture will not be evaluated.
§ the competitor will ensure material him/herself.
Task no. 4 – Wedding arch in a Rose Garden (120 minutes) – work in exterior
Make a wedding arch for a wedding ceremony in the Rose Garden of the Děčín´s Castle. The arrangement must correspond with following criteria:
§ inside proportions of the arrangement follow width of the path in the Rose Garden (160 cm)
§ the framework must be fixed (e.g. stabbed) in the grass area next to the path
§ the competitor will ensure basic supporting framework him/herself.
§ basic supporting framework can be created by any technique using non-biological materials or materials of plant origin (only parts of tree stems, sprigs of trees, bushes and lianas without leaves are allowed) or their combination
§ a constructed basic undecorated framework with auxiliary technical material (green arranging foam or ampoules with water) is allowed before the competition
§ the arrangement must be resistant to outside environment during all competition and subsequent exhibition
§ plant material used during competition must optically dominate over the material of the basic framework
§ the competitor will bring the plant material, plant material preparation is limited to stalk cutting and cleaning
Theme: ¨ To the wedding in a hat“
The subject of the competition will be decoration of a party dress with its main part - a flower hat. The competitor will ensure all materials, the party dress and a model. The room for preparation of models will be at disposal on Thursday 21th May 2009 from 9:00 am. Evaluation of models will be executed by the jury at 5:30 pm in the main hall of the Děčín´s Castle.
Arrangements will be evaluated according to a 100- point system of European Federation of Professional Floristic Associations (FEUPF) by two 5- members international committees.
Jury for JUNIOR category:
1) Tatiana Kuťková – foreman
2) Michal Haut
3) Petr Kopáč
4) Marie Bittnerová – SKF
5) delegate of COM Dresden – FEUPF
Jury for SENIOR category:
1) Jarmila Pejpalová – foreman
2) Milota Murčová
3) Jana Jaroňová
4) Jan Komzák
5) Wally Klett – FEUPF
Organisation and supervision:
Jiří Martinek (evaluation system)