Kinsner Elementary PTA

General Meeting January 22, 2014

Site: Kinsner Classroom

Call to Order: 937a

The meeting was called to order by Tocoi Arthur at 9:37am. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes from the December 2013 meeting. Christy Keating moved to approve the December 2014 minutes as written. Christy Cuppage seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed.

Attendance: Christy Cuppage, Christy Keating, Nikki Whitehead, Lisa Harper, and Tocoi Arthur present, Marla Meyers, Mr. Reed, no teacher liaisons are present.

Is a quorum present? No - 8 people

President’s Report: Tocoi Arthur

o  Next Meeting is February 12th at 9a.

o  Thank you – with helping out with all of the holiday events.

o  Elf Club- there was not a need this year because there were no families in need.

o  AR update: Accelerated reader. We have paid Enterprise to update our library. The librarians will be coordinating with the company to get it up and running. No estimated dates as to when the library will be available to use. $624 was awarded to us through the Council’s grant.

o  Right to Read Week~ January 27th

§  Author Visit next week. We will be providing lunches to them. Tocoi will be there that day to show them around.

§  Look ahead for next year make sure we get what we need in the budget and talk to Mrs. Arthur to see what we need.

o  Founders Day~ February 6th @ 9:30 – anyone who wants to attend is able. Mr. Reed and Tocoi will be there.

o  Movie Night~ Saturday, February 8th (discussion) – Overtime needs to be considered, as well as, plowing the parking lot. Tocoi is going to talk to other schools and see what they do or perhaps have it during the week at the school to cut costs down. Ideally, they would like to have it on a Friday night. With enough advanced notice, this should work.

o  Valentine Parties~ February 14th, 2014 at 230p

o  Lake Erie Monsters Tickets –Tocoi is going to look into this. Hopefully, we can get the kids out on the ice. Maybe they can drive the zamboni. They would get us a block of seats. Families can purchase tickets at a discounted price. Have all of our kids meet all of the players. Maybe lining something up for the Indians and Cavs in the summer.

o  Talent Show is going to be happening. No date yet. TBA.

o  Art Social (Silent Auction) – nothing new here

Kinsner Elementary PTA

General Meeting January 22, 2014

o  Relay for Life

§  2nd annual Strongsville Relay For Life that will be held at Catan Stadium on Saturday, May 17 at noon, and ending on Sunday, May 18 at 8:30 AM

§  Should we put together a Kinsner team?

Council Delegates Report: Christy Cuppage:

Council Delegate Report – Jan. 15, 2014

Founder’s Day Program and Luncheon is Feb.6 at the Rec Center. Starts at 9:30. Please let Tocoi know if you are interested in attending.

Full day kindergarten. $2500-$3000 is an estimated cost per year.

$6000 total in PTA Council Grants were awarded. Kinsner was awarded one to expand our Reading Enrichment program. How much?

Mr. Krupinski spoke and gave update on various items: Basic math facts are not getting learned. Every day Math was discussed.

High School will have to make use of modular classrooms once the major renovations are underway at the high school. There will be a new media center and renovated auditorium among other upgrades.

Facilities committee is being formed to evaluate the best ways to utilize our buildings going forward based on enrollment, etc… Probably have to close an elementary school.

Decision on full day kindergarten will be made shortly.

On Wed. Jan. 8th, mechanics and maintenance were starting up the buses at 4:30am to make sure they were running and that school could open on Jan.8 after the subfreezing temperatures.

No update on who caused the bomb threat/graffiti at the high school. Additional cameras were placed throughout the High School.

The school calendar is going to change when Center is being built.

Kinsner Elementary PTA

General Meeting January 22, 2014

1st Vice President Report: Nikki Whitehead - $400 Kinsner donated to Strongsville Food Bank.

o  Decorations – spring flowers. Nikki asks if there is a specific area where teachers post their art work. Nikki will hold off on decorating the spring flowers until we hear about the art.

o  Brings up the idea for a city-wide school night at Cinemark – rent the entire movie theatre out.

o  Let’s streamline decorating efforts. We don’t want to duplicate but at the same time, we would welcome all decorating help.

o  1 million good night campaign – give 1 million new pajamas and 1 million books. Our local program is in Akron. These go to domestic shelters, homeless shelters. Ideally, she would like to launch this program during write to read week but not sure it will happen.

o  No one is signed up for after prom party at the rec center or decorations. They desperately need help. Contact Nikki Whitehead if you are interested.

o  Talks about the lollipop drive and how we might want to think of another fundraiser next year because not every kid gets a lollipop. Not every parent is pro active and it matters to children at this age. Maybe there is a way we can ensure that every kid gets at least one sucker. Let’s be more sensitive.

2nd Vice President/ Principle’s Report: Mr. Reed :

o  $3500 is being awarded to each building – Strongsville Education Foundation.

o  Staff will be leaving tomorrow 4-6p to learn more about the Chrome books.

o  Some field testing will be done on the computers. Chrome book : printing is small. Students with vision issues may have tough times with this. Kids will not be going outside this week.

3rd Vice President/ Ways & Means/ Fundraising: Stephanie Paczko – not present.

Kinsner Elementary PTA

General Meeting January 22, 2014

Treasurer Report: Lisa Harper – We are going to be good for next year.

Treasurer’s Report – January 21, 2014

Checking Account

Beginning Balance as of 12-4-2013 $17,242.60

Transactions from 12-4 to 1-21-2013 Deposits$2,776.48 (+)

Receipts $6,450.36 (-)


Ending Balance as of 1-21-2014 $13, 568.72

Savings Account

Beginning Balance as of 12-3-2013 $2141.75

12-27-13 Deposit of Interest (.05) .05 (+)


Ending Balance as of 1-21-2014 $2141.80

Recording Secretary Report: Marla Meyers : No business to report

Corresponding Secretary Report: Christy Keating: Initial membership is 175

Volunteer Coordinator: Stacey Armendariez – not present

Standing Committee Reports –

o  Something just went out for market days.

o  Carnival is progressing – walk thru took place. It will be in April on a Saturday

New Business & Discussion:


Meeting was adjourned at 10:31a