
Progress reports for all programs are required to be submitted to the Pork CRC within fourteen (14) days of the end of each Quarter.

Researchers must note:

  • A Progress Report for each Pork CRC project must be completed by the Principal Investigator on the project.
  • Quarterly Project Cash and In-kind expenditure reports form part of this report. You can obtain electronic copies of these forms on the Pork CRC website (
  • While there is no limit to the textural information that can be provided, the Pork CRC is generally seeking 1 to 2 paragraphs of information where a textural response is required.
  • Once complete, the Principal Investigator should submit the signed paper copy of the progress report to the Pork CRC Sub-Program Manager. Sub-Program Managers should review the project reports and submit a signed progress report to the Pork CRC Program Manager.

Program Managers must note:

  • Progress Reports should be submitted to the Pork CRC in paper and electronic format:
  • The paper copy (signed by the Principal Investigator, Sub-Program Manager & Program Manager) must be sent to:

The Pork CRC
Attn: Dr Roger Campbell
PO Box 466
Willaston SA 5118

  • Electronic copies must be emailed to the Pork CRC.


Reporting period: 1 July 2006 to 30 September 2006
Project Title:
Project Reference Number:
Pork CRC program area:
Program 1 – More reliable and consistent energy and protein supply Program 2 – Improving herd FCE Program 3 – Nutritional fortification of pork products Program 4 – Pork industry capacity building.
Principal Investigator: Position:
Phone: Fax: Email:
Administrative Contact: Position:
Principal Institution/Organisation:
Phone: Fax: Email:
Name of Other participating Institutions/Organsiations:
Progress Report Details:
Have there been changes to the Project in the reporting period? Yes No
(This includes any changes to the project such as; changes to the budget, objectives and/or milestones etc.)
If yes, please provide details:
Has the project experienced any difficulties that have affected progress in the reporting period?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details:
Were the Project Objectives achieved during the reporting period? Yes No
If no, please provide details:
Was the Proposed Strategy followed during the reporting period? Yes No
If no, please provide details:
Is this project utilising background intellectual property (IP)? Yes No
Has any Project IP been identified/developed during the reporting period? Yes No
If yes, please provide details:
Have any Commercialisation opportunities been identified during the reporting period?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details:
Have there been significant changes to the Budget Expenditure for the reporting period?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details:
Have any future research opportunities been identified during the reporting period?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details:
List Milestones and Deliverables achieved during the reporting period:
Milestone / Description / Deliverable
Were the projects stated Milestones and Deliverables achieved for the reporting period?
Yes No
If no, provide details:
Do you want to discuss any variation/change to the Project with the Pork CRC?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details:
(If there has been a variation/change in the stated project Milestones and Deliverables please submit a revised schedule.
Cash requested from the Pork CRC for the next reporting period $ ______.___
It is expected that cash requested each quarterly reporting period would be approximately one quarter of the yearly budget. If you are seeking any variation, please provide details:
General Comments (if applicable):


Publications and other academic outputs

(Enter the number of publications in each category, for the period covered by this Report. Where appropriate, enter full publication details; include ‘published’ and ‘in press’ publications, but exclude ‘forthcoming’ and ‘submitted’ work.)

Item / Category / Number / Publication Details
A1 / Book—authored research
A2 / Book—authored other
A3 / Book—edited
A4 / Book—revision/new edition
A5 / Book—translation
B / Book chapter
C1 / Journal article—articles in scholarly refereed journal
C2 / Journal article—other contribution to refereed journal
C3 / Journal article—non-refereed article
C4 / Journal articles—letter or note
D / Major reviews
E1 / Conference—full written paper—refereed proceedings
E2 / Conference—full written paper—non-refereed proceedings
E3 / Conference—extract of paper
E4 / Conference—edited volume of conference proceedings
E5 / Conference—unpublished presentation
F / Audio-visual recording
G / Computer software
H / Designs
J1 / Major creative works
J2 / Creative work included in group exhibition, performance, recording or anthology
J3 / Exhibition curatorship
K / Other academic outputs (in categories other than those above)


The Pork CRC would prefer that you complete the progress report on this form but will allow additional information to be attached to the paper copy. Is additional material contained in the paper copy?

Yes No


Certification by Principal Investigator

I certify that:

  • this is an accurate progress report for period covered.



Sub-Program Manager Comments (if applicable):

Certification by Sub-Program Manager

I certify that this is an accurate progress report for period covered



Program Manager Comments (if applicable):

Certification by Program Manager

I certify thatthis is an accurate progress report for period covered



Thank you for submitting your Progress Report.

The Pork CRC may contact you if clarification or further information is required to determine whether progress has been satisfactory over the period covered in the Report.

Information on this form is collected in order to determine whether the research project has reached satisfactory completion and reporting.

Researchers should note that if the Pork CRC is not satisfied with the progress of the Project, further payment of funds will not be made until satisfactory progress has been made on the Project. If satisfactory progress is still not achieved, the Funding will be terminated and all outstanding monies recovered by the Pork CRC.

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