Capability #4: Emergency Public Information & Warning

Jurisdiction/Organization: / Name of Exercise:
Location: / Date:
Activate the emergency public information system
Were the roles and responsibilities of the public information officer (PIO) discussed? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
How will personnel, PIO and subject matter experts (SMEs) be notified that they are needed? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Joint Public Information System
Did the group discuss whether an actual or virtual Joint Information Center (JIC) would be set up? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
From each agency, who would need to be present in the Emergency Operations Center to ensure a “one voice” message is going out? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Who will be the incident’s spokesperson? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
How will the group help to facilitate rumor control or correct misinformation? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Information Avenues
Did the group address what types of avenues they would utilize for message output? (Website, phone bank, hotline, etc.) / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group discuss use of social media such as Twitter or Facebook? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Did the group discuss ways to alert and/or inform special-needs populations such as low literacy populations, and non-English speaking populations? / Fully Partially Not N/A / Comments:
Major Strengths:
List (in complete sentences) at least 3 major strengths identified during the exercise.
Major Areas of Improvement:
List (in complete sentences) at least 3 major areas of improvement identified during the exercise.
Evaluated By: / Name: / Organization:
Phone: / Email:
Function Alignment for Capability #4
Looking at outcomes and goals in terms of the functions assigned to HPP and PHEP can assist in identifying and eliminating misalignments, misunderstandings and performance issues. Alignment of similar functions assigned to PHEP and HPP further promotes coordination in effort and evaluation across disciplines. This chart compares the functional alignment of the capability.
Public Health Preparedness (PHEP) / Hospital Preparedness (HPP)
Function 1: Activate the emergency pubic information system / Capability #6 Information Sharing
Function 1: Provide healthcare situational awareness that contributes to the incident common operating picture
Function 2: Determine the need for a joint public information system
Function 3: Establish and participate in information system operations
Function 4: Establish avenues for public interaction and information exchange
Function 5: Issue public information, alerts, warnings and notifications

Discussion-Based Exercise Evaluation Guide (EEG)Page 1