ACTIVITY WRITE UP NO: Desktop Bean Bag Toss

Desktop Bean Bag Toss

Type of modality / Active Game/ Ice breaker/ Table Game
Type of play / Shared Cooperative
Interaction pattern / Aggregate, Inter-Group (if picking teams and playing for points)
# of participants required / 2-4 players
Equipment/supplies / ·  Bean bags
·  Desk top game board
·  Desk top
Facilities required/environment / Activity should be done somewhere inside where game board can sit on a level top.
Precautions / Make sure everyone is aware of where they are throwing bean bags so no one is injured.

Sequence/Directions (Details of how a to move through the activity from start to finish) This can be less than ten steps of more than ten steps…

1. Leader instructs the participants to pick teams or chose individual play (depending on how competitive the participants want to be).

2. Each participant introduces themselves to everyone that is playing.

3. First player picks up bean bag and aims at the hole in the game board.

4. If the player hits the board they have to share a favorite memory to the group (1 point).

5. If the player misses the board they have to share an embarrassing moment (no points).

6. If the player makes it in the hole of the game board they have to share an activity they want to do and haven’t tried yet with the group (2 points).

7. Once 3 rounds are completed leader instructs participants to share what they have learned about their teammates.

8. Can play again and change teams or change what is shared with the group after a players turn.

Activity Analysis (What is required of this activity without any adjustments, accommodations, alterations)

Category / Skills
Primary body position / Standing
Part of the body required / All parts
Movement / Bending, carrying in the arms, carrying in the hands, grasp (palmar grip), picking up, releasing, throwing, walking short distances , turning/twisting hands-wrists
Physical / Balance: dynamic standing, gross muscle coordination, muscle strength, active range of motion: upper extremities, visual-motor integration, directionality: person/object,
Cognitive / Arousal/alertness, selective attention, focused attention, cognitive flexibility, decision making: simple, initiation, topographical orientation, short term memory, simple problem solving, calculation (to add up points) sequencing/turn-taking
Social / Conversation, physical contact, relating with equals, maintaining social space, relationships (forming), regulating behavior, self-expression, social cues, showing respect/warmth,
Perception / Tactile, auditory, visual
Communication/language / Reception to spoken language, expression of spoken language, expression of spoken language, producing body language
Self-care / N/A
Psychological/emotional (possible) / Fear of missing the target or sharing with the group (embarrassment), excitement for making the target, anger at missing the target or losing the game, joy of winning


Ways to SIMPLIFY demands / Ways to make more COMPLEX
Cognitively / No score is kept.
Each player has an unlimited amount of throws.
Do not have to share with the group. / Red bean bags are worth 2 points and blue bean bags are worth 1 point.
Each person only gets 3 tosses.
There is a time limit on how long each person’s turn is.
Physically / Move the board at a closer range for each player. / Move the board farther away after each round.
Special tosses are more points
(throwing with non-dominant hand, throwing backwards, etc.)
Socially / Play with only 2 people to make the game less complicated.
This also makes the game less competitive.
No prizes for winning players. / Play with 4 or more people.
Play with 2 teams.
Winning team or player wins a prize.

Other Comments:

Leader must keep in mind the competitive and social natures of the game to ensure that no participant is embarrassed or uncomfortable. (Use sharing of embarrassing moments with caution- people have to have good self-esteem, and be able to laugh at themselves in order to share embarrassing moments)