There have been increasing concerns about the dancing style, student behavior, and dress/attire at LMHS Dances. To address these issues, the following expectations will be upheld. Any student who is unwilling to follow these expectations will be asked to leave the dance without refund and a parent will be contacted.


Some students at our dances engage in dancing referred to as “grinding”, “ twerking” and “freaking”. This type of “front to back dancing” is considered inappropriate for school events. While chaperones do their best to minimize this type of dancing, it does occur. For students who are dancing in this manner, do not push or pull other students into a “grinding circle”. Please be aware that touching someone in their private areas or with your private parts, even with clothes on, may be interpreted as sexual assault. Students whose dancing is deemed inappropriate or aggressive by a chaperone will be given one warning. If the behavior continues, they will be asked to leave without a refund and a parent will be contacted.

Although no measure is a failsafe, here are some protective measures to consider in order to increase your personal safety and comfort and to increase the safety of those around you at LMHS dances. Be responsible for yourself and your own actions. Just because you are not caught does not mean that your behavior is acceptable or appropriate.

  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid grinding circles or other inappropriate behaviors.
  • Be assertive about your personal space boundaries, tell your friends that you do not want to engage in this type of behavior, so if someone pulls you in, they can help you get out.
  • Notify a chaperone if this type of dancing or other inappropriate behavior is occurring.

PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION (p. 25 of the L-Cat Student Handbook)

“The inappropriate public display of affection is frequently embarrassing to adults and students. Students are expected to exercise self-control and respect for the reputation of others while on school grounds. Specifically, kissing and inappropriate displays of affection are not allowed.”

STUDENT DRESS (p. 24 of the L-Cat Student Handbook)

The spirit of the dress code remains in effect at these events and students are encouraged to dress in an age and event appropriate manner.


I have read this Dance Code of Conduct and agree to abide by these expectations. I understand that if I am asked by an adult chaperone to refrain from inappropriate dancing or display of affection (warning), I will stop. If I am asked to leave the dance, I will leave the dance immediately without a refund and a parent will be contacted.


Student Name (Print)


Student SignatureDate