
As you may know, I have been giving some serious thought to my smoking habit for some time now. Of course, I realize the obvious health benefits and the other positive effects which quitting will produce – but quitting isn’t as easy as it sounds. I am but one of perhaps 40,000,000 smokers in this country who smoke because they don’t know how to quit. It’s not a matter of weakness or willpower, but one of learning. Therefore, I have made a serious commitment to quitting smoking and have joined SMOKENDERS ONLINE®.

One of the reasons SMOKENDERS® is so successful is because we are required to smoke while we learn to quit … we prepare ourselves physically and emotionally for our Cut-Off day. That is the reason for this letter.

I will be required to smoke until my Cut-Off Date, which is ______.

So, if you’d like me to “Kick the Habit” you’ll realize that teasing, harassing, or nagging me about my smoking during that time may produce a negative effect – not at all helpful. Your good intentions sometimes make it harder for me, because it’s obvious that you can’t push a smoker into quitting.

In fact, if you really want to help me, you can do it with either genuine interest in my quitting project – or by studied indifference. (A nice way to say “Get Off My Back”.) You see, smoking (and quitting) is in intensely personal experience. I must do it by myself for myself, with SMOKENDERS® ONLINE’s direction. I believe I have made a wise choice. I hope I can Count on your support and encouragement in the weeks to come!

If I can improve the quality of my life, it most certainly will affect the lives of those around me. Wish me the best.

Optimistically and Apprehensively,
