Session: My Journey on Team –One to One Session
Time of session:10-15 minutesNumber of Participants: 1
Facilitator: Team Leader When:Week 12
Session AimTo equip the young person with the knowledge and competencies to evaluate & rate their skills at the end of the Team programme
Session Objectives
By the end of the session the young person willhave:
- Reflected on their skills development during the Team programme
- Identified their own programme end score for each individual skill using the Learning Curves
- Evaluated how much the Team programme has helped them
- Completedthe My Journey on TeamEvaluation Form
Completion of the My Journey on Team Evaluation Form
Previous Knowledge assumed
Knowledge of the Team programme
Material and equipment required
My Journey on Team Evaluation Form [DSN1157],My Journey Learning Curve Booklet[DSN1158]
Notes on differentiation and equal opportunities
Particular needs of the young person need to be considered when running the session
Time allowed for young people to their work
Range of methods used:, individual work, discussion, feedback
Time / Trainer Activity/ Content / Learner Activity / Teaching method / Resources / Assessment
- Handout
- Introducing the session
- During the session they willlook at the skills they have as an individual now that they have completed the Team programme
- They will also consider how much the programme has helped them with these skills and rate what they think of the Team programme overall.
- The information will be used by The Trust to evaluate how well the Team programme is developing the skills of young people. This information will also be used to help The Trust run and fund future work.
- That it is not about ‘being the best’ - the important thing is that they answer honestly. Stress that it is not a test - their scores measure what they think.
- When picking a score, they should think about themselves in general and not let extremes of emotions they may be feeling that specific day affect their scores e.g. if they are having a bad day.
- Reviewing the learning curves and ratings skills levels
- Using the Learning Curve booklet look at the first skill and discuss what it means and go through the learning curve.
- Discuss ways they could have developed that skill on the Team programme- getting them to come up with suggestions but prompting as needed. This should involve recapping on activities and topics covered on the Team programme.
- Talk through with the young person what score you would give yourself and why (it is useful if this is not a top score) to help them to gauge their own skill.
- Now ask them to suggest what score they would be and the reason for this.
- Go through situations from the Team programme where they have used this skill and ask them how they felt in this situation. Also discuss new situations in every day life where they may use this skills and discuss how they would feel. Based on this look together at the learning curve and whether the rating they suggested for themselves matches how they felt/ would feel in these situations or whether a different score is more appropriate. This should involve gently challenging the young person to question the score they have given themselves but the score they give themselves in the end should represent their own opinion.
- When they have settled on a score provide them with the My Journey on Team Evaluation Form and get them to record it in Step1.
1-2-1 discussion
Individual activity / Individual discussion
Facilitation / My Journey Learning Curves Booklet
My Journey on Team Evaluation Form / Q&A
- Reviewing how much the Team programme has helped
- Ask them to rate on a scale of 1 to 6 how much they think the Team programme has helped them with the skill and to tick the relevant column under Step 2.
- Evaluation Questions
- Run through the evaluation questions in Step 3 in turn and get the young person to answer them, explaining the meaning of any questions as needed.
- With regards to the life satisfaction question, explain that this is a measure of how happy they feel about their lives overall. Ask them to think about what they think about their life- is it how they want it to be, are there a few small things they want to change or are their big changes that would need to happen before they would be happy with their lives. Explain that they should think about how they feel about their life in general terms and not let extreme emotions they are feeling on that day affect how they answer (e.g. if they are having a bad day). Discuss how the Team programme may have helped improve their life satisfaction.
individual task / Facilitating individual task / My Journey on Team Evaluation Form / Q&A
- Text Survey Briefing
- Explain that Team is a Prince’s Trust programme and that The Prince’s Trust evaluates it by sending young people questionnaires 3 and again 6 months after they finish the Team programme. Tell them that this is normally done through a text message survey but that if they don’t have a mobile phone or if they have problems texting then The Trust will try and contact them by another means (e.g. telephone call, post).
- Explain the following to them about how texting works:
- They’re sent a few text messages asking them questions. When they answer one question they will be sent the next question.
- It is free to reply to the text message survey so they don’t need any credit to reply.
- The first message says it is from the ‘PrincesTrus’ when it comes through, the others have a short number as the caller ID.
- It will only take them a few minutes to answer. The number of questions varies from 3 to 6, depending on the answers they give. They will be asked about what they are doing (e.g. a course, working, volunteering etc) and whether the Team programme has helped.
- Explain that the questionnaires help to run, fund and evaluate the Team programme, and that answering them will help The Prince’s Trust in a number of ways:
- The Prince’s Trust aims to help young people into jobs, education, training and volunteering, and it uses the text survey to find out whether the Team programme is doing this.
- It will really help The Prince’s Trust if they do reply as it can then show other people how the Team programme has helped young people after they finished the programme. This helps The Prince’s Trust to raise more money to help more young people through the Team programme.
- It is also really important for The Prince’s Trust to know when people are not getting jobs or courses so it can learn and make sure the Team programme is the best it can be for young people.
- Explain that they don’t have to reply to us if they don’t want to. If they do choose to reply, to say “thank you” The Prince’s Trust will enter them into a free prize draw to win vouchers (to spend in a variety of high street shops).
- Explain that they gave The Prince’s Trust their mobile numbers when they started the Team programme and that The Trust would now like them to provide them again in Step 4 so that it can make sure it has the most up-to-date numbers for them. This will give The Prince’s Trust the best chance of reaching them and getting this important information to evaluate and fund the Team programme. Giving their mobile numbers does not mean they have to reply to the text message questionnaire if they don’t want to.
- Get them to fill in their mobile numbers at Step 4 on the My Journey on TeamEvaluation Form. Please ensure that young people are providing their own numbers only – not numbers of others e.g. a family member, a social worker etc.
Completing Evaluation form / Individual discussion / My Journey on Team Evaluation Form / Q&A
- Signing
- Ask them to sign the form in Step 5 to say that they have read and understood it.
Best practice follow up:
- Further Support: If any issues arise from doing the My Journey on Team Evaluation Form that require extra support that can not be provided on the programme then the young person should be spoken to 1-2-1, at a later date if necessary, about any support or referrals needed.
- Linking to Action Planning: Where possible this activity should be linked into any progression that young person may be receiving after the programme so that they can continue to get support for any skill areas that still need improvement.