Changes from original list: Changed abstracts: Mario D’Souza, Marilyn Naidoo, Kevin O’Grady, Karen Walshe

INDEX OF PRESENTERS, in surname order. Click on a name to go to their abstract. Or click on ABSTRACTS to go to the first abstract.

Stefan Altmeyer - The Contribution of Religious Education to a Culture of Remembrance within the Context of Secondary Schools in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
Trine Anker - Beyond the Pale: Respect and otherness in a Norwegian multicultural school
Tania ap Sion - Religious experience among Catholic and Protestant sixth-form pupils in Northern Ireland: looking for signs of the presence of God
Elisabeth Arweck - Religious Diversity in the UK: Attitudes and Views of 13–16 Year Old Students
Cok Bakker - “Religion in public schools...”; This is not what we expect!
Philip Barnes - Representing Religions, Developing Respect for Others and Interpretive Religious Education
Jenny Berglund - Translating Religions: admitting the power of educational choices
Gerdien Bertram-Troost - The positioning of Protestant primary schools in the 21st century. Results of an empirical research project in the Netherlands
Doug Blomberg - A narrational, multi-dimensional approach to religious education research
Sherry Blumberg - The Otherness of Teaching: Reflections from a Jew teaching in Catholic Schools
Lorna Bowman - A Legacy of Failure: Canada’s Religious Education of Aboriginal Children
Oddrun Bråten - A comparative perspective on the history of religious education in England and Norway
Halldis Breidlid - Remembrance in Norwegian RE: the case of martyrdom in Sikhism
Michael Buchanan - Fashioning Peer Review Strategies to Enchance the Formation of Pre-service Teachers of Religious Education: What Teacher Educators Should Know.
Mette Buchardt - ’The negro’, ’the Greenlander’ and ‘the missionary’ as heroes of bildung for ‘the whole population’. Social-epistemological traces between colony and metropol in Danish missionary- and school pedagogy from 1900s to 1930s
Sara Cohen-FridelShimon Ohayon - Knowledge of Jewish History and Tradition and the relations to Jewish Identity among Students from Abroad Studying in Israel
Trevor Cooling - The appropriate contribution of constructivist approaches to the Bible in conservative Christian approaches to Religious Education
Denise Cush - The ‘Living Religion’ Project – exploring and enhancing the use of fieldwork placements in Theology and Religious Studies undergraduate programmes in the UK.
Marian de Souza - Spirituality in Religious Education: An examination of historical and contemporary understandings of spirituality to inform and enhance curriculum development and professional practice in Religious Education.
Jonathan Doney - The overlooked ecumenical background to the development of English RE.
Mario D’Souza - The Challenge of an Outcomes Based Education to Religious Knowing
Petro du Preez - (Re)searching intersectionality through memory and narrative as basis for developing curricula for diverse education contexts
Leona English - The British North America Society for Educating the Poor: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Religious Education in Newfoundland 1823-1850
Vladimir Fedorov - Patriotism, Nationalism and Confessionalism as Subjects of the Pilot Course in Basics of Religious Culture at Russian HIgh School.
René Ferguson - Remembering the ancestors in Jozi: implications of a (white) experience of initiation into sangomahood for Religion education research and practice
John Fisher - Have God - Be happy, sometimes
Kari Flornes - Promoting democracy, citizenship and human right education in Initial teacher education in Norway
Leslie Francis - Researching attitudes toward religious diversity: quantitative approaches from psychology and empirical theology
Geert Franzenburg - Sharing the Gospel: Religious education with children and adults in the European context
Rob Freathy (with Stephen Parker) - Religious Education and the Mary Whitehouse Experience.
Stephen Parker (with Rob Freathy) - The Christian Education Movement (1964-1980)
Jun Fukaya - An era of preschool Christian education conducted by non-Christians
Brian Gates - Religion in lifespan experience - Another installment
Bill Gent - The significance of hifz within the Islamic tradition: ethnographic findings; religious and educational considerations
Michael GillisMartin Ubani - Jesus the Jew in Jewish and Christian school books
Peta Goldburg - Remembering and critiquing the development of Religious Education in Australian Catholic Schools: A fifty year report card.
Jan Grajczonek - “Interrogating the ‘Spiritual’ in Australia’s First National Early Years Learning Framework”
Bruce Grelle - Toward a Global Ethic for Religion Education in Public Schools
Gunnar Gunnarsson - Young people in Iceland in times of diversity and change
Elisabet Haakedal - Maps and Stories in Identity Formation: A multimodal comparison of some Norwegian pupils’ texts from 1955 to 2009 applying sociological theory of collective memory and theory of moral and cultural philosophy.
Mary Hayward - Freeing Religious Education: a study of a key curriculum moment
Hans-Günter Heimbrock - Taking Position: An Empirical study about religious orientation of RE teachers in German Public Schools
Mark Hillis - Intergenerational Worship and Learning – an exploration of theory and practice with reference to congregations of the Uniting Church in Australia.
Dzintra Iliško - From positivism to a collaborative action research tradition in teacher training in Latvia: paradigmatic and narrative orientation
Shira IluzYaacov Katz - Evaluation of Remedial Teaching in Ultra-orthodox Talmud Torah Schools: A First Look into a Closed World
Sara Irisdotter Aldenmyr - Therapeutic Education, Teacher-Student Relations and the need for Professional Ethics
Robert Jackson - From Empirical Research To Pedagogy: Reflections on Research Findings from the EC REDCo Project and the AHRC/ESRC Project on Young People’s Attitudes Towards Religious Diversity in the UK
Janet Jarvis - Religion Education: The religious identity of student teachers
Elisabeth Johnsen - Rethinking child centred reform pedagogy with a Vygotskyian perspective
Arto Kallioniemi - How primary school student teachers view religious education as school subject?
Kasonga wa Kasonga - Christian Rituals for the Luba Kasai ‘Special Children’
Yaacov Katz - Religious Education and Spirituality: Complimentary or Contradictory Concepts
Shira IluzYaacov Katz - Evaluation of Remedial Teaching in Ultra-orthodox Talmud Torah Schools: A First Look into a Closed World
Recep Kaymakcan - Do teachers of RE support pluralistic religious education in Turkey?
Chae Young Kim - The Development of a Preventive Education Program Concerning Religious Discrimination among Civil Servants in the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Ole Kjørven - The religious literacy of RE teachers: An analysis of RE teachers as readers and interpreters of the biblical narrative The Prodigal Son
Heinz StreibConstantin Klein - Violence, Xenophobia, Religion and the Readiness for Mediation in German Schools
Ina ter AvestCees Kom - Principals’ Dilemmas, the school’s Christian identity in a pillarized educational system in a post-pillarized society
Valentin Kozhuharov - Respecting History in Establishing RE at public schools
Bernd Krupka - More equal than others? What Christian Youth appreciates about Church Youth work
Arniika Kuusisto - Recognizing Worldviews in Multi-Faith Day Care Context
Manfred Kwiran - Genocide Education and Human Rights
Johannes Lähnemann - Interreligious Textbook Research and Development: A Proposal for Standards
David Lankshear - Church going children attend their local Church: an exploration of the reality underlying this assumption.
Alma Lanser–Van der Velde - Young Adults: An Open Future
Rune Larsson - Religious education - in whose interest? Changing history of Religious Education in the in Swedish schools over the last century
Heid Leganger-Krogstad - The Understanding of Learning in a ‘nonschoolish’ Church Educational Reform
Sidsel Lied - The Speech Genres of a Classroom and a Dialogical RE
David Lifmark - Emotions and accounts of continuity and change in values education
Heike Lindner - What about standards and competencies? The contribution of the historical religious education research to the formal education discussion today
Miriam Martin - The Urgency of Remembering: A Religious Educator Reflects on a Challenge from Thomas Berry
Mia Matilainen - Human Rights Education in Religious Education
Roseanne McDougall - Making History and Creating Memories: Integrating Service Learning into the Undergraduate Religion Curriculum
Paul McQuillan - What difference do we make? Examining school contribution to children’s belief and religious practice
Wilna Meijer - Time is not a line. The spatio-temporality of education
Karlo Meyer - How Do 13-Year Old Youngsters Gain Motivation for Visiting the Christian Sunday Service? Results from a triangulation of qualitative and quantitative research in Northern Germany.
Siebren Miedema & Coby Speelman - Liberal democratic societies and the need for religious citizenship education
Joyce Miller - Terrorism, religious education and the interpretive approach
Reinhold Mokrosch - Remembrance in Religious Education Research in Germany: Is Dietrich Bonhoeffer's prison confession “God is beyond in the midst of our life” a religious pedagogical foundation? And is it still relevant today in the light of young peoples concept of God?
Mary Moore - Youth Seeking to Understand the World: Yearnings for a Past and a Future
Marilyn Naidoo - Values education and religious identity formation in South Africa
Elisabeth Naurath - German children and their knowledge about Jewism and the Holocaust
Elizabeth Newton - Remembering RE? Towards an oral history of RE teachers and teaching
Tove Nicolaisen - Religion as practice in the context of Norwegian Religious Education (RE)
Kati Niemela - Religious change in the transition to adulthood – Longitudinal study of young people aged 14-25 (2001-2011)
Karin Nordström - Between objectivity and subjectivity. Swedish secondary school teachers’ perspectives on identity formation in RE
Baruch OffirNiva Wengrowicz - Role of the mediating teacher in the classroom in a distance learning environment when teaching humanistic subjects
Kevin O’Grady - Action Research and Religious Education
Sara Cohen-FridelShimon Ohayon - Knowledge of Jewish History and Tradition and the relations to Jewish Identity among Students from Abroad Studying in Israel
Üzeyir Ok - Individual Modernity and Religiosity in Turkey
Bernadette Eyewan Okure - Religious Education: An organizing principle in what graduates of St. Augustine’s College, Lagos Nigeria do?
Hideko Omori - Religious Education for Women in Japanese Modernization: Jinzo Naruse and the times
Christina Osbeck - To appropriate language of “Being in the World” - Teaching and learning in RE and Social Studies for 12 year old children in Sweden
Anthony Ozele - Crossroads at the Niger: Contextual Challenges of Interreligious Collaboration in Nigeria
Heon-Wook Park - Education for Morality and Religion in Japan: Past and Present
Glynis Parker - Respecting history and remembrance in Religion Education Research: What has happened to traditional African culture, rituals and religious practices in modern-day South Africa?
Stephen Parker (with Rob Freathy) - The Christian Education Movement (1964-1980)
Rob Freathy (with Stephen Parker) - Religious Education and the Mary Whitehouse Experience.
Manfred Pirner - ‘Translation’ as fundamental category for a public theology of education: Historical and systematic perspectives
Annebelle Pithan - RE in Nazi-Germany - Protestant Work with girls and young women
Ferdinand Potgieter - Spirituality as educative (thres)holding experience: from individuality to purposeful and peaceful coexistence
Margaret Power - The Roots of Memory and the Space of Religious Education in Catholic Schools in Canada
Alice Pyke - Christian affiliation, Christian practice, and attitudes to religious diversity: a quantitative analysis among 13- to 15- year-old female students
Lynn Revell - Orientalism and Religious Education
Yisrael Rich - Student Identity Development in Orthodox Jewish Secondary Schools
Norman Richardson - Carefully Taught? Teacher and Student Teacher Perspectives on Religious Diversity in Northern Ireland’s Primary Schools.
Mandy Robbins - Religious beliefs and public life: an empirical enquiry among Christian, Muslim and religiously-affiliated adolescent males in England and Wales
Martin Rothgangel - From “Catechetical Theology” to “Religious Educational Theology”.
Cornelia Roux - Respecting History and Remembrance in Religious Education Research: Research In Religion Education: A Circle of Trust
Sturla Sagberg - Religious education as culture education
Thomas Schlag - Holocaust remembrance and human rights education: Visual trust and responsibility as a task for religious and interreligious education - in Switzerland and beyond
Peter Schreiner - A Protestant Perspective on Religious Diversity in Education in Europe
Bernd Schröder - RE and mission - historical links and present challenges
Ulrich Schwab - Having or losing rememberance – is history the source of a new Protestant identity?
Friedrich Schweitzer - Children and Religious Difference: Construction – Deconstruction - Co-Construction
John ValkMualla Selçuk - An Islamic Worldview: Religion in a Modern, Secular, Democratic State
Makoto Shibanuma - Historical Survey of the Religious Education in Japanese Public School
Shan Simmonds - The now generation of girls: (Re)respecting gender equity in religion and culture?
Geir Skeie - Memory and heritage in history education and in religious education: a cross-disciplinary investigation into social sciences and humanities education
Siebren MiedemaCoby Speelman - Liberal democratic societies and the need for religious citizenship education
Karin Sporre - Human dignity in global citizenship education (GCE). A critical exploration and analysis of GCE texts.
Julian Stern - The Influence of Research-Oriented Professional Development on RE Teachers: A Case Study of the Westhill Seminars
Heinz Streib & Constantin Klein - Violence, Xenophobia, Religion and the Readiness for Mediation in German Schools
Howard Summers - Respecting History and Remembrance in Religious Education Research: A glimpse into present-day South Africa
Ulrika Svalfors - How to Become an Environmental Moral Subject
Geoff Teece - John Hick’s Religious Interpretation of Religion: An Unexplored Resource for Religious Educators.
Ina ter Avest & Cees Kom - Principals’ Dilemmas, the school’s Christian identity in a pillarized educational system in a post-pillarized society
Phra Nicholas Thanissaro - What makes you not a Buddhist?: A preliminary quantitative survey
Valerie Torres - Recuerdos, Multiple Belongings & Traditioning: Respecting History and Remembrance in Religious Education from U.S. Hispanic Perspectives
Michael GillisMartin Ubani - Jesus the Jew in Jewish and Christian school books
John Valk & Mualla Selçuk - An Islamic Worldview: Religion in a Modern, Secular, Democratic State
Johannes van der Walt - The anatomy of religion: implications for religion in / and education
Jon Vestol - Textbooks and Students’ Interpretation of Religious Text.
Doerthe Vieregge - Socially disadvantaged young people and religious diversity in daily life
Kerstin von Brömssen - Religion as a resource?
Marie von der Lippe - Competing discourses: An analysis of young people’s talks about religion and diversity
Karen Walshe - Understanding ‘understanding’ in Religious Education
Kevin Wanden - Going Digital: Student and Teachers Voices
Wolfram Weisse - Interreligious Dialogue at University and at school. The example of Hamburg.
Baruch Offir & Niva Wengrowicz - Role of the mediating teacher in the classroom in a distance learning environment when teaching humanistic subjects
Charl Wolhuter - Policy on Education and Religion in South Africa : Toward Social Justice?
Andrew Wright - The Rehabilitation of the Pursuit of Truth and Truthfulness in Religious Education
Elina Wright - Teaching and Learning with All Faiths and None: Supporting Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development of Young People
Yaacov Yablon - The Role of Self-Motivation in Understanding the Contribution of Intergroup Encounters between Jewish and Muslim students in Israel
Yoshimasa Yoshioka - The Significance of Comenius Pedagogy in the post-modern age.

COLLEGIAL ABSTRACTS, in Presenter's surname order. Click on Top after any abstract to go back to the INDEX OF PRESENTERS.

Stefan Altmeyer - The Contribution of Religious Education to a Culture of Remembrance within the Context of Secondary Schools in Austria, Germany and Switzerland

The paper presents an international comparative research project that is going to be implemented as a cooperation between universities and educational institutions in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The leading research question is: What is Religious Education in secondary schools able to contribute to developing and fostering a “Culture of Remembrance” (especially of Holocaust remembrance)? The main objective is to explore and analyse forms of Religious Education in schools dealing with the specific religious perspectives of memory as well as its impacts on social forms of remembrance. The research approach aims to integrate three perspectives:

(1) The hermeneutical and comparative study of the normative social, theological and didactical discourse on Remembrance with special focus on national conditions,

(2) The empirical exploration of the attitudes and perceptions of religion in the context of remembrance in pupils’ and teachers’ implicit frames of reference,

(3) The development of educational concepts to foster school-specific formats of memory culture through Religious Education.

One leading hypotheses of research is that neither normative positions nor didactical conceptualizations realize the fundamental gap between objective models of the relationship between religion and the memory culture and the subjective theories on it. That’s why the main focus is put on students and teachers: What do they think about the relationship between religion and remembrance, which indicators of a school-specific Culture of Remembrance do they see, which possible contributions of Religious Education do they imagine? The collegial paper primarily aims to present and discuss the project’s qualitative empirical approach to these questions. Top

Trine Anker - Beyond the Pale: Respect and otherness in a Norwegian multicultural school

In the Norwegian curriculum for primary and secondary education (LK06) in general, and in the specific subject curriculum for Religious Education, the aim of learning to respect is emphasized. Knowledge about “the others’” culture and religions contributes to achieve this aim, according to LK06. However, what respect is, and who the others are, is neither questioned, nor explained.

If learning to respect “the others” is an important matter for education, we need to know about different practices related to otherness in schools. Taking LK06’s aims of learning to respect and moral philosophical discussions of respect and recognition (Axel Honneth and Charles Taylor) as points of departure, this paper discusses who the others are, and how borders between we and others are practiced?

The question is addressed empirically. My methodological approach is ethnographic and the material was constructed through fieldwork in a Norwegian multicultural school from January to June 2009. The main methods for constructing material are participant observations in classroom and schoolyard and group interviews with students. This material shows how students enact and discuss respect according to their own categories “Norwegians” and “foreigners” in a blurred and border crossing manner. To which group one belongs, is dependent on different characteristics, interests and practices. These students’ practices carry possibilities for new discussions of respect and otherness in moral philosophy and in education. Top