USM Preservice Teacher Education Internship Course Assessment Rubric

Intern: Assessment:

The following is the EDU 324, EDU 644 and EDU 613 course rubric for the teacher education internship. Each assessor should use a single copy of this rubric for each intern, returning to it repeatedly throughout the semester/year to record observations and other evidence of performance.

In order to Pass the first semester of internship, the intern should have consistently and convincingly demonstrated skills indicating basic performance. An intern needs to attain a minimum of Basic/Partially Meets (2) in each of the Standards. In order to pass the second semester of internship, an intern needs to attain a minimum of Proficient (3) in each of the Standards.

Standards 1 and 2 / Distinguished / Proficient / Basic / RATING
Nurtures / Facilitates learners’ inquiry into / Provides opportunities for learners to discuss personal, family, community and/or cultural values, experiences and norms.
Uses modified or culturally relevant materials, resources, tools and technology to address exceptional learner needs.
Designs lessons that include multiple perspectives in the presentation and discussion of content and include learners’ personal, family, community, and cultural experiences and norms.
Builds multicultural curriculum materials that reflect global diversity and demonstrate global competency. / Actively gathers information about / Distinguished
learners’ growth / their own personal, family, / learners (personal, family,
and development / community and cultural values, experiences and norms / community and/or cultural values, experiences and norms.) / Proficient
Builds a common understanding of literacy and language skills and / Uses understanding of literacy and language skills, exceptional needs, / Basic
exceptional needs with her/his / and learners’ background knowledge
learners and collaborates on / to identify specific learning and / Does Not
strategies to support language / linguistic needs of individuals and / Meet
learning. / groups of learners
Reflects on multiple perspectives that
include learners’ personal, family,
community, and cultural experiences
and norms
Responds to learners’ commonalities / Employs a range of individualized supports, flexible groups and/or extended learning experiences to / Employs individualized supports, flexible groups and/or extended learning experiences to support / Applies interventions, modifications, and accommodations based on IEPs, 504s, gifted, and/or other legal / Distinguished Proficient
and differences / support students’ development of cognitive, literacy and language skills and cultural awareness. / students’ development of cognitive, literacy and language skills and cultural awareness. / requirements, seeking advice and support from specialized support staff and families. / Basic
Does Not Meet
Standard 3 / Distinguished / Proficient / Basic / RATING
Creates a positive learning climate / Contributes to the development of school­wide norms and values related to respectful interaction, rigorous discussions, and individual and group responsibility for quality work / Collaborates with learners in the development of classroom norms and values related to respectful interaction, full engagement in discussions, and individual responsibility for quality work. Shares these with families and caregivers.
Communicates verbally and nonverbally in ways that demonstrate respect for each learner’s cultural background and perspective. / Builds positive relationships with students.
Articulates expectations for behavior that include classroom norms and values related to respectful interaction, full engagement in discussions, and individual responsibility for quality work.
Listens responsively and supportively to the cultural backgrounds and differing perspectives learners bring to the learning environment. / Distinguished Proficient Basic
Does Not Meet
Manages the / Supports learner independence / Actively involves learners in managing / Manages the learning environment by / Distinguished
environment / and self­direction in developing and implementing class routines; and learners identifying their learning / the learning environment, implementing class routines and making full use of instructional time. / organizing, allocating and coordinating resources (e.g. time, space, materials) and develops / Proficient Basic
needs, accessing resources, and / Provides options and resources to / purposeful routines to promote / Does Not
using time to accelerate their / engage learners with subject matter. / learner engagement and maximize / Meet
learning. / Provides opportunities to develop skills / the use of instructional time.
Supports learners’ growing ability to participate in decision­making, problem solving, exploration, and invention, both suggesting resources and guiding their independent identification of resources. / in collaborative and self­directed learning in order to take ownership of learning.
Expands the options for responsible use of interactive technologies to extend learning. / Varies learning activities to involve whole group, small group and individual work, to develop a range of learner skills.
Provides opportunities for learners to use interactive technologies responsibly.
Collaborates with learners in
identifying possibilities for learning
locally and globally through
responsible use of interactive technologies.
Standard 4 / Distinguished / Proficient / Basic / RATING
Demonstrates / Collaborates with others to expand / Uses the content standards and / References the disciplinary content / Distinguished
content knowledge / her/his content knowledge in order
to keep up with changes in the discipline. / learning progressions in the
discipline(s) fluently to plan long­term curriculum and make adjustments for / standards and learning progressions
to plan instruction.
Begins to communicate concepts, / Proficient Basic
Articulates how current / individual learners. / processes and knowledge in the / Does Not
interdisciplinary themes (e.g., civic / Accurately and effectively / discipline. / Meet
literacy, health literacy, global / communicates concepts, processes / Uses vocabulary and academic
awareness) connect to the core / and knowledge in the discipline. / language that is clear, correct and
subjects and weaves those themes / Regularly uses and academic language / appropriate for learners.
into meaningful learning / that is clear, correct and appropriate for / Draws upon initial knowledge of
experience. / learners. / common misconceptions in the
The teacher evaluates and modifies / Uses the processes, vocabulary, and / content area and uses available
instructional resources and / strategic tools of the discipline to / resources to address them to plan
curriculum materials for their / address misconceptions and build / instruction.
comprehensiveness, accuracy for / accurate and deep understanding.
representing particular concepts in / Seeks out ways to expand or deepen
the discipline and appropriateness / his/her content knowledge and ways of
for his/ her learners. / representing it for learners, presenting
diverse perspectives to engage
learners in understanding, questioning,
and analyzing ideas.
Creates / Facilitates learners’ independent / Provides multiple representations and / Uses a variety of means to represent / Distinguished
experiences / use of methods of inquiry and standards of evidence in the discipline. / explanations of key ideas with connections to varied learner background knowledge and / and explain key ideas in the discipline.
Links new concepts to familiar / Proficient Basic
Facilitates learner autonomy in / experiences. / concepts and helps learners see them / Does Not
examining new concepts in / Engages learners in reflecting upon the / in connection to their prior knowledge / Meet
relationship to their growing base of / connection between prior content / and experiences.
content knowledge. / knowledge and new ideas and / Engages learners in applying
Engages learners in identifying / concepts. / methods of inquiry used in the
diverse perspectives. / Facilitates learners’ independent use of / discipline.
Evaluates and modifies instructional resources and
curriculum materials, when needed, to be more accessible and meaningful for his/her learners. / disciplinary methods of inquiry using standards of evidence appropriate to the discipline.
Uses a variety of methods to engage learners in the use of use academic language and to facilitate complex thinking (explanation, analysis, synthesis). / Models and provides opportunities for learners to engage complex thinking.
Consults with other educators to make academic language accessible to learners with different linguistic backgrounds.
Standard 5 / Distinguished / Proficient / Basic / RATING
Embraces diverse perspectives and real world issues / Engages learners in identifying real world problems, issues, or themes they can explore through projects, using their acquired and expanding knowledge and skill in the content areas.
Facilitates learners’ connections with local and global resources to aid the exploration of their chosen focus. / Collaborates with a colleague(s) in another discipline(s) to create learning experiences that engage learners in working with interdisciplinary themes. Guides learners to apply knowledge from more than one discipline to understand a complex concept or set of concepts and/or to address a real world problem or issue. / Helps learners see relationships across disciplines by making connections between curriculum materials in a content area and related perspectives from another content area or areas.
Engages learners in applying content knowledge and skills in authentic contexts. / Distinguished Proficient Basic
Does Not Meet
Develops / Fosters learners’ ability to / Uses problems or questions to guide / Introduces learners to the problems or / Distinguished
critical thinking,
creativity, collaboration, / independently identify issues or problems in or across content area(s) and use critical thinking / learners in applying the critical thinking skills and other tools in the content area. / issues addressed by the content area(s) as well as the local/global contexts for those issues. / Proficient Basic
and / skills to explore possible solutions, / Reinforces learners’ use of these skills / Fosters development of literacy and / Does Not
communication / actions or answers. / to solve problems or answer questions. / communication skills that support / Meet
Provides a variety of / Guides learners in understanding and / learning in the content area(s).
opportunitiesofor learners to independently and collaboratively / applying literacy and communication skills in the content area(s). / Helps learners recognize the disciplinary expectations for reading
apply literacy and communication / Helps learners reflect on how these / different types of text and for writing in
skills in gathering and analyzing / skills support their clear communication / specific contexts for targeted
information and in preparing and / of understanding of issues and / purposes and/or audiences. Provides
delivering oral and/or written / problems in the content area(s). / practice in both.
presentations of their work. / Supports learners in tailoring / Provides opportunities for learners to
Structures options that engage / communications for different audiences / demonstrate their understanding in
learners in independently and collaboratively focusing on a real world problem or issue, carrying out the design for a solution, and communicating their work.
Engages learners in independent work to plan and carry out a research project, requiring that they make explicit their evaluation of sources and their reasoning for what they include or omit and presenting their results.
Fosters learner independence in identifying and accessing local and global people and resources to help address questions or issues. / and purposes.
Guides learners in developing possible solutions to real world problems through invention, combinations of ideas, or other creative approaches.
Creates situations for learners to independently gather, organize and evaluate information and ideas from a variety of resources.
Fosters learners’ abilities to question and challenge assumptions embedded in source material.
Engages learners in identifying and connecting with people and resources, locally and globally to explore topics or questions. / unique ways, such as model making, visual illustration and metaphor.
Guides learners in gathering, organizing and evaluating information and ideas from a variety of resources and perspectives.
Structures interactions among learners and with local and global
peers to support and deepen learning.
Standard 6 / Distinguished / Proficient / Basic / RATING
Designs and / Collaborates with learners to / Provides learners with multiple ways to / Uses, designs or adapts a variety of / Distinguished
use multiple
methods of assessment / design assessment tools and resources.
Uses data to maximize the / demonstrate performance using contemporary tools and resources. Uses data to guide the design of / classroom formative assessments, matching the method with the type of learning objective. / Proficient Basic
developmentoof knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving skills / differentiated individual learning experiences and assessments. / Uses data from multiple types of assessments to draw conclusions / Does Not Meet
embedded in learning objectives.
Works individually and with / Collaborates with colleaguesoto analyze performance on formative and / about learner progress.
Participates in collegial conversations
colleagues to gather additional data / summative assessments across groups / to improve individual and collective
neededoto better understand what is affecting learner progress and to / of learners and engages in joint development of strategies for improving / instructional practice based on formative and summative assessment
advocate for necessary change. / instruction and support to meet / data
Works with colleagues to analyze / standards
progress against standards and
expand the range of supports for
learners with varied learning needs.
Collaborates with others to use
summative assessment information
to evaluate the effect of the curriculum and instruction on the learner.
Uses assessment to engage learners in their own growth / Engages learners in givingopeers feedback on performance using
criteria generated collaboratively. Builds learners’ metacognitive skills, guiding them to identify how specific strengths of the performance and to propose concrete strategies for improvement for themselves and for their peers.
Engages learners in analyzing their own records and work samples with regard to their progress toward learning objectives and to set new goals. / Engages learners in generating criteria for quality work on a particular assignment.
Identifies key areas in the criteria on which to give individual feedback to reinforce each learner’s strengths and identifies critical next steps for growth. Designs learning experiences that help learners apply the feedback and strengthen their performance.
The teacher makes digital and/or other records of performance available to learners so that they can monitor their progress and identify areas where they need additional practice and support. / Engages learners inoexamining samples of quality work.
Provides learners with criteria for the assignment tooguide performance. Using these criteria, points outs
strengths in performance and offers concrete suggestions for how to improve work.
Structures reflection prompts to assist each learner in examining his/her work and making improvements.
The teacher makes digital and/or other records of learner performance so that s/he can monitor each learner’s progress. / Distinguished Proficient Basic
Does Not Meet
Uses / Uses multiple assessment / Prepares learners for the content and / Matches learning goals with / Distinguished
ethically and minimize bias / methods/modes challenging learners to demonstrate their understanding in a variety of ways. / cognitive demands of assessment formats by helping them identify and apply strategies to address those / classroom assessment methods and gives learners multiple practice assessments to promote growth. / Proficient Basic
Works with others to minimize bias / demands. / Implements required / Does Not
in assessment practices to ensure / Modifies classroom assessments and / accommodations in assessments and / Meet
that all learners have a variety of / testing conditions appropriately to / testing conditions for learners with
opportunities to demonstrate their / enable all learners, especially learners / disabilities and language learning
learning / with disabilities, language learning / needs and learners who are
needs, and gifts and talents to / advanced academically.
demonstrate their knowledge and skills / Engages in ethical practice of formal
Identifies and advocates for learners / and informal assessment
potentially needing modifications or / implementing various kinds of
adaptations to be able to demonstrate / assessments in the ways they were
their learning. / intended to be used and accurately
interpreting the results.