Year 3 Science Forces and Magnets – Block 3FM – Amazing Magnets

Session 6:All The Fun of the Fair!
Science curriculum area: Forces and Magnets / i. notice that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance
ii. observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others
iii. compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials
Working Scientifically (LKS2) / i. reporting on findings from enquiries, including oral and written explanations, displays or presentations of results and conclusions
ii. identifying differences, similarities or changes related to simple scientific ideas and processes
Teaching Objectives /
  • To ask questions on magnetism to get people thinking
  • To answer questions and write explanations using knowledge and understanding of magnetism

Key Vocabulary : magnetic, non-magnetic, attract, repel, attraction, repulsion, poles, force
Resources: These resources may vary depending on your chn’s ideas.
Quiz PowerPoint, quiz sheets, quiz answer sheet, quiz answers PowerPoint, teaching PowerPoint, Teachers’ Notes.
A large selection of different magnets (as used in previous sessions), the resources made by groups last session for the Science Fair, e.g. magnetic fishing rods, race tracks, magnetic playing pieces, the signs and notices made by groups last session to attract people to their activity, a large selection of craft resources, e.g. card, paper (including coloured paper and card), scissors, glue sticks, PVA glue in pots with spreaders or brushes, pens, pencils, marker pens, permanent markers, felt pens, pencil crayons, rulers, magnetic items, e.g. metal bearings, paperclips, paper fasteners, bulldog clips to use in the group activities, the resources required by groups for their activities, e.g. coins, stop watches, sand timers, water tank – but these will vary according to your chn’s ideas, the plenary sheets (Group Activity Summary) completed last session, camera
Whole Class:Before the session read the Teachers’ Notes to determine how you want the chn to do the Quiz on Forces and Magnets (either an individual assessment on their knowledge and understanding of the 3FM content or a revision quiz in pairs).
We are now great experts on magnetism and later we will get everything right ready for the science fair. But as today is our last session on magnetism, let’s begin with a quiz on everything we have learnt so far. Give out the quiz sheets (either to pairs or individuals – see Teachers’ Notes). Show the quiz PowerPoint. Either collect the sheets in after the quiz or show the answers PowerPoint so that the chn can mark their sheets. Congratulate everyone on their expertise! I have been talking to Mr Newton about all the fantastic activities on magnetism that you have been preparing. He is very excited about all your ideasbut he is keen for the visitors to not only have fun with magnets but also to learn from the activities as well. A really good way to get the visitors thinking is to ask them why they think something is happening. Let’s think about the sort of questions you could ask. Show the Session 6 teaching PowerPoint.
Activities: Set the chn off in their groups towrite their questions and answers on folded card. It is a good idea to draft them on paper first and then copy them onto card once everyone is happy with the wording. The chn may wish to back their signs to make them stand out and look good. They should then set up their activity so it can be photographed (for Mr Newton) but you could also consider sharing the pictures on the Hamilton Blog to inspire others. Once each group has set up their display, encourage them to visit the science fair and have a go at some of the other activities and challenges. It might be a good idea to show the final slide of the teaching PowerPoint again and leave it on display to encourage respectful participation.
Teacher to support as needed.
Plenary / Praise the chn for the high quality of their work on this task. Visitors to the science fair will have an amazing time and learn such a lot too! Let’s spend a few minutes reflecting on each other’s activities. Lots of you got the chance to try them out and we can always learn from each other’s advice. So let’s all try to think of 2 stars and a wish for one of the activities we tried (if you are not familiar with this, see Teachers’ Notes for an explanation). Invite chn to share their stars and wishes for different activities. Discuss any possible improvements to the exhibits. Tell the chn you will be sending Mr Newton the photographs of the activities, signs, questions and answers. The BSS will then turn these into top quality exhibits for the science fair. If possible talk to the chn about plans to use their exhibits for their own science fair, fete or open day - see Teachers’ Notes.
Outcomes / Children will
  • Take part in a quiz to assess their knowledge and understanding of magnetism (learnt through this block)
  • Ask questions that encourage participants at the science fair to think about magnetism and its effects
  • Write explanations to answer these questions
  • Quality test each other’s exhibits and pass on advice and praise using 2 stars and a wish

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.

We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.